
The daughter of my boss

My name is David...I'm working in a big mansion as a private security of a girl called Tania,, When l started to work and make her security everything was going very well and normal but, Something started to change..

wps1234 · Urbano
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30 Chs

The daughter of my boss.

Someone slapped the car's windows while screaming. Charlotte yelled while looking to the windows scared.

''Jerry? you son of a bitch, you almost killed me.''' Charlotte said to him while she breathed deep and with her hand on her heart.

jerry knocked the car's windows to Pamela open.

Pamela did. ''What do you want?'' She asked jerry.

''Charlotte you are my savior. My car broke down and I can't call my parents to pick me up, so please can you take me home? ''' jerry said to her.

''Okay! just get in.''' Charlotte said to jerry who quickly get in her car.

''Look behind you,'' Charlotte said to jerry with a mocking smile. Jerry looked.

''What?'' Jerry asked her without understanding anything.

Charlotte looked to Jerry confused. She looked to the mirror in front of her but she didn't see Tania.

She looked back.

''What?'' She said confused.

She was here a minute ago. Charlotte said.

Who was here? Jerry asked her.

''Tania. ''

Jerry laughed.

''was Tania here? I think you think too much about her that you are seeing a mirage.'' jerry said mocking her.

I'm not seeing a mirage damn it. She was here a moment ago. But she just disappeared.

''Let's go! let's go. I believe in you.''' Jerry said to her laughing and mocking her. Jerry stopped talking. Jerry made googly eyes, like if he had seen a ghost.

''What? is there something behind me? is it Tania?'' Charlotte asked him with a panicked face.

Charlotte swallowed dry.

Jerry yelled while trying to open the car's door. Charlotte also yelled panicked while she bent down covered her head with her hands.

Jerry started to laugh.

''What?'' She asked him confused.

''You're so fucking scared Charlotte,'' Jerry said to her laughing.

Charlotte looked back and didn't see anything. You jerk. she yelled while she slapped Jerry several times.

''Let's go.''' Charlotte said to Jerry.

''What about Tania?'' Jerry asked her.

''I don't care anymore,'' Charlotte yelled.

Damn. That fucking boy spoiled everything. Tania thought while looking at the car getting away.

Next day.

''Good morning sweety. How was your night?'' Tania saw her father and bread sitting on the sofa.

Good dad. Tania answered him.

Good morning, Ms. Tania. Brad said to her.

Please. Just call me Tania. Now you're my father-in-law. Don't need to be so polite. Tania said to Brad.

Brad, laughed. Okay. Tania.

Sweety, I need to talk to you. The Governor said to her.

Someone shot me yesterday and I think the danger is not over yet.

I think David is not recovered yet, so for a while, I found another security for you. at least until David gets totally recorded from the shoot.

''No, dad, I won't.'' But before she finish Her father asked the security to get in.

He entered.

''What?'' Tania wondered while looking straight to the door. But it was very different than she thought. Tania gasped while looking with googly eyes. She was in front of, her. And she was surprised.

Brad whispered something in the governor's ear. Governor laughed. ''It looks good. let's do it.'' The Governor said.

''I don't know who is this guy or How good he is at his work but, I'm an expert in art martial and self-defense. I'm stronger than I look. So Don't worry Tania. you will be in good hands.''

Her new particular security said to her.

David was getting a bath. He went straight to the mirror and stopped in front of it.

He looked where he got shot and touched it. Ouch! It was still hurt. He would need more than one or two weeks to get totally recovered.

''Mom I'm leaving,'' David said to her.

Okay, my son takes care, She stopped while she made a sad face. She saw David putting a gun on his waist.

''So now you're like your father. Walking with a gun everywhere.'' His mother said.

It's just for a while mom. I don't know if the danger has completely passed.

''I see. Where are you going, son?''

''I'm going to Tania's house. Today is her birthday so I need to go there.

A car honked.

''Mom, I'm leaving,'' David said while he kissed her cheeks.

Okay, take care son. She answered.

''Why are you so mad Tania? Are you jealous? you don't need to be, you're so beautiful.''

A lot of important people started to arrive at her party.

Tania was dressed in a long white dress.

The car's door opened.

So is he her boyfriend?

David got in the car David looked at her she was beautiful.

''What if he kisses her thinking that she is me, dad? I don't want her as my security, I think a man with a scarred face will be better.'' Tania said to her father complaining.

''I hadn't thought about it,'' Governor said to her thinking.

You see. let's go there too. Tania said to him.


Are you mad with me? I did something? is it a kind of game? David asked her.

No, you didn't do anything. And it's not a game. You will understand son.

She is strange today. David thought to himself.

David was confused.

The car stopped.

''See. They already arrived.'' The Governor said.

It's not me Tania screamed. David looked and saw Tania running towards him. If Tania is there.

He looked beside him with a scared face. ''Who the heck are you?''

She smiled. ''Hiii.'' She said while she waved her hand.

My name is Lidia. She answered David.

Lidia? David wondered.

David looked at Tania again and looked at the unknown girl who until now he thought was Tania.

What the heck is going on? he thought bewildered by such a situation.