
The Day Earth Fell into Silence

“Any human alive must be captured, neutralize and reported to the nearest post!” In a world much like our own, an ordinary day takes a sinister turn when a sudden and mysterious slumber claims the lives of most of humanity within minutes. Amid the desolation, Chump discovers a glimmer of hope: her sister miraculously survived. Reunited but thrust into a harsh reality, they soon encounter enigmatic beings from another world. These interplanetary visitors from Mantrea reveal that they have conquered Earth, harvesting souls for their goals under the decree of their formidable "Goddess". With a thirst for revenge burning in his heart for their world death and his sister being kidnapped, Chump embarks on a quest to gain any sort of powers, survive against the madness and confront the leaders of this otherworldly dominion. Along the way, he must find a way to control the elusive and potent magic known as Remenant, a force beyond his comprehension. Vengeance, survival, and the mysteries of Remenant weave a gripping tale of determination and resilience. Not gonna lie, I feel the sypnosis a bit generic for my taste, but hey, will have my touches here and there KYAHAHAHA!~ I also post the novel in RR until i get a contract somehwere hahaha~ (This is a weaktostrong long novel. New chapter once a day, at 21:20 GMT+8... I should stop changing the hour, but i realize that most of my viewers are middle asia and far east europe~)

Clyonor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

History lessons.

Hours passed, and it was now an hour before dusk. Chump had been explaining without many breaks, answering every question that arose. The human had been at it for more than ten hours, using chalk, colors, and even writing on the walls and floor to illustrate his points.

Both androids were fully engaged in this intense and concentrated class, completely captivated by Chump's passionate explanations. Chump's fatigue was evident, as he struggled to hold onto the table with both hands, sporting dark circles under his eyes. His stomach growled, begging for food, and his mouth was parched.

"So, we've reached the 2010s," Chump began, his voice showing his weariness. "This last decade saw significant developments in existing technology. Computers, television, mobile phones, and cars—all of these inventions were optimized for efficiency, speed, added functions, and compactness."

Chump closed the notebooks and the presentation. "So, that's the entire story of humanity and its relationship with technology. Any questions, my diligent note-takers?"

Clem and Meisho had meticulously recorded everything with crystals that now glowed almost entirely red, signifying they were nearly full. Their hands moved as fast as old automatic printers while listening, and Zippy diligently sketched out whatever he could comprehend. The bunnies were fascinated by the two-thousand-year history lesson, although they did begin to complain about something.

"What's the matter?" Chump asked, looking at them. Clem quickly replied, "They mentioned there are a few years left unaccounted for in your presentation."

Chump yawned, appearing disinterested as he gazed up at the sky and responded indifferently, "Yeah, there were some experimental efforts, like direct brain-machine interfaces and remarkable advancements in fully functional mechanical limbs with minimal delay. But everything came to a halt."

Meisho inquired further, "Why did it come to a halt?"

Chump shrugged, "Some otherworldly beings decided to invade our planet, capturing the majority of souls and halting all technological progress, leaving the planet inoperable. There might still be some information on the Internet, but it's likely not operational."

Chump took a deep breath and prepared to move on to a presentation on physics and electrons, but Zippy interrupted by jumping onto him and shutting down the generator. "What are you doing?" Chump mumbled, puzzled by the bunny's actions.

"That was an excellent explanation, and I now understand many reasons behind the things I've observed. However, that's enough for today," Meisho declared.

Chump groaned and rolled his head around, exaggerating his movements. "Oh, come on, don't start feeling sorry for me now. We don't have much time, and we must—"

"Stop," Clem interrupted Chump. The human appeared confused and wanted to respond, but the golem continued, "You're not in a healthy condition to continue. You haven't eaten or had anything to drink, and you need rest."

Chump protested, "You're the ones who commented on how fragile humans are and how we shouldn't be killed. Maybe I'm just trying to preserve what's left of my culture?"

Meisho's voice remained monotone as she stated, "Your recent experiences are affecting your mental health, and you're being irrational."

Chump sat down, exasperated, closing his eyes. His whole body slumped, and his head tilted back to face the sky. "And? Why do you care? You're here to learn about our technology and improve yourselves, and I'm giving you what you want. Isn't that the objective?"

Clem looked at the ground while organizing their materials, guilt in his voice. "It's not worth it if you die due to poor health. Please, I just—"

"You what? Make another comment about 'how we shouldn't kill your race' or another joke about 'how weak my race is'? Or maybe another princess will descend from the sky to make me their plaything? I don't know how much time I have left! What if Ephiron's master, whatever it's called—"

Meisho interjected, "Ladice." The android looked at the golem, disappointed.

"Ladice, thank you, Miss Meisho," Chump continued his angry rant, fear and dread consuming him by the second. "What if Ladice decides to meddle and find me out? I can't stop her! I might die! You might die because of the contract too! I don't want anyone else to die!"

"We didn't choose this invasion!" Clem and Meisho shouted simultaneously, surprising themselves.

They exchanged glances, Chump's emotions in turmoil, while Meisho bore a clear expression of guilt.

