
What is Love?

"I-Is this a...Love Letter...?"

He muttered to himself in shock.

A Pink colored letter with red-colored shining stripes on it and a beautiful heart are drawn in it.

He is continuously staring at that letter because of its charming style.

He then looks at his wristwatch then he thinks while making a serious face.

'Is Love... really good...? Does True Love... really exist...?'

He looks confused.

He thinks again.

'At least I have to see what is written in it. No matter what it is, the sender does some courageous work to send it to me...so I must appreciate it.'

He smiles gently then opens the letter.

***Inside the Letter***

"Please Come to the Rooftop during Lunch."

~ Your...


"My...What? Who wrote that letter...This handwriting is really so beautiful...I think...I must have to take a look at least."

He muttered to himself while putting his fingers on his chin.

Then he put that letter in his pocket and then changed his shoes then went towards his classroom.

On his way to his class...many of the students greet him.

"Good Morning Sue.

Good Morning Topper.

Good Morning Sir.

Good Morning Our Topper.

Good Morning.

Have a great day."

He only responds while nodding.

He thinks while looking towards the ground while walking.

'Humph. What should I do to get rid of their fake smiles towards me? (sigh) Sometimes I wonder...Why do I even bother about this....? Maybe I became so taller, I think it's because I am not able to look down now...But they will never understand...until it happens to them...They think of me as a Topper because I'm good at studying and good at sports and other stuff but they never see...that....'

He enters his class and sits on the first bench of the left row and thinks while looking outside from the window towards the clouds.

".... I'm A Murderer..."

He muttered to himself then closed his eyes.

He sees his past memories.


"Let's go to have some lunch at the new restaurant there."

Sue said to his friends with an exciting smile.

"If you treat us then, of course, we'll go."

His best friend said with a smile.

"Well, I, Of course, I will. Let's go."

Sue said with an exciting voice.


His other friends said enthusiastically.

The Past Sue is just the opposite of the current one. The Past one is cheerful, friendly and an extrovert-type person... completely opposite of the current one.

***Memories Ends***

He opened his eyes and muttered to himself again.

"....A Murderer...who killed the person he once used to be."

He sighed and thought.

(sigh) 'Maybe I will be able to at least see who wants to talk to me...'

He takes out that letter and thinks.

'...I never go because of that...But...I have To...because I don't know...'

He looks at that handwriting and the design of the heart on the letter.

'...Why does it feel so familiar...?'

Then he put that letter back in his pocket.

The classroom door opens and the teacher enters the class.

"Good Morning My Dear Students."

A beautiful woman greets every student with her charming voice.

Every student stands up and greets her by saying.

"Good Morning Miss Yasashi."

Miss Yasashi is a 25 years old, kind-hearted woman with long dark blue colored hair that reaches down her waist and Blue shining eyes. She is of average height And has a slim body and fair skin. She is unmarried and an excellent teacher. She always worried about Sue because of his introverted nature. She always tries to help him with his problems as a teacher.

"So as you know students, After this week...Your graduation ceremony will be held. So now it's time for you all to prepare for your College study. So now take out the books which you have chosen for your subject and start studying...If you have any problems just ask me, okay ?"

Miss Yasashi said in her Caring voice.


Every student responds.

'Our School owner owns 5 colleges in Rewa including our school too. Every student who will graduate from our school has to choose their favorite College among these 5 colleges. All 5 of them are the best colleges in Our Country. The first one includes the students of MPC (Maths, Physics, Chemistry) Intelligence. The second one includes the students of Biological Intelligence. The third one includes the students of Arts Intelligence. The Fourth one includes the students of Commerce Intelligence. And The Fifth and the last one includes the students of Writers Intelligence...'

Sue then takes a glimpse at Marie who is sitting at the right corner of the second bench and thinks again.

'...I Wonder which college she chose for herself...'

Then he looked at his desk and muttered to himself.

"...Why do I even think about her....?"

Then he takes a glimpse at her again. She is writing something.

"I'm just curious...about her...I don't know Why ?"

He muttered to himself again.

Then he starts doing some writing work too.

Miss Yasashi looks at Sue and thinks.

'Alas...What a genius he is but still an introvert...I just wish that he will be open to others too. I don't know why he doesn't want to mix up with others. (Sigh) I wish that he will become that person he once used to be.'

(***Miss Yasashi teaches Sue from kindergarten and also watches him grow up. She always tries to help him, make some friends but Sue never shows any interest in it. She is worried about his future because it's true that he's a genius in every field but still he needs someone to help him in his works, someone who is reliable to him, someone who always wanted to help him in every aspect...But he found none of the other students worthy of it. That's why he is always alone. And also because he thinks that others only wanted to befriend him because of his reputation.***)

Sue after doing some work looks outside of the window and thinks.

'I sometimes miss those days...When my smiles are Real.'

Then coincidently, A Cloud takes the shape of A Heart, not exactly but kinda looks like.

He looks at that heart and thinks.

'What is Love? Strange...'

Then he closes his eyes and thinks for a second then looks at other students.

He while looking also sees Marie.

The wind blows and her hair moves.

Sue widens his eyes. The way she looks when some of her hairs are mixed up looks so beautiful.

Then he closes his eyes again then looks outside of the window at that Heart shaped cloud and mutters to himself.

"Love is like a shiny Moon in the dark sky...where everything is dark but still there's one thing which always gives you so many Lights."

Then he smiles gently while closing his eyes.

Now after some periods, Bell rings and lunch break starts.

Sue got up and went towards the rooftop.

He thinks while walking the stairs.

'Who it might be? And what that person wants to talk to me about ?'

Then he opens the door.

"I'm happy to see that you come, Sue."

A familiar voice is heard.

Sue widened his eyes and said in amazement.

"You are..."