
The Darkness that Looms

At first it was a darkness that desired to consume everything. After a war that lasted billions of years. It was now a peeble, now a rock then a human. Injured, near powerless and the last of its kind. It seeks to survive and pass on its abilities.

TheToasterThe3RD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Clinging to Life

There was a planet that was slowly but surely developing.

It had the intelligent life one could wish for, it was called Earth.



It was flourishing with life, blooming with it!

The land was fertile and was mostly able to support life.




There was a variety of places but now here we have a desert deprived of life, with not a single living thing in sight, only the bones of dead animals that were not smart enough to migrate.

Now in this endless sea of sand lies a feeble pitch black entity.

Any normal person passing by would think nothing of it.




They would think that it was just some random peeble but atlast it was our shadow friend.

Our shadow friend that was thought to be previously dead was right here on Earth!

Though the journey wasn't the best as the last hundred years or so was spend looking at the moon and orbiting the earth.

By pure change did it get to survive, now it was just the size of a tiny peeble!

Nevertheless it had attached itself to an asteroid and now that asteroid turned into a meteor.




It had landed on earth and 8 months have passed.




The asteroid had left a few things behind. Firstly a huge crater and secondly the impact. The impact of the meteor pretty much killed everything in sight so now we're left with a sad husk of a desert.





The first 8 months have gone by so quickly as a result of being reduced to a pathetic state.

It could not move itself as it had no arms or legs (It was the shape of a peeble) or change its form either.

So now we're in the current situation.

It could not do anything.

It simply watched as the birds flew through the sky with wings that granted them freedom to be or go anywhere.

It didn't yet obtain words to express the way it had felt but it soon came to realize how bad the situation was...






The months were as followed




On the 1st Month, it had tried to move but could not as it was a sphere. It tried to change its physical form but could not.






On the 2nd Month, it had given up on transforming but instead waited for something to change.






The 3rd and 4th Months had nothing note worth, it simply waits and hopes that something will move it.








On the 5th Month an injured creature that had a long neck and a huge bump on its back had been walking around at the crater of the meteor impact.

The way it walked was funny and a red liquid had been pouring out of its front left leg. It staggered for a bit before eventually collapsing and sliding down the steep slop that was the crater.

As if the entities instincts were set ablaze! It quickly stretched itself thin to attach itself to the creature and clung to it. It had finally achieved what it had set out to do, it managed to move a couple meters without walking.






On the 6th Month it had a thought, it couldn't express it with words but the idea of a creature stumbling into the crater and then clinging to it to move forward was the idea.






In the 7th Month nothing much happened here, there were a few close calls with creatures that looked like the previous one, it had clung to but no of them came too close to the crater.






On the final 8th Month there was nothing at all, the signs of life that it had seen before had completely vanished.

Now back to the present.

It began to slowly lose hope. It had been 5 days since then, the creatures were no where to be seen. Occasionally birds flew by but there was no point in studying that as it was far beyond what it could reach.




It watched throughly, day and night. It did not sleep, it had no need to...



Its sole purpose was to now escape this crater, it had long forgotten about the battle it had faced to reach his state.

Its memory was foggy.




It was starting to forget.