Chump looked at the bunnies for a moment. They were scared. Terrified that the situation might escalate again. Zippy caught Chump's attention with some movements in front of him, pleading with puppy eyes and half-crying.

Chump yawned again, rolled his head a couple of times, and mumbled, "Alright, fine... I need a shower anyway. Zippy, could you prepare some food and water? I'm going to sleep. Both of you, just read your notes if you have any questions."

Chump expected it to be a long night, filled with thoughts or perhaps another emergency. He headed to the gym for a shower, only to be met with a pleasant surprise from the pets.

Zippy and a few kind-hearted bunnies helped the human cook a hearty meal of omelets with warm cocoa milk. They also prepared half a gallon of water and arranged his bed.

Surprisingly, Chump passed out almost instantly after being in a calm environment. Zippy and the other bunnies noticed his whole aura and mood returning to normal, and they cuddled up to him, all their breathing in sync.

Meisho and Clem moved away from the lab, gazing out at the stars. A full day had passed since Ercles had declared Chump's protection, and the appointed time was drawing near. Amidst all the algebra, calculations, repairs, and management tasks, a single phrase echoed relentlessly in Chump's head, like a broken record:

["Look at me. I am literally considered a creature that shouldn't exist on your damn planet! The entire planet!"]

Meisho stood beside her colossal titan, perched on its shoulders, while Clem climbed up to the titan's head to be at eye level with her master. Meisho then asked Clem, "Clem... Is it wrong to have irrational thoughts?"

Clem pondered for a moment and replied, "I do not believe so, Master Meisho. Everyone experiences irrational thoughts from time to time. But I think that's what makes life beautiful, don't you?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment, but it was soon broken by the communicator on Meisho's end lighting up. She was receiving an incoming call, and the voice on the other end was the same as the one who had spoken to Darinma earlier this morning.

"Ladice, General of Clyon, speaking. General Meisho, are you there?" the voice on the communicator said.

"Yes, I am inspecting my territory. What's the reason for the call?" Meisho responded.

"I am at Earth Camp fifteen. I was informed that a human is near your territory, and the situation pertains to us. If that human injured one of Clyon's daughters, he must pay for his crimes," Ladice stated.

"He is under my control, and I have received the report of the situation. He did not commit any crime," Meisho countered.

"No, he must face a trial and be under our jurisdiction," Ladice insisted.

"He engaged in a rightful duel under Celestial watch and was rightfully rewarded by them. I have witnessed it myself. As long as the human is within my territory, I will decide what to do with this asset. Is there anything else to inform you?" Meisho replied firmly.

"We received a report stating the contrary, that he initiated the confrontation and tricked Princess Asaga into a dueling spell," Ladice said.

Meisho's voice tensed a bit, "We both know that Princess Asaga would not do that out of pride. He is currently being used as my asset."

"Queen Sinomis…" Ladice corrected herself, "Sorry, First Lady Sinomis, personally filed the impeachment. We are following her orders."

Meisho's voice grew more resolute, "You know he defended your butler, and still you are going to put him under arrest? He is a human; he will not survive the trials."

"And you know we must follow the orders from our higher-ups," Ladice responded.

"Clyon did not order this!" Meisho insisted.

"General and First Lady Sinomis did. I will send a squad led by Captain Ju—"

"No," Meisho interrupted firmly.

Ladice was taken aback, "I am sorry?"

"No, the human is sharing valuable information, and we have made significant discoveries that our technology is five hundred years behind theirs. Other threats could erupt and cause damage to the planet's surface as well," Meisho argued.

"Meisho, we can extract his memories. I will request a soul extractor from the generals of the Anemsikers," Ladice proposed.

Meisho grew visibly nervous, her tendrils almost melting through the floor, "No, Ladice. Listen to me. I can handle this. That human is innocent in all of this. We both know it. I need fifty days to extract all the necessary information; the incarceration can wait."

"Meisho, do you understand the implications of what you are suggesting?" Ladice inquired.

"I saw the technology he was using. He is a great asset to our nation. He has saved my right-hand multiple times! I BELIEVE that human can be a central key to turning this war around if we can secure his full cooperation. Please," Meisho implored.

There was a long silence on the other end of the call, leaving Ephiron, Julie, and the squad waiting anxiously for Ladice's response. Finally, Ladice spoke, "Very well. Fifty days from now. Once the time is over, I will personally transport the prisoner to our world. I expect a detailed report of all the progress our nation can make to improve our quality in EVERYTHING. Understood?"

"Y-yes…" Meisho replied, her relief evident.

The call ended, and Meisho was visibly sweating oil. Clem was about to ask something but was cut off by her master, who said, "That was... unnerving. All of this for a human." She chuckled softly.

On the other end of the call, the giant figure of Ladice returned to the portal without uttering another word. Julie was baffled, exclaiming, "What? He's just a human; we must capture him!"

But Ephiron stopped her, nodding and explaining, "In all of our years, the long months we have been interacting with Meisho, she never, ever had faith in someone. She is an Artificial being, believing without concrete proof…"

"That human is interesting."