
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Arrival of The Three Demons.

In a sudden burst of movement, Aliyah Qaru gracefully leaps from the confines of the VIP room, her agile form deftly navigating the air before her feet make contact with the ground below. A soft thud resonates through the air as she lands, her movements as smooth as silk despite the abruptness of her descent.

As Aliyah Qaru approaches, Mysterieux gently places Alyssa Qaru's unconscious body on the ground, his expression calm yet guarded.

Aliyah Qaru's sudden appearance on the arena floor raises questions among the audience and commentator alike, prompting speculation about her motives.

Commentator: "What is going on? Why has our governor, Aliyah Qaru, descended to the arena floor? Could it be concern for her little sister? Let's see what unfolds next!"

Aliyah Qaru directs her gaze towards Mysterieux, her tone curious yet composed as she addresses him.

Aliyah Qaru: "Who are you really, Mr. Mysterieux? The ability you displayed, teleporting into Alyssa's shadow, defies conventional understanding. I have never witnessed such manipulation of dark energy before. While theories of dark energy exist among scientists, it remains largely speculative. Demons typically harness destructive energy, while angels wield divine energy. Humans, on the other hand, commonly utilize mana or other forms of energy. I won't ask for your name, as it's already known to everyone here. What I'm interested in is your origins."

Mysterieux is momentarily taken aback by Aliyah Qaru's question, the familiarity of her inquiry stirring memories of encounters with Aneye, the guardian angel who had posed a similar question during their confrontation. However, he maintains his composure, carefully considering his response.

As Mysterieux ponders Aliyah Qaru's inquiry, the scene shifts to three hooded figures concealed within the audience—the demons.

Demon #1: "Our mission is to capture that governor, correct?" The demon's voice is barely audible as they whisper amongst themselves.

Demon #2: "Yes, we managed to evade Aneye... But it was a close call. If he catches us, our mission is over." Their tone carries a sense of urgency.

Demon #1: "Indeed, Aneye is one of the seven archangels. Even Master Malice struggled against him." Their whispered conversation hints at the formidable opposition they faced.

Demon #2: "But we must not underestimate Aliyah Qaru. According to the data we've gathered, she possesses ice elemental-type magic capable of conjuring ice mountains. As a low-rank demon soldier, your task is to create chaos and catch her off guard. I, as a mid-rank demon soldier, will seize the opportunity to kidnap her. And if necessary, our high-rank demon soldier will intervene." Their strategy is carefully laid out, each demon assigned a specific role in their nefarious plot.

Demon #3 remains silent, their gaze fixed upon Mysterieux with a curious expression, their thoughts and intentions shrouded in mystery.

As the chaos erupts within the arena, Mysterieux attempts to speak, but his words are drowned out by the commotion caused by the sudden appearance of demon #1. The demon's menacing presence sends shockwaves of fear rippling through the audience, leaving them bewildered and terrified.

Aliyah Qaru's shock is palpable as she witnesses the unthinkable.

Aliyah Qaru: "What the hell?! How did a demon infiltrate our land?!"

Meanwhile, demon #1 unleashes his destructive power, wreaking havoc and devastation with every movement. His superhuman strength leaves a trail of destruction in his wake, creating small craters in the ground as he sends the audience fleeing in terror.

As the chaos unfolds, the scene shifts to the border, where the guardians of angels sense the malevolent energy emanating from within Kafu town.

Guardian Angel: "There's a demon inside the holiest land." They communicate telepathically with Aneye, their voices tinged with urgency.

Aneye: "Wait, let Mr. Mysterieux handle this..."

Guardian Angel: "What do you mean?! Demons are incredibly dangerous adversaries! If it's a high-rank demon soldier, they had the power to decimate entire islands!" Their telepathic voice is tinged with panic.

Aneye: "Trust in Mr. Mysterieux. When I faced him, I sensed that I was battling against the very essence of darkness itself. He seems soulless, his presence akin to that of a shadow. I could perceive him, yet I couldn't sense his presence fully. Moreover, he possesses remarkable strength, capable of slicing through clouds with a single swing."

Guardian Angel: "Very well. But if the situation deteriorates, we will intervene in Kafu town." Their resolve is firm, ready to act if the need arises.

Aneye: "Mysterieux... He is truly the embodiment of darkness." Aneye reflects to himself as the scene shifts once more to the arena, where Aliyah Qaru prepares to unleash her ice elemental magic.

As the chaos subsides, the commentator and the audience flees in terror, demon #1 confronts Aliyah Qaru, issuing a chilling demand.

Demon #1: "Aliyah Qaru, we require your cooperation."

Aliyah Qaru responds swiftly, directing her palm towards the demon and invoking her ice elemental magic.

Aliyah Qaru: "Ice Elemental - Intermediate Spell: Ice Prison."

With a wave of her hand, ice begins to encase demon #1, freezing his entire body and forming a towering mountain that seals him within.

Meanwhile, demon #2 stealthily approaches Aliyah Qaru from behind, intent on capturing her. However, before he can strike, Mysterieux takes decisive action. With a swift motion of his sleek black cane, dark chains emerge from demon #2's own shadow, binding him securely to the ground.

Demon #2 is caught off guard, his shock evident as he struggles against the unexpected restraint.

Demon #2: "WHAT THE HELL?!"

His cries draw Aliyah Qaru's attention, prompting her to turn and witness the spectacle before her—a sight that leaves her speechless.

