
The Darwin Snake

Disclaimer: If you are stupid and think I own Tensura, then sorry to burst your bubble. I don't. If I did, then Tensura wouldn’t have succeeded as much. Summary: A human soul transmigrates into the body of a newborn snake with some strange skills. How would it fare in this world where people with strength like Gods roam freely. Surviving this mayhem should be its first concern. Also, this is gonna be a dark story. It may not be as dark as some you might find on this platform, but be warned nonetheless. This is not for the weak.

Azathras_Salvation · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Beginning

I look around in boredom, sipping the tea from my cup. The dark sky, high buildings, and all the people and cars passing by frantically. I can't see anything else interesting, other than the enraged expressions of everyone passing by.

Through the hazy window of this run-down cafe, not much is visible. Time had indeed changed this place. I remember working here some years ago, serving everyone who came and watching them eat.

Now, this place is being shut down. A new building will take its place.

I go back to watching the cracked and webbed walls listlessly.

I am Carlos Linkin.

I was born into an impoverished family. We didn't have much money, but at least we were happy with what we had. My parents didn't even have enough money for me. All my requests to Santa asking for a sibling were left unanswered.

My father, Kisuke Linkin, was a construction worker. Working hard every day for his family. He was a Japanese-American. He always used to tell me about how beautiful his mom and Japan were. I never got to see any of them.

My mother, Sera Linkin, was a traditional woman. My dad loved that about her, he said it reminded him of his mom. She stayed at home and took care of me, both due to her nature and her weak body.

My mother suffered from an unknown disease.

We never knew what it was. Hospitals charged a shit ton for their tests and all the money my father managed to earn was spent on my education and running the house.

It was only in the far future that I came to know it was cancer.

They wanted me to become a Doctor, so I could cure my mother. How foolish those dreams look now that I know the truth.

But before I was even into my teenage years, I lost her.

I still remember that day when I opened the door only to see her lying down in a pool of her own blood. I didn't know what to do. I just froze.

I still wish that I had done something.


Maybe she would have still been with me if I was not so scared. Dad wouldn't have turned into an alcoholic if I had called for an ambulance that day.

We all would have lived happily if not for my fear. Alas, it's all in the past.

I was devastated at that time. I had cried for what amounted to 1 month.

Dad and I were left alone in our house. He wanted to cry and grief for his wife too, but he had to still take care for me.

He bottled up his feelings and got back to work in 2 days. Despite all this, he still loved and cared for me. Even while broken, he was a great father.

He worked harder to forget mom, but he never got over her. I knew cause I sometimes woke up at night to hear his sobs.

He tried to make me happy. He tried to fulfil my every wish. But he still couldn't bring back mom nor could he stop drinking. No matter how much I pleaded.

This type of life affected him greatly. He turned to alcohol to relieve his pain and sorrow. His co-workers encouraged him to drink more, saying things like, "It would drown your sorrows".

It didn't. Instead, he was found dead in a river after 4 years. Apparently, it was a mugging gone wrong.

The one responsible for my orphaning was found soon due to being irresponsible. The murderer was sentenced to a hefty 37 years of jail time.

I grew up from the age of 10 with no mother and was completely orphaned at 14. Living alone in a small dirty house. I had no relative that could take care of me, and no neighbour wanted to get involved.

The only source of income I had was some small chores I did around the town. No one wanted to hire a fourteen years old kid, but luckily I looked older than my peers. These chores earnt me just enough to not die of starvation.

Some would say that I should've just killed myself, relieving myself from the pain of living this hopeless life. They would be partially correct. I once shot myself. Or atleast tried to.

Father had a gun, a simple pistol. Mom and I knew about his love for weapons. Truly American of him.

Despite our requests for him to explore his interests, he remained adamant about prioritising us over himself.

A year later, on the day my father died, I had decided to use my his gun to end it all. It had 6 bullets. And one of them would have claimed my life that day, if not for my cowardice.

I had aimed for my head but due to fear, I missed.

