
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Seven of Archangels (1)

Zeus let out a heavy sigh, his expression reflecting a mix of remorse and determination. "Now we must face the consequences and seek forgiveness from father," he mused aloud. Thor, ever the optimist, chuckled in response. "Indeed, brother. Let us shoulder the responsibility as Thunder Gods."

With a solemn nod, Zeus agreed, "Let us approach father together." Thor nodded in agreement, adding, "I have no desire to engage in conflict with you for the throne of the Gods and Goddesses. You are my brother, after all."

Zeus's surprise quickly melted into a warm smile. "Likewise, Thor. Perhaps we need not resort to such measures to determine our worthiness." The brothers shared a hearty laugh, their bond stronger than ever.

Their mirth was short-lived, however, as Odin, their father, materialized before them in a display of divine presence that left them awestruck. His booming laughter reverberated throughout the universe, instilling both fear and reverence in his sons.

Realizing the gravity of their actions, Zeus and Thor fell to their knees, their hearts heavy with remorse. "Forgive us, father. We have erred," Zeus pleaded, his voice tinged with regret.

Odin's laughter subsided, replaced by a tone of unwavering authority. "You need not beg for forgiveness, Zeus. Your strength remains unbroken. But now, it is time for you to return to your mother, Hera. She awaits your presence."

Zeus and Thor nodded in understanding, summoning their divine keys to revert to their base forms before setting off towards their mother's abode at lightning speed, leaving trails of thunder in their wake.

As Odin observed their departure, a faint smirk played across his lips. Turning his attention to the gaping void left in the wake of their battle, he raised his hand in a gesture of command. "Restore," he commanded.

With a wave of his hand, the void was filled once more, the stars, galaxies, and entire universe returning to their former glory as if nothing had ever transpired. In the vastness of space, equilibrium was restored, and the universe continued its eternal dance of creation and destruction.

As Zeus and Thor unleashed their supermassive rainbow thunders, the scene shifts to the border where Aneye and Malice continue their intense clash in the sky. Their battle momentarily halts as they both gaze upwards, beholding the awe-inspiring display unfolding in space. Aneye keenly senses the overwhelming presence of Divine Energy emanating from the cosmic storm unleashed by Zeus and Thor.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Hell Land, President Eligos stands witness to the celestial spectacle, feeling the weight of the Divine Energy pressing down upon him. Even in the face of such cosmic power, President Eligos remains composed, his focus unwavering as he takes in the magnitude of the event.

Back to the dramatic clash between Aneye and Malice, the atmosphere crackles with tension as their confrontation reaches a boiling point. Malice's words slice through the air with venomous envy and bitter resentment, starkly contrasting Aneye's composed demeanor. Despite past agreements, Malice's true motivations are laid bare—his hunger for power and dominance eclipses any semblance of peace.

Malice's voice drips with jealousy as he addresses Aneye, "Your strength surpasses mine, Aneye, and it has always filled me with envy. But I've dedicated myself to surpassing you through relentless training!"

Aneye meets Malice's gaze unwaveringly, "What schemes do you harbor now, Malice? Has Asmodeus ordered this confrontation? Have we not agreed to coexist in harmony?"

With a mocking laugh, Malice scoffs, "Agreements? Yes, but our true objective is to unveil the identity of Mysterieux! Do not stand in my way, Aneye!" With a swift motion, Malice summons his chaos key, unleashing its power to unlock his True Energies, proclaiming, "Calamity Ascension: Peak of Envies!"

As a crimson blast erupts from the depths of the underworld, engulfing Malice in its transformative energy, Aneye takes swift action. Through the celestial power of "[Celestial Telepathy]," he communicates with the other seven archangels, issuing a commanding directive, "Attention, fellow archangels! The seven deadly sins have breached the Holiest Land, intent on unmasking the enigmatic figure known as Mysterieux, the Political Minister of Labentia City. This is a decree from the leader of the seven archangels. Prepare for action."

The scene shifts to Ciocan Chamuel, who is enjoying a tranquil moment in the lush, verdant expanse of 'Fantasies Foresty.' This enchanting forest is renowned for its vibrant, otherworldly flora and the gentle, golden light that filters through the canopy. Ciocan leans comfortably against an ancient tree, its bark smooth and warm. His two pristine white wings are folded neatly behind his back, blending seamlessly with his white robe, which shimmers faintly in the dappled sunlight. His angelic eyes, a striking shade of silver, reflect the serenity of the forest, while his white hair, soft and untamed, frames his serene face.

Ciocan savors the sweet, juicy fruits he has gathered, their flavors a delightful blend of nectar and ambrosia. However, his peaceful respite is abruptly interrupted by a telepathic message from Aneye Gabriel, their revered leader. The urgency of the message is palpable, even before he fully grasps its content. Ciocan's expression shifts from serene to focused as he stops eating and carefully sets the remaining fruits aside.

