
chapter 5 :The Ceremony on the High Platform

Late at night, Junqi and the healer rested in the outer chamber of the palace, while Sijiang dozed by Junyu's bedside.

"Jiang'er." A voice, barely a whisper, called out. Sijiang woke up immediately and sat up, tightly grasping Junyu's right hand.

"Father, I'm here," Sijiang responded anxiously.

"My time is short, and there are things I must tell you today." Junyu's expression was filled with helplessness. "It wasn't Yingjiu who injured me."

Sijiang was stunned. "But that day, Yingjiu told me himself that he had harmed you..."

"That day, he came to me, knelt before me, and said that Yibo had secretly used the dragons to kill his mother. Afterward, Yibo pretended to reveal the existence of a secret dragon-slaying technique. Realizing he had fallen into Yibo's trap, he decided to use himself as bait to lure out this scheming villain." Junyu's breathing became more labored with emotion.

"I felt pity for the child, but for the sake of peace, I went along with his plan and gave him the dragon-slaying technique. But soon after he left, I was attacked and lost consciousness."

"When I woke up, I heard that Yingjiu had slaughtered the dragons and that you were leading him to the East Sea."

"It was Yibo. He used his beast-taming skills to control Yingjiu." Sijiang tried to calm herself. "At that time, Yingjiu hadn't fully merged with the dragon bones, so his emotions were unstable, allowing Yibo to succeed."

"He also managed to make me unconscious so I couldn't stop him. What a well-laid plan." Sijiang gritted her teeth, trying to control her anger.

"Sigh." Junyu sighed deeply. "Since then, my health has deteriorated rapidly. I didn't know why until I noticed tiny lumps moving in my chest and realized I had been poisoned with Gu. It must have happened when I was first attacked and knocked out."

"Yibo was your trusted advisor. How could he do something so vile?" Sijiang raised her voice, unable to contain her anger.

"Jiang'er, humans are not like dragons, who are straightforward and harmonious. Humans are filled with desires, and these desires can lead to great evil. The pursuit of power amplifies greed, anger, delusion, arrogance, and doubt."

"You are pure-hearted, but you must have experienced something to change from a naive girl to someone so cold." Sijiang lowered her eyes, silent.

Junyu continued, "Remember, in this world, you can only trust yourself. Never place your hopes on others, not even me."

Sijiang quietly acknowledged her father's words, though she didn't fully understand them.

"I made a mistake by valuing Yingjiu too highly and failing to see Yibo's true nature, leading to this tragedy. Yibo has worked hard for the throne. Now he has many of the kingdom's leaders on his side and was once Yingjiu's equal in power. I must pass the throne to him."

"Father, can you really entrust our people to such a cruel and deceitful man?" Sijiang frowned, confused.

"Jiang'er, if I don't, Yibo will surely kill you, Qi, and many innocent people." Junyu spoke with anguish. "I am too weak to fight any longer."

Sijiang was silent for a moment. "Father, I have a request!"

"Please order Yibo to act as the regent. Leave the rest to me. The ruler of Xiadu must be someone I can support, not Yibo."

Sijiang knelt before Junyu, her eyes filled with determination and strength.

To ensure peace for the people, she was determined to make Yibo pay. She also wanted justice for Yingjiu.

In another part of the palace, no one noticed Junqi's fingers twitch slightly.

The next morning, Sijiang, on Junyu's orders, summoned the leaders and officials to the high platform.

"Everyone, my father showed some improvement last night, but he is still too weak to handle state affairs. He has issued a decree that I must announce."

Sijiang bowed to an elderly man. "Pugong, would you kindly read it to everyone?"

Pugong, the leader of the Tushan clan and Junyu's father-in-law, was a strong and influential figure. Despite his age, he was still vigorous.

"Since Jiang'er asked, I won't refuse." Pugong smiled at his granddaughter.

"Kneel—" The crowd knelt, the atmosphere solemn and dignified.

"The heavens have given us desires, and without a leader, there is chaos. The heavens have given us wisdom to rule. Today, I appoint Yibo to govern the land, continue Yu's legacy, and act as regent. My daughter Sijiang will assist him."


After the ceremony, the sun broke through the clouds, shining brightly. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and the clouds around the sun formed fiery patterns, like a giant beast rolling in the sky.

"Congratulations, Lord Yibo." Led by Sijiang, everyone congratulated Yibo. "Even the heavens celebrate your appointment."

"Leaders and officials, assist Lord Yibo well. Do not fail in your duties," Sijiang said with a half-smile.

Yibo responded loudly, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not disappoint you!"

Relieved, he felt his long-awaited plans were finally coming to fruition.

Sijiang continued calmly, "My father needs rest and cannot be disturbed. Anyone wishing to visit him must see me first. Disobey, and I will not tolerate it." Her gaze swept over the crowd, lingering on Yibo.

"Everyone, you must be tired. Go and rest."


Though a woman, Sijiang held a special position and was powerful. With the authority to assist in governance, everyone was wary of her.

As the crowd dispersed, Tushan Pugong remained, deep in thought.

"Pugong, what's troubling you?" Sijiang asked.

"Can the ruler truly trust Yibo, such a treacherous man?"

"What do you mean?" Sijiang feigned ignorance.

"I may be old, but I'm not blind! I've seen Yibo's rivalry with Yingjiu."

"I heard from my informants that Yibo kidnapped Yingjiu's mother. I thought it was internal conflict, but now I see it's Yibo's scheme."

"Thank you, Pugong!" Sijiang's heart trembled. There was still a witness. "Pugong, what you said is true." She stepped back and bowed. "I have a request."

"Speak, Jiang'er." He helped her up.

"Xiadu is your and my father's legacy. It can't fall to a ruthless man like Yibo. He poisoned my father with Gu."

"The only one with such skills in Yangcheng is Yibo of the Ren clan."

"Outrageous!" Pugong was furious. "Such a man can't rule Xiadu!"

"Pugong, calm down. We need evidence. Yibo is cunning and has covered his tracks. The witnesses might be dead."

"Do you have a plan?"

"I need you to find out if there were any witnesses when Yibo harmed Yingjiu's mother and if the Hushi clan has allied with him."

"Finding witnesses is easy. But why the Hushi clan? They are loyal to your father." Pugong was puzzled.