It was a close call, the bullet missed me by 2-3 inches. The bullet has lodged itself into the wall instead of my head.

I didn't die.

After this realisation hit me, I had laughed hysterically.

Laughed at my own weakness. I had questioned myself. Why did I want to still cling to this life? Memories with my family had resurfaced, throwing me down the lane of nostalgia. I had already lost them. At that time, I was upset. Upset over my fate, thinking that I was cursed by the heavens.

It must have been those TV Dramas mom made me watch with her, fucking with my mind.

I had made up my mind then.

I was out for the blood of those who were the cause of my mom's death.

I would avenge her and father's death… Or so I would like to say. But there was no one to blame. This fact settled in after I got down from the high pedestal I was putting myself on.

I was confused and was suffering from God knows how many psychological conditions.

That day if someone had entered my house, they would have witnessed a very interesting scene. A child holding a gun, looking confused as fuck, and alternating his expressions between laughing and crying.

In this confusion, I had taken the rational path of finding people who shared the same fate as me. I wanted people who could sympathize with me.

I also held out hope that maybe doing this would lead me to some enlightenment on what to do next.

I had thought, it would be hard to find them. It's not like families are destroy led by the death of a person on a daily basis. Right?

Within weeks I had found 13 people who were in the same conditions. To say the least, I was baffled at that time.

This had made me question whether there was a reason behind so many of these seemingly different cases. A reason behind this suffering.

I still don't know how, but my mind recovered from that haze of destructive thoughts and chose reasoning over being emotional.

I asked everyone I met about what they think is the cause, and their answers varied in terms of complexity.

I pieced together the simple and complex answers to the question, and arrived at the common object in all the responses I got from everyone.

It was money. Or the lack thereof.

I still can't understand why I didn't see it earlier. Over so many years to ponder. But when it clicked, it clicked hard.

The old lady, who was the last one I asked, had freaked out so much back then. A 14-15 year old child laughing maniacally is completely normal.

I had found the reason behind my pain.

Money, a thing created by humanity in order to supress the majority and to empower the minority. Oh so beautiful the concept is.

If my dad had more of that, all of this could have been prevented. He did his best and still got nothing worthy. What was the reason behind that?

Workers are not paid enough. Why is that so?

The big corporations don't want to spend more than necessary. They want to maximize their profits. They want to do so because that's humane.

What's not humane is to cause unnecessary pain to others in order to achieve said profits.

There were rumours going around the internet that Pharma industry was intentionally hindering the progress of medical sciences to increase their profits.

The big pharmaceutical companies were the ones responsible for the death of not just my mom but every patient that died due to 'incurable' diseases.

I had, in a bout of pure teenager angst, taken these rumours at face value. A foolish thing to do.

But luckily, they were true, as I would come to find out in the near future.

I was extremely disgusted by this. For the benefit of few, the majority had to suffer. I wanted to end this.

I had the aim ready, I just needed the plan now, and I had the perfect one. But only if it was that easy.

I had infiltrated a company, Phoenix Pharmaceuticals. A corporation that I suspected had many hidden experiments and research going on.

I was their IT Consultant and Cyber Security Expert. While this may not sound hard, it was almost impossible for me. I had to first get an education and then pursue higher studies in Computer Science.

Which required something that was the root cause of my suffering. Money.

Though, it turns out that I was not cursed by the heavens. I got a scholarship after I won a competition.

It wasn't much. But it was more than enough to cover my education. I still did some menial chores like dishwashing and serving at cafes to earn side cash. Anyway, let's focus back on the future that is now my past.

I had been the perfect employee for them. I had the required education, I was not ambitious and I was definitely very trustworthy.

By some twisted mockery of fate, the corporation I chose to work in actually housed the research data of all the pharma companies. Acting as the data center for many similar corporations all around the world.

Apparently, they thought it had a "very safe and secure vault" due to not having any data leaks even before I joined.

What a fucked up luck I have. Well it worked out great.