Aliyah Qaru: She gazes up at Mysterieux with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, Mr. Mysterieux." Her words carry a sense of relief and appreciation for his timely intervention.

As the chaos unfolds in the arena, Aliyah Qaru's attention is drawn to the sudden appearance of Demon #3, a towering figure with bulging muscles and an imposing presence. Without hesitation, the demon delivers a powerful blow to Mysterieux, sending him hurtling through the air and creating a cloud of dust upon impact.

Time seems to slow to a crawl for Mysterieux as he observes the impending strike, his thoughts calm and collected amidst the chaos.

Mysterieux: "Such futility... Let it be. I wish to witness her capabilities." With a resigned nod, Mysterieux accepts the incoming attack from Demon #3.

As time returns to its normal pace, Mysterieux is propelled away by the force of the blow, creating a massive plume of smoke and dust that engulfs the arena.

Aliyah Qaru: Her shock and concern evident, "Mr. Mysterieux!!" Aliyah calls out to Mysterieux as she watches him being flung through the air.

Meanwhile, Demon #3's booming voice reverberates through the chaos, acknowledging Mysterieux's threat.

Demon #3: "He poses a danger to us."

Demon #2, still bound by the dark chains, expresses gratitude towards the high-rank demon soldier for intervening, though he remains perplexed by his continued restraint.

Demon #2: "Thank you for your assistance, high-rank demon soldier. But why am I still bound by these dark chains?"

Aliyah Qaru, maintaining her composure, focuses her attention on the looming threat before her. With determination in her eyes, she channels her ice elemental magic once more.

Aliyah Qaru: She points her palm towards Demon #3. "Ice Elemental - Intermediate Spell: Ice Prison."

A crystalline prison begins to form around the towering demon, its icy confines slowly encasing him within. Yet, despite Aliyah's efforts, the formidable demon manages to break free from the confines of the ice prison, escaping its grasp with a display of raw power.

As Demon #3 hurtles towards Aliyah Qaru with speed of sound, she remains composed, channeling her advanced ice elemental magic with unwavering resolve.

Aliyah Qaru: "Ice Elemental - Advanced Spell: Absolute Zero Cataclysm."

The atmosphere instantly shifts, enveloping the entire arena in a bone-chilling coldness as Aliyah's spell takes effect. The Absolute Zero Cataclysm freezes the air itself, rendering Demon #3 immobile and leaving him trapped in a state of shock.

Even Demon #2, bound by the dark chains, succumbs to the icy onslaught, gradually transforming into an ice statue as the cold consumes him.

Meanwhile, Alyssa Qaru stirs from her unconsciousness, her eyes fluttering open to behold her sister standing bravely against the formidable demon. She watches in awe as Aliyah faces the threat head-on.

Alyssa Qaru: She gazes at her sister with a mixture of admiration and relief, grateful for her sister's strength and courage.

Suddenly, Mysterieux appears, carrying Alyssa and placing her gently on the outskirts of the audience. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, he remains unscathed, his enigmatic demeanor unchanged.

Mysterieux: "You've awakened, I see." His voice carries a hint of mystery as he smirks and drapes his long black coat over Alyssa's shivering form. "You must be cold. Take this for now."

Turning away, Mysterieux returns his focus to the ongoing battle, his gaze fixed on Aliyah Qaru as she continues to confront Demon #3 amidst the icy tempest that now fills the arena.

As Aliyah Qaru readies her icy sword for the final blow, she is suddenly taken aback by Demon #3's unexpected action. With a wide-open mouth, the demon prepares to unleash his devastating Chaos Beam—a fearsome ability known for its destructive power.

Aliyah Qaru's panic is palpable as she realizes the imminent danger, knowing all too well the catastrophic potential of the Chaos Beam. Before she can react, Mysterieux swiftly intervenes, grabbing her and pulling her away from the path of the impending attack.

The Chaos Beam surges forth from Demon #3's gaping maw, hurtling towards its intended target with unstoppable force. However, instead of striking Aliyah Qaru, it collides with the icy wall of the arena, unleashing a cataclysmic burst of destructive energy upon impact.

Sensing the imminent danger, Mysterieux acts quickly, grabbing both Alyssa Qaru and Aliyah Qaru in his arms and carrying them to safety. As they flee from the arena, they witness a colossal explosion engulfing the entire vicinity, reducing everything in its path to rubble.

When the dust settles and the chaos subsides, all that remains is a gaping crater where the arena once stood—a stark reminder of the devastating power unleashed by the Chaos Beam. With the threat of the demons vanquished, peace is restored once more to the land.

After an hour of incident, Aliyah Qaru continues her interview with the reporters that has came from Labentia City they brought a cameras that make Mysterieux bit curious about it, Mysterieux stands silently behind her, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of his missing children. Despite the commotion surrounding the demon incident, he can't shake off the feeling of unease.

Mysterieux's expression grows increasingly serious as he realizes that he hasn't seen his children since the beginning of the warrior battle. Concern gnaws at him, urging him to take action.

Mysterieux: "Something isn't right," he murmurs, his tone laced with apprehension.

Aliyah Qaru notices the change in his demeanor and inquires about the situation, her curiosity piqued by his sudden seriousness.

Aliyah Qaru: "What's wrong?" she asks, her brow furrowing with concern.

Mysterieux: "I need to go," he replies, determination firm in his voice. "I'll collect the reward later."

With those words, Mysterieux turns on his heel and strides away, his mind consumed by worry as he hastens towards the Village of Orphan in search of his missing children.