
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Emperor Adam.

Emperor Adam, with his perpetually youthful and handsome visage, had a golden crown on his head, sat regally at the head of the meeting room table. His piercing black eyes and jet-black hair contrasted sharply with his royal attire as he presided over the gathering of the four territorial families. With a characteristic penchant for apples, he took a leisurely bite, savoring the crisp fruit as he spoke.

"Zeus and Thor," he remarked between chews, "I would relish the opportunity to witness their epic battles firsthand and to feel the surge of Divine Energy that accompanies their Ascension forms." His words carried a weight of anticipation as he pondered the legendary clashes of the celestial gods.

Turning his attention to the assembled families, Emperor Adam addressed the matter at hand. "Now, let us discuss the enigmatic figure known as Mysterieux," he declared, his tone grave yet measured. "Unlike any other being in existence, Mysterieux defies categorization as angel, demon, or any known race. Aliyah Qaru, a steadfast supporter of Mysterieux for the past five years, shall shed light on his mysterious nature."

Aliyah Qaru rose from her seat, her presence commanding attention as she addressed the gathering. "Mysterieux possesses a unique ability known as 'Matter of Darkness'," she began, her voice steady. "He has confided in me about his power, which includes the manipulation of shadows and the ability to summon dark chains. Additionally, he is capable of teleportation."

As she settled back into her seat, Emperor Adam's expression betrayed a hint of surprise. "Matter of Darkness, you say?" he mused, his interest piqued. "This adds an intriguing layer to the situation. However, I must caution you to maintain a distance from Mysterieux."

Aliyah Qaru recoiled slightly, taken aback by the directive. "Why?" she questioned, her voice tinged with confusion. "He is a vital influence within my Qaru Province, aiding me in matters ranging from combating crime to navigating politics and finance."

Akira Sakura, seated beside her, interjected calmly. "Aliyah Qaru, as the father of humanity, Emperor Adam's orders are absolute," she explained. "It is imperative that we adhere to his guidance, regardless of personal affiliations." Her words carried a sense of authority, underscoring the importance of obedience to the emperor's decrees.

As the shattered glass settled, a cloaked figure emerged through the broken window, sending shockwaves through the room. The representatives of the four families instinctively assumed defensive postures, poised for confrontation, while Emperor Adam maintained an air of calm authority.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion, Grimoire?" Emperor Adam inquired, his tone measured yet firm. The mention of Grimoire sent ripples of apprehension through the gathered assembly – Grimoire of the seven deadly sins?

Grimoire shed his cloak, revealing his identity to the astonished onlookers. "Where is Mysterieux?" he demanded, his gaze piercing as he directed his question towards Aliyah Qaru. "And what did you do to the demon soldiers I deployed to capture you?"

Aliyah Qaru met Grimoire's gaze with steely resolve. "So, you were behind those demon soldiers," she remarked calmly, her voice tinged with determination. "They were willing to sacrifice themselves to eliminate me, but Mysterieux intervened before they could unleash their Chaos Beam. But why go to such lengths to capture me?"

Grimoire's expression twisted into a greedy sneer as he revealed his true motive. "I seek your ancient artifact, Qaru's Pocket Watch," he declared, his voice dripping with avarice. "With its power to manipulate time, I could achieve untold feats. Hand it over, and perhaps I'll spare your life." His words hung in the air, laden with menace and greed.

Emperor Adam's commanding voice rang out, cutting through the tension in the room like a blade. "Enough," he declared, rising from his seat with an air of authority that sent shivers down Grimoire's spine. The room was suffused with an overwhelming pressure, Emperor Adam's formidable aura causing even the audacious Grimoire to quiver in fear.

Suddenly, Belial burst through the shattered windows, seizing Grimoire in a vice-like grip before swiftly retreating into the shadows. With a flap of his dark wings, Belial carried Grimoire away from the scene, his voice dripping with disdain. "You are always consumed by greed, Grimoire. Remember our mission: to gather information about Mysterieux."

As they vanished into the night, Grimoire's trembling voice echoed through the air. "Emperor Adam... He's more powerful than our Vice-President Asmodeus..." Belial's response was swift and cutting. "Pathetic. Emperor Adam's strength is beyond compare. You would do well to remember your place and not stray from our objectives without permission."

Relieved that Emperor Adam did not pursue them further, Belial soared above the Labentia City with Grimoire in tow. Meanwhile, Emperor Adam remained composed, observing the scene unfold with a calculated gaze. Aliyah Qaru broke the silence, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Why did you not pursue them?" she inquired.

Emperor Adam's response was measured. "Let my son, Qaros, along with his companions, Pemisa and Yaqi, handle the situation," he explained calmly, settling back into his seat. "Now, let us continue with the meeting." His words marked the end of the interruption, signaling a return to the business at hand for the assembled representatives.

The scene unfolded in the aftermath of the monumental clash between Zeus and Thor, leaving the once serene Empty Field now a chaotic battleground, shrouded in the tempestuous aftermath of their celestial duel. Amidst the swirling thunderstorm, the two gods stood resolute, their gazes locked in an unyielding display of sibling rivalry.

"Shall we take our contest to the boundless expanse of space, brother?" Zeus proposed, his voice resonating with divine authority. Thor, ever the stalwart warrior, nodded in agreement, and together they ascended into the cosmos, leaving behind the shattered remnants of the once tranquil field.