What I had done, surely achieved what I had aimed for. The desire to be a 'hero' born out of a naive and childish mind, realised by years of efforts. Hahaha, how philosophical.

Now that everything was set, after years of creating very tight and obscure loopholes in their data storage.

I had leaked the data on the exact same date on which my mother died. I have finally avenged her. Now that all their research on cures for seemingly "incurable" diseases is out, many would benefit.

Years of careful planning. Years of painful acting. Years of nearly getting caught. All of these finally paid off.

I succeeded.

The proof of my success is the utter chaos that is the outside world. All governments are currently busy controlling the public outburst. They are failing miserably at that.

I am visiting this cafe for the last time. This is the end of my journey. Though I wish I had spent some time enjoying my life. I am sure my mother and father would have appreciated that more. Alas, my self-loathing won.

Maybe in the next life, it would be different.

I took the final sip of my tea. I wonder how enraged my boss and superiors would be after they find out that they can't even kill me, while I have ruined their lives and indirectly led them to their death.

I am starting to feel drowsy now.

The poison is showing its effects. I am slowly feeling its effects creep up. Fortunately, I was not dumb and had chosen a painless poison. I hate pain.

Extra Skill: Pain Nullification Acquisition Successful.

Sigh, on the doors of death, I am lamenting. If my mother didn't have cancer. If she hadn't died, maybe we would have been a happy family. I could have become a scholar with my intelligence.

Unique Skill: Scholar Acquisition Successful.

I have become whatever I am, due to my past. I have evolved from a naive child to someone who has made a change in this world. No matter how small or big of a change it is. I guess Dad would be proud of me.

Or not. Can never tell how an Asian parent's mind works.

Unique Skill: Evolver Acquisition Successful.

Sigh. All my life, I have been alone. Whatever friends I had in the past were either fake or I had strained our relationship by not paying them attention.

I shouldn't have become so hyper-focused on my plan. It would have been great if I had ever-present and like-minded friends with me. It would have made my plan and all those Computer Science lessons easier.

Extra Skill: Alluring Aura Acquisition Successful.

This world would have been so much better if we could create things out of thin air, like those magic spells from fantasy. I could have just cured my mother with some holy magic then.

It would make life so easy and fascinating if this was true.

God, I am sure those drugs didn't have intoxication in the list of their effects. Oh well, I guess these are the general thoughts of a dying man.

Extra Skill: Magic Manipulation Acquisition Successful.

If I was going to reincarnate, I would prefer being an animal over a human. Animals are easier to understand. I had made sure to release all my pets into the wild. Wonder if that "little" sneaky snake of a python is eating someone right now. Hope it's not one of his brothers or sisters. That would be funny.

Race Changed To Tempest Serpent.

Intrinsic Skill: Thermal Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Poison Fangs Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Poisonous Breath Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Thermal Sense Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Echo Sense Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Hard Scales Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Mana Core Acquisition Successful.

At least I am dying after bringing hope and happiness to so many people. I am sure they would remember me as a hero. Or not. Doesn't matter much. I am going to die anyway.

Extra Skill: Hero Acquisition Successful.

Slowly but surely, my eyes were closing. I guess this is the end.

And before I knew it, I was dead


What?... What is..this?...Where am I?! Why does my body feel so restricted?! Where are my limbs?! What is going on-

My train of thoughts stopped. A voice spoke into my head.

[Notice: Host body scanned. Non-Humanoid body-structure identified]

[Notice: Non-Humanoid Body identified as Tempest Serpent.]

[Notice: Unstable state of mind observed. High levels of Corticosterone detected]

[Notice: Host is getting emotionally unstable. Forcefully releasing anti-Corticosterone.]

[Notice: State of forced calm enforced]

Huh? What happened just now? Why am I suddenly so calm? Calm? Yes, I should remain calm. Ok, let's make sense of this mess.

I am not dead, seeing how I can still think. Not sure of that though, after all It's my first time dying. Maybe this is the afterlife and that robotic but feminine voice could be God?

The last thing I remember is sitting in a cafe and drinking the poison along with tea. What happened after that? I remember my dying monologue. I had asked for a second chance.

