
The darkness within us

Not mine it’s my dear friend this is what she gave me to post

I_am_billons · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Xenos POV

I woke up with Violet looking at me, our amulets were glowing and we looked to be in alleyway. "Ugh..my head.."I mumbled. Violet face was red but she touched his head. "You've used a lot of magic, what even happened?" Violet asked. "Ugh, I don't exactly know...It was a white haired girl and we destroyed her...I think?" I said clearly confused. Violet sighed and stood up, Xenos stood up as well and looked up but a woman was about to land on them but Xenos tackled Violet into another alleyway and the woman landed on her feet and the place they were originally in, The woman teleports really fast and grabs Xenos by the neck, Xenos coughs. There was an orange light and then the woman was dead in another alleyway behind Xenos. Violet sighs "You alright?" She asked. "Im fine, Lets get outta here.." Xenos said.