
The third year of high school

Y/N POV- do you ever had a feeling that you just started schools and is almost the end of the journey in high school? Well I do, plus it's now been 4 years since me and (B/N) had been together. But at the time when I thought today was all normal, until me and my classmates felt the whole school shocked, but lot more pressure than a normal earthquake. Until we all was started to panic, which it so lead to complete chaos. where the announcer came on saying "we need everyone to evacuate the building, ago to the safety shelter place, so the scouts can check if the close is clear, as soon we can make sure everyone is safe, so to roll call to."

B/n pov- When we felt the massive earthquake we were scared of what was going to happen to us. We didn't know what going on but it better not ask questions. So I went to go find Y/n, soon later I found Y/n under her desk. I got her up to her feet, we push open the door and see that everyone else had already evacuate the building, when we heard a member of the scouts. The Scout said "what are you brats still in here, when its not safe," I ask " what is going on, why is everyone evacuated." As the scout so said "their is no time for question, was there anyone else." me and Y/N both shook our head to side to side and said "no." Then another scout came in and said "Yeager," in a creepy way...

Levi's POV- I was so worry about my daughter, when I felt that massive earthquake. Then Erwin came in behind him was four-eyes named Hange. Erwin start to say "Their is a titan attack, and we need to rescue the high school that is at Titan High School." When I heard that, I grab my gear and all the things I need. then I rush to the high school that my daughter was in. I felt pit in stomach of the feeling worry about my own daughter. Like worried that my own daughter could in out died, but I don't think like that at the moment. Then I got to the high school, I heard this "Their no time for questions, are there anyone else in here." Than I seen two teenagers from where I was around the counter, as the teenagers shook their heads no. I came in and I said "Yeager." In my normal grumpy mood.