Don't tell me it came true. If that's not so, then I don't know what else it could be. The poison was a sure kill one, with no chance of surviving.

God, I hope it's true and I am not just daydreaming.

The world went still. I suddenly stopped my chain of thoughts.

The unknown voice spoke into my mind again.

[Notice: Scholar is open to queries now]

The voice sounded robotic. Though I still understood the gist of what it wanted to say. To say the least, I had many questions.

What are you?

[Answer: I am one of Host's Unique Skills, Scholar.]

What do you mean by "Unique Skills" and what's happening?

Seems like the only way to know about my current situation is this weird voice in my head.

What else can I do anyway? Dance?

[Answer: Following the order of queries, Unique Skills are skills that are the expression of the mind, emotions, and desires of the user, reflecting their personality and traits. They offer the User access to a unique power different from ordinary magic or skills.

As for the second query, the Host has undergone a transmigration from his world to the Central World. Currently, Host belongs to the species Tempest Serpent. A species given the ranking A-]

… Are you being serious {Scholar}? Did I really get a second chance?

[Answer: Scholar doesn't have the authority to lie to Host]

I don't even know how to describe my feelings. It all just feels like a fever dream. One that I want to never wake up from.

I am getting a second chance. A second chance to live. If this is true, I want to thank God or whomever did this. Now I can live again.

This time would be different. I won't make the mistakes I made last time. I won't dedicate my life to a single goal, and I would live life to the fullest.

Even if it's as a snake. Animals are better anyway. And if what this {Scholar} said is correct, then this Central World is a magical world. I am sure snakes can learn magic.

Even if snakes can't. I, a Tempest Serpent, can surely do magic. Right Scholar?

[Answer: Yes, Host can perform most kind of magic with time]

Perfect! I can totally be a wizard now. Just hope the Hogwarts of this world accepts snakes.

Also, what exactly do my skills do? And just how many of them do I have, {Scholar}?

[Answer: Would Host prefer it to be a list of all skills?]

Yeah, that would be appreciated.

[Intrinsic Skills: Thermal Resistance, Poison Fangs, Poisonous Breath, Echo Sense, Thermal Sense, Hard Scales, Mana Core.

Extra Skills: Pain Nullification, Magic Manipulation, Alluring Aura. Hero

Unique Skills: Scholar, Evolver.]

Interesting. Most of them are pretty self explanatory. Though, seeing {Mana Core} and Magic Manipulation} has definitely made me more relaxed about my admission in Hogwarts.

These Extra Skills are pretty simple too. {Pain Nullification} definitely does what I think it does. The {Alluring Aura} is suspicious though. The {Hero} looks intriguing too.

I am guessing that Intrinsic skills are common to the members of a race. It would make sense cause most of them are what I would expect a snake to possess. Am I correct {Scholar}?

[Answer: Yes]

Hmm, this opens up so many questions. How do Intrinsic skills differ in a species? Are there common Intrinsic skills that are possessed by almost all races? Do these skills evolve? Hmm, things to ponder on later.

Hey {Scholar}, can you explain the functions of my unique skills? I can infer some uses based solely on the name, but a description would be appreciated.

[Answer: Yes. Which skill would the Host like to know about first?]

I want to know about {Scholar} first then. Introduce yourself.

[Unique Skill: Scholar


- Chant Annulment: It eliminates the need for chanting when using magic after a spell is analysed or successfully cast. The spell is stored in the user's mind and available to be instantly cast just by thinking about its activation.

- All of Creation: It allows the user to comprehend anything as long as they have a basic understanding of it and it is perceivable to the user.

- Thought Acceleration: It allows the user to greatly increase the speed of their thought process. The user can adjust the level of acceleration as needed, as well as extend the effect to other individuals. The factor by which time perception is slowed down can be controlled by the Host.