With deliberate calm, he reaches for his small but potent divine hammer, which lies beside him. As his fingers close around its handle, the hammer begins to emit a bright, white light, illuminating the immediate surroundings with a pure, divine glow. "Seven deadly sins, huh?" Ciocan mutters to himself, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "I've been waiting for a chance to face Rancor again. Let's see if he's ready for me this time."

Determined, Ciocan unfurls his wings with a powerful sweep, the motion sending a gentle gust through the forest. He launches into the sky, accelerating rapidly until he is a blur of white light, heading towards Labentia City at an incredible speed.

Meanwhile, the scene transitions to the bustling streets of Labentia City, a sprawling modern metropolis characterized by towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge architecture. The skyline is a testament to human ingenuity, with glass and steel structures reaching towards the heavens, their reflective surfaces shimmering in the sunlight. The air is filled with the sounds of daily life, but amidst the commotion, a single melody stands out, drawing the attention of all who hear it.

Armonia Jophiel, one of the seven archangels, is seated on a raised platform in a busy plaza, her large divine harp resting against her slender frame. Her fingers move gracefully over the strings, producing a hauntingly beautiful tune that captivates everyone within earshot. The sound of her harp seems to transcend the urban noise, creating a bubble of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle.

Armonia's long white hair cascades over her shoulders like a waterfall of silk, partially covering her right eye. The exposed eye glows with an ethereal light, contrasting with her white eyelashes and eyebrows. Her white robe, adorned with intricate patterns of silver and gold thread, accentuates her divine aura. Her four majestic wings are folded elegantly around her, adding to her serene and otherworldly appearance.

The crowd around her stands in rapt silence, mesmerized by the harmonious music that fills the air. Each note seems to carry a sense of peace and tranquility, resonating deeply within the hearts of the listeners. The divine harp's strings shimmer as they vibrate, casting a soft glow that enhances the mystical atmosphere. Even the modern surroundings seem to bow to the divine music, the skyscrapers and bustling streets momentarily subdued by the ethereal sound.

However, the peaceful scene is soon disturbed by a presence that sends a shiver through the air. Lilith, the personification of Lust and one of the seven deadly sins, makes her approach. She moves with a sultry grace, her dark eyes locked onto Armonia with a predatory intensity. Lilith's appearance is a stark contrast to the purity around her—her form is both alluring and menacing, draped in garments that seem to shimmer with a dark, seductive energy.

As Lilith draws closer, the harmonious melodies of Armonia's harp falter slightly, sensing the malevolent intent that accompanies Lilith. The crowd, initially oblivious, begins to feel the tension building, a stark contrast to the serenity they were enveloped in moments before.

Armonia's fingers pause on the strings, her angelic eye narrowing as she meets Lilith's gaze. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, as the confrontation between divine harmony and seductive chaos looms. The modern cityscape, with its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, seems to hold its breath, awaiting the inevitable clash between these powerful beings.

As Lilith approaches Armonia Jophiel, her voice, both mocking and seductive, cuts through the air, "Just as Aneye Gabriel said... You and the other seven deadly sins have entered this Holiest Land." Armonia continues to play her divine harp, the melody shifting to a dissonant tune designed to disorient chaotic beings. However, Lilith stands firm and unfazed, a smirk playing on her lips. "It's been ten thousand years, my dear Armonia! I am not the weak demon you faced millennia ago," she says, her tone dripping with contempt and allure.

The men around them begin to succumb to Lilith's seductive aura, their expressions glazing over with infatuation. Recognizing the danger, Armonia shifts her melody to one of healing, its notes weaving through the crowd to counteract Lilith's influence. "Seek shelter," she commands, her voice clear and authoritative. "Demons have invaded the Holiest Land. The one before you is Lilith the Lustful, one of the seven deadly sins."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the men immediately flee in terror, their eyes wide with fear. Lilith watches them go, laughing in amusement. "It's useless, my dear Armonia," she purrs, closing the distance between them. She reaches out and lifts Armonia's chin with her fingertip, bringing their faces close together. "Oh, my dear Armonia, I've missed you so much. I thought we would never meet again." Lilith licks her lips, her eyes glinting with lust.

Armonia frowns, her expression hardening. "Don't you dare touch me, Lilith!" With a swift movement, she unleashes a powerful melody from her divine harp, the sound waves crashing towards Lilith with destructive force. But Lilith is quick to react, summoning her demonic whip to parry the attack. The collision creates a massive shockwave, reverberating through the streets and causing windows in nearby skyscrapers to shatter.

Despite the intensity of the clash, Armonia remains seated, her fingers poised on the strings of her harp, ready for the next move. Lilith, standing amidst the settling dust and debris, continues to smirk, her whip crackling with dark energy. The plaza, once filled with harmonious music and the hustle of daily life, now stands as a battleground between divine and demonic forces.

The air is thick with tension as both archangel and demon prepare for the next exchange. Armonia's divine harp gleams with a radiant light, its melodies a beacon of hope and purity amidst the encroaching darkness. Lilith's presence, in stark contrast, radiates a seductive menace, her every movement charged with malevolent intent. The fate of Labentia City hangs in the balance as these two powerful beings face off, each determined to emerge victorious.