
The Darkness that Looms

At first it was a darkness that desired to consume everything. After a war that lasted billions of years. It was now a peeble, now a rock then a human. Injured, near powerless and the last of its kind. It seeks to survive and pass on its abilities.

TheToasterThe3RD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

The Endless Desert

It took a few steps carrying its main body on its back. It looked up to see the height of the ledge that it would need to climb. The steep slop looked to be at least 70 meters up.

It dug its talons into the ground and began climbing. It would reach at about half way up but then fall all the way back.





It couldn't keep up with the extra weight on its back. For someone who looked like an empty husk, with no blood he was pretty heavy. It would either fall off itself or the main body would slip and fall off of vulture #1.

This was time consuming and inefficient. Night would soon fall if they kept the same pace. It was wasting time just being here and the other vultures that it had taken control of weren't even doing anything of value except watching the main body fall on its ass over and over.

To use its time efficiently it tried to fly out of the pitt using the other vultures. Vultures 2 and 3. This however proved to be a problem...

It didn't know how to fly in the first place so It had to focus on two things at once. Trying to get out of the hole with the main body as well and learning how to fly.




This lowered the efficiency even more as it was harder to concentrate on two things at once. Its mind did not split only its size and eyesight.






On the 4th day






Hope was beginning to dim... there was little to no progress to getting out of this hell pitt. It still carried out the task like a machine, that just kept trying, falling and getting back up in the process. This however narrowed its view, it only focused one thing and thus didn't try different methods. Fortunately however an eagle carrying prey passed by, it held it by It's talons. An idea came to mind.






On the 5th day






The plan to climb out was abandoned. It's only focus now was to fly. It spread its wings flapping as fast as it could to try and gain some air. It spend the whole day on trying to learn how to maneuver this.









There was no 6th day.





The air was hot and timid. No water could be seen for miles. The place known as hell(hell pitt) was finally escaped. With the help of all 4 vultures he was easily held up and carried out.

Its main body was fragile, so it keep the main body on one of the vulture's back. There was some sort of formation that was made. The main body was located at the back, with the 3 vultures in the front surrounding it.

It had been walking mindlessly for a couple of days. So the act of walking became monotonous. It started to walk forward without stopping nor looking around. There was nothing to see but sand for miles. It just became automatic to keep walking.

The main body was once again used. It started trying to figure how it could replace the heart that was damaged. It could spend all the time it wanted this time around since there was nothing to do but walk.... for miles upon miles....

It changed itself to its dark form and went to the heart. At first it saw same blue orb from last time but it was darker than before but right next to it was the heart.

It first spent the time looking at all the things that were connected to the heart. Days and nights have went by, not a moment of sleep is required. It spends the time finding the correct tubes.

The arteries, veins and capillaries. It looked at the various ones that were once connected. It mimicked the veins and the way they were structured and connected them once again.

Taking its time to slowing connected the heart, one by one. Once that was finished it changed its form to look like the heart. Thus it took its place.

The darkness was stretched once again resulting in a lower proficiency in moving around. It had grown weaker again.


I felt as if it was one with the boy once again, his limbs were working smoothly like before. He could move again though he felt lighter. Its probably due to the blood loss.

Once the heart remains, he can animate his body as he wishes. This event could even be considered a blessing in disguised as his heart is composed of its darkness. It unable to interact with things.

No dagger or spear will ever be able to pierce it or bring any harm. In a certain degree he is immortal.