- Analytical Appraisal: Analytical Appraisal releases waves that enter the target of analysis and perform a full scan of their composition, which is then sent back to the user. Through this, the user can gain information such as the material composition of the target, the amount of Magicules it possesses, and if they're under the effects of Skills or Magic.

- Parallel Operation: Allows the user to detach their analysis of phenomena from their regular thoughts. Allows the Host to multitask efficiently.]

DAMN! I am busted as fuck! Please don't nerf.

Jokes aside, this skill has some scary potential. The {All of Creation} basically makes learning anything easy.

Just repeating things without actually learning anything is really a curse. A problem that I faced many times during my student phase. This would have made things so much easier, but there's no point in pondering on ifs anymore.

The {Analytical Appraisal} and {Chant Annulment} are pretty busted too. They make this skill even more awesome.

The only weakness of {All of Creation} gets hard countered by {Thought Acceleration} and {Parallel Operation}. I can process information at lightning speed now.

Damn. This really is busted.

…You know what. It's fair. Curse me all you want. This is just cheating at this point. Hey, {Scholar}. Are there- Never mind. This thing answers my questions before I can even think of them, given I want it to do that. Otherwise It can give me answers at the normal speed.

Scary~ but I like it.

Anyway, getting back on track. My question was, 'Are there stronger people in this world?'. And it turns out that I am not even in the top 100,000 list.

So despite being busted, I am considered weak. It is scary to think what sorts of monsters are out there.

My race has been assigned an A- rank according to {Scholar}.

And the average ranking in this world converges to C+. So even my race is way above the average. Great.

This {Scholar} skill would definitely help me in learning magic. Hell, I am pretty sure I can do magic anytime. I just need to practise.

Finally, reveal this {Evolver}. Heh, Charles Darwin would definitely gain this skill, if he got isekaid here.

[Unique Skill: Evolver


- Dynamic Adaptation: Unique Skill: Evolver grants its wielder the innate ability to adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances and challenges. Whether faced with physical threats or magical threats, this skill empowers the user to rapidly evolve new traits and abilities to overcome them.

- Enhanced Growth Rate: The skill accelerates the bearer's growth and development to unprecedented levels, allowing them to achieve mastery in record time. With each new experience and challenge, they absorb knowledge and skills at an accelerated pace, rapidly progressing along their chosen path of evolution.

- Evolution Designer: It offers a myriad of evolutionary paths for its bearer to explore, each unlocking unique abilities and potential. Whether it be physical enhancements, magical aptitude, or mental acuity, the skill allows the user to choose their own evolution.]

…I am sure Charles is rolling in his grave. I just defied most of his postulates.

Being serious though, I am starting to think that I am the favoured one of the heavens. Otherwise, I would feel really sad for everyone else. This skill single-handedly outshines all the others. The power to evolve continuously? Yes sir.

Can't handle the cold or heat? Don't worry, you will adapt to it. Don't think you can survive the opponent's next attack? Don't worry, you will get resistance to it.

{Scholar}, How do I- Oh so that's how you evolve! I just need to increase my Magicules. I noticed this term earlier, turns out they are like particles. They are extremely reactive to the waves generated by thoughts of sapient beings.

This world sure does have logical explanations for something like Magic.

Also I just found out that I am made of these Magicules. Pretty cool in my opinion. The fact that I grow more powerful by just existing is somewhat perplexing. More cheats for me.

Now I just have to figure out why I am not sensing anything.

Don't tell me I was born deaf and blind as the price for my cheats. That would suck major balls. You got an answer {Scholar}?

[Answer: You have been using {Thought Acceleration} unconsciously to slow down time perception by a factor of 690,000.]

I sweat dropped.

Why am I doing that by a factor of the funny number? Did reincarnating make my unconscious mind more humorous? Oh well, I have been feeling very light headed ever since coming here. Why is that so anyway? Do you know {Scholar}?

[Answer: Due to {Scholar} sensing increased levels of stress hormones in Host, anti-conticisterone were released into the bloodstream. One of the side effects of that is Light-Headedness.]

