
The Only Best Friend That I Once Had

It's kind of Cold today.

I slowly open my eyes and uncover myself from the blanket.

I sit on my bed and look at my alarm clock.

"Hm....7:10 AM."

I Muttered to myself then suddenly my eyes fell towards the window.

Unfortunately, no one is there. I remember the time when he was there and always smiles at me while seeing me wake up.

But he is not there anymore.

I sighed and got up from my bed and stepped towards the window and looked outside towards the clouds.

"You're there, don't you ?"

I said to myself while remembering him.

I then smiled and stepped downstairs.

His departure is the biggest sorrow of my Life.

I Never thought that he would leave me like this.

I entered the dining room.

As expected my parents and my little sister are there, waiting for me.

My Father smiled at me and said with a smile.

"Good Morning Son. How are you going ?"

I smiled back at him and said,

"Good Morning Dad. I'm Fine."