As they traversed the cosmic void, the majesty of the universe unfolded before them, a tapestry of swirling galaxies and distant stars. Yet, amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of creation, their focus remained singularly fixed on each other, their rivalry transcending the bounds of mortal comprehension.

With a thunderous roar, Zeus launched himself towards Thor, the crackling energy of his lightning-infused form illuminating the darkness of space. The force of his blow sent Thor hurtling into the nearby orbits, his mighty hammer Mjolnir trailing behind him like a comet's tail.

Undeterred by the staggering impact, Thor swiftly regained his footing, his eyes ablaze with determination as he prepared to meet Zeus's charge head-on. Yet, before he could unleash his fury upon his brother, Zeus raised a hand, halting him in his tracks.

"Brother, look," Zeus intoned, his gaze fixed upon the vast expanse of space before them. There, amidst the swirling cosmic currents, a fleet of alien spacecraft emerged, their sleek designs contrasting sharply against the backdrop of the star-studded void.

Zeus's brow furrowed in contemplation as he surveyed the approaching vessels. "It seems we have visitors," he remarked, a hint of curiosity tingeing his voice. "Perhaps it would be prudent to postpone our battle and address these newcomers."

Thor nodded in agreement, his grip tightening on Mjolnir as they awaited the arrival of their enigmatic guests. With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, the tension between the two brothers momentarily abated, replaced by a shared sense of curiosity at the prospect of encountering beings from distant realms.

Before long, a figure clad in dark armor materialized before them, his presence commanding respect and awe. Introducing himself as Hasel, the self-proclaimed king of the universe, he issued a bold proclamation of conquest, declaring his intent to subjugate the Celestial Planet and claim dominion over all.

Yet, his boastful words were met with incredulous laughter from Zeus and Thor, who quickly corrected his misconception with a touch of amusement in their voices. "You have mistaken your target, friend," Zeus remarked, a wry smile playing upon his lips. "This planet is not like the others you've encountered in your travels."

Thor's deep voice rumbled with mirth as he added, "A king of the universe, you say? Our father, Odin, is the creator of all. You are but a mere speck in the vast tapestry of his creation."

As their laughter echoed through the void, Hasel's expression darkened with rage, his grip tightening on his dark sword as he threatened retribution. Yet, as he beheld the divine energy radiating from Zeus and Thor, an unfamiliar sensation gripped him – fear. In that moment, he realized the folly of challenging beings of such immense power, and a sense of trepidation washed over him like a tidal wave.

With the stage set for a confrontation of cosmic proportions, the fate of the Celestial Planet hung in the balance, its destiny intertwined with the whims of gods and kings amidst the endless expanse of the universe.

As Mysterieux and Alia watched the intense battle between Zeus and Thor unfold on the television screen, the atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation. Each thunderous clash of divine power resonated through the air, sending shivers down their spines as they witnessed the celestial showdown. However, as the titanic struggle between the two brothers escalated to cosmic proportions and shifted beyond the confines of Earth, their view of the spectacle was obscured.

Feeling a sense of restlessness amidst the escalating conflict, Mysterieux rose from his seat, his mind preoccupied with mundane tasks that needed attending to. Sensing his departure, Alia's curiosity was piqued, prompting her to inquire about his sudden departure.

"Where are you going, father?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern. Mysterieux turned to her with a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of purpose as he replied, "Just a quick trip to the store for some groceries and to pick up Yana from school. You stay here and keep an eye on the little ones, alright?"

With a nod of understanding, Alia settled back into her seat, her attention once again drawn to the television screen as Mysterieux made his way out the door and into the bustling streets below.

As Mysterieux navigated the familiar streets of the Labentia City, his thoughts were consumed by the cosmic spectacle unfolding above. The sheer magnitude of the divine energy radiating from the heavens above filled him with awe and wonder, prompting him to cast his gaze skyward in search of its source.

To his astonishment, he beheld a sight unlike any other – a supermassive rainbow thunderstorm raging through the cosmos, its vibrant hues illuminating the darkness of space with an otherworldly brilliance. Stars, galaxies, and entire universes were consumed by its wrath, swallowed whole by the swirling maelstrom of energy.

Back in the depths of space, Zeus and Thor found themselves engaged in a moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos, their laughter echoing through the void as they confronted the bewildered figure of Hasel. Sensing his fear and uncertainty, the two brothers shared a knowing glance, their resolve strengthened by the bond of brotherhood that united them.

"Prepare yourself," Zeus declared, his voice resounding with authority as he and Thor raised their fists skyward, channeling the raw power of the cosmos into a devastating display of divine might. "Behold the Thunder God Ultimate Technique: Rainbow Lightning Annihilation of the Universe!"

With a deafening roar, they unleashed a torrent of rainbow lightning, its ferocity unmatched by anything the universe had ever witnessed. The alien spaceship, Hasel himself, and even entire galaxies were consumed by its fury, reduced to nothingness in the blink of an eye.

As the cosmic storm raged on, Mysterieux watched in awe from the confines of his car, his mind reeling from the sheer scale of the destruction unfolding before him. In that moment, he realized the true extent of the power wielded by the gods – a power that transcended mortal comprehension.