
The Darkness that Looms

At first it was a darkness that desired to consume everything. After a war that lasted billions of years. It was now a peeble, now a rock then a human. Injured, near powerless and the last of its kind. It seeks to survive and pass on its abilities.

TheToasterThe3RD · Fantasia
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9 Chs

A demon incarnate

It felt a bit strange to have a body that had 4 limbs. It's sight was different from before and it could hear more clearly now. Its vision was quite fuzzy from the body losing all that blood.

It didn't know how to move itself at first but it soon started remember how the long necked creature before moved. So it used its 4 limbs to turn itself around and laid on its back.

It tried to move its "lower limbs" but there was numb. It looked down to see what was the problem.

Firstly there was an arrow stuck in its leg and secondly there was something was wrong with its other leg, it looked back and forth a few times. The problem became clear it was in the wrong direction..... so it grabbed ahold of it and then...


It snapped it back into place. It was painful beyond belief but it didn't scream, it needed to stay quiet. There is however a third problem that had now appeared, one of the goons had been watching. This is a problem, the element of suprise was now gone. It had to act quick.

"UH... Boss turn around..."

It now focused it's strength to a specific part of its body to stand up. He didn't know how to balance himself so he tried to remember exactly how that creature maintained its balance. So he placed his arms out and went on all fours.

"S-so what do we do know now? He's behaving like he's a wild animal" One bandit muttered.

"Is that what your focused on right now? He came back from the dead!?" They were visibly shaken and were looking for words from their captain.

"I'm trying to think" The captain tried his best to find a solution.

He tried to think of a reason but nothing came to mind. He could only think back to when his mother told him stories about demons and the fact that their existence defied logic or magic.

"I've come to a decision" he stated.

"We cannot let this child live, I'm sure you understand why I'm making such a hasty decision"

They all had unanimous agreed and clenched their weapons harder. They could not let this child go and besides killing a demon meant an even higher pay. There was no more hesitation once they thought he was of a demon's descent..

The "boy" took two steps forward, he too had come to a similar conclusion. To leave this place he to take the lives of these men.

They were all in the same attire as the boy except that there cloaks were brown. The two in the rear held spears while their Captain held a dagger. This was an unavoidable fight and completely one sided.

The Captain clutched his dagger and lunged forward with his danger aimed at his heart. It went through the boy's palm instead, who tried to block it. It didn't know that it had saved its own life, it had down so unconsciously.

"What happened to you!? You were a scaredy cat before but now you're even blocking attacking with you own body!?" He yelled so while pushing the dagger in deeper. He held his other hand to keep him in place.

Coming out of his mouth was some kind of sound that alerted the two men behind.

They rushed in with their spears and closed the distance immediately and aimed for his head this time.


Pointing this spears forward they aimed for the head.

In that moment a miracle occured.

The attack was dodged.

He dodged it... positioning his back in an inhumane way. He bent his back to move out of the spears range, moving his spine in a way that didn't seem humanely possible. It was like he was a zombie or a doll.

He was 90° degrees back and recoiled himself forward.

His normal view returned and he looked around to see his surroundings. In his view were men who were smiling at him near his chest area. It looked down only to see the spear extended outward without its tip. His body felt cold. It knew... It knew what this meant but it didn't want to be right.

"Huh?" It spoke its first words by mistake. The spear tip was pulled out and he fell to the ground.

'I t▪︎ld y▪︎u w▪︎'d get y▪︎▪︎"

"L▪︎ts §tay ▪︎ntil m▪︎rning to §▪︎▪︎ if h▪︎ re▪︎iv▪︎s, al§▪︎ ch▪︎ck hi§ h▪︎art j▪︎st incas▪︎"

It's hearing was failing and now its consciousness was going as well...

This isn't a situation it could have survived. It has not yet reached that level.









It has died.





For now it has died.







This is one of its many deaths to come.