Ohh, so that's why I have been feeling so 'Drunk'. Hmm, lower the anti-whatever to normal levels.

[Notice: As you wish, Host]

[Notice: Anti-conticisterone levels stabilized.]

Suddenly my whole perspective changed. It's like someone has poured cold water on my sleeping body. The gravity of my situation is hitting me with the force of a truck now.

I am in a world where those who possess real power roam freely, out in the wilds. The chances of me dying because I offended someone or did something wrong are quite real.

Of course, I still feel happy about my reincarnation but now I don't feel the same way about my chances of living this life to the fullest.

I need to calm down first. I am powerful. That much I can be sure of. If this world is anything like the fantasy worlds I read about in my world, then I would need that power.

After some pondering and questions to {Scholar}, I came up with a basic plan.

First of all, I need to find a safe place to grow stronger. Growing stronger is a matter of time for me. I can just sit still in some cave, and I would still grow stronger, although it would be abysmally slow. So I need a place where I can be ensured of my safety.

Now to do that, I would need to understand the power dynamics of this world in-depth. If this 'Cardinal World' is as big as I think it is, there are gonna be a lot of powerhouses in this world. And from what I have learnt from {Scholar}, transmigrators and summoned people are valued very highly here.

So I am a hot commodity around here, this makes choosing a base of operations harder. Not impossible though. Also, I am definitely not revealing my origin story to anyone that I wouldn't trust with my life.

Now for the second part, actually growing stronger. I would need to learn as much as I could, in the shortest amount of time. Just to be cautious, because while there's no one out there trying to kill me, I would feel much safer knowing that I am strong enough to protect myself.

My primary learning goals are earning skills, magic, and using my physical body to my advantage.

Lastly, I need allies. This world is dangerous and I would need to have people I could trust, in order to survive out there.

This are just the basics of my plan, it would need to be modified and changed as I understand and learn more about my situation.

Okay, now that I can at least function without having an existential crisis, I should probably let the time become normal and examine my surroundings. I had already asked {Scholar} about how I can control my skills, so I am feeling confident in being able to do what I desire without its help.

I focused on the thought acceleration part of the skill and willed it to retard my thoughts. I am able to feel the time flow get normal as I am able to sense more and more of my surroundings. It's very liberating to be able to command the velocity of your thoughts.

I finally opened my eyes to the new world and I wasn't just disappointed. I was in despair at what I saw, lor rather because I didn't see anything! Why is everything so dark?

My {Thermal Sense} wasn't working either due to there being no big heat sources around. This would generally mean that I should be freezing but my {Thermal Resistance} has got me covered.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Should I just travel blindly and hope for the best? No, that seems like a stupid idea.

Hmm, can I somehow use magicules to my advantage? If they do respond to emotions and thoughts, then I should be able to somehow use them to see, at least in theory. I do have {Echo Sense}, if nothing else works.

Hey {Scholar}, is my idea possible?

[Answer: Affirmative. Host can use Extra Skill: Magic Manipulation to observe the light fluctuations and Intrinsic Skill: Echo Sense to observe the sound fluctuations. Unique Skill: Scholar can process all the information and provide auditory and visual information about the surroundings.]

Huh. This skill is too terrifying. I should use it in moderation, lest I become dependent on it.

Go ahead {Scholar}, I want to get the first glimpse of this world.

[Notice: Unique Skill: Scholar is using Extra Skills: Echo Sense and Magic Manipulation.]

[Notice: Host has obtained Extra Skill: Magic Sense.]

The darkness around me exploded in colours. The world brightened as if the brightest star had shone its rays on it. I have seen colours before, but now I feel like I have been colourblind all my life till now. I tried to close my eyes to cut off this much stimulation, but my efforts were worthless.

It didn't take long for me to get accustomed to my new senses. I then decided to look around, and as I had suspected, I was in a cave. The walls were composed of bluish-grey rocks, and there was a stagnant body of water very close to me. The water looked crystal clear with a greenish tint, as if it had never faced pollution.

I only had one word to describe my first interaction with this world.


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