
The Darkhaven Legacy

Astrid Silvermist, a beautiful and naive young woman, is lured into DarkHaven Academy by her cunning uncle, Malakai. Unbeknownst to Astrid, she's entering a realm of magic, mystery, and darkness. As Astrid navigates the treacherous world of magic, she's drawn to Asher Darkfire, a brooding and enigmatic bad boy with secrets of his own. But when Asher discovers Astrid's hidden truth, he uses it to manipulate her. Astrid finds solace in her newfound friendships with Lyra, Kaida, and Elijah, but the shadows of DarkHaven hold secrets and dangers. As she delves deeper into the mysteries of the academy, Astrid begins to exhibit strange and unexplainable abilities. With Asher's motives unclear, Astrid is torn between trusting him and fearing his intentions. The arrival of Ronan Nightshade, a charismatic and mysterious figure, only adds to the complexity. Malakai's true intentions remain shrouded in darkness, but one thing is certain: Astrid's presence at DarkHaven has set off a chain reaction of events that will change the course of her life forever. Will Astrid uncover the secrets of DarkHaven before it's too late? Can she trust those around her, or will their motives tear her world apart? As the darkness closes in, Astrid must confront the unknown and face the shadows within herself.

Augusta_Fiyin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


The wind was chilly and the sky became dark. Astrid was forced to get up from the bed to look at the clock. She was sure that it was morning and she was meant to be doing her house chores but what's with the sky?

She doesn't have a phone yet because her uncle denied her of using one. He had told her he would get her the best model when she clocks twenty next year.

Her uncle, Malakai, was the one that took her in when her parents died. No one wanted to take her in except him. He was not married but he was comfortable.

He started seeing his ex-girlfriend again. They had broken up a long time ago but recently, they got back together.

Astrid picked up the long broom behind the door in the store and went to look for the mini lamp her uncle had given her last month.

He had bought it for her so she would pass her exams. Speaking of exams, she's curious to know about the results. Her uncle had been kind enough to buy her the forms for a prestigious school.

That has been her dream. He had told her that the form had cost him a lot of money and she had to pass.

She had studied day and night for the exam. She would read with the burning flame of a candle when the lamp was dim. She had no friends to study with so she read by herself and set up tests to take when she was through with a particular chapter.

The door adjacent to her room creaked a little and Astrid paused in her steps.

"Good morning, uncle," Astrid greeted with a hint of cheerfulness in her voice. She was energetic that morning even though it was not a bright beginning for the day.

"And what's good about the fucking morning?," Her uncle hissed and walked away.

Astrid bit her lower lips hard and staggered as he pushed her to a side. She stared at his retreating figure and water brimmed in her eyes.

But was she wrong?

Was she wrong not to let her uncle have his way with her?

She's sure he wasn't drunk when he was trying to force himself on her.

She might have turned a blind eye to it if he was drunk. She would have thought he was behaving that way because he thinks she was his girlfriend.

But she heard that he was single once again. That had happened a month ago. He broke up with his girlfriend and they separated for good.

It was after that time that her uncle bought her the form for the prestigious university.

"Don't let my money waste and get into Calanthor university" He has warned her and she heeded to his warning by studying like a mad girl.

She's actually a brilliant girl but she was scared of not making it because after all, it was Calanthor university. It was among the top ten university in the world and she would like to attend the school because she heard it was named after her grandmother.

As in, her freaking grandmother! But some things don't just add up to Astrid. Her mother and father told her that the school would know her immediately she's a student but if they were so popular, why was she still suffering with her uncle?

Why can't she live a better life than this? Maybe a more comfortable life because she was getting tired of it all.

She began to sweep the floor from the living room to the rooms. From the rooms to the dining and from there to the kitchen. There wasn't any plates in the sink because she doesn't like to leave dishes there till the next morning.

It irks her to find stupid cockroaches and insects relaxing in dirty dishes especially the pots. One day, she found three large cockroaches swimming with their king antennae in the pot that was filled with greasy water.

She was so irritated that she made sure she gave the cockroaches a slow and painful death. They had swam without permission so they needed to be judged.

The next thing she took care of was the small shelf that was in the living room. She got a small piece of cloth and soaked it in a small bowl of water. She squeezed it and began to clean the wooden shelf thoroughly.

She got rid of the dust that had settled between the pages of the books. She proceeded to mop the floor and wash the bathroom.

She turned on the chandeliers to see properly when the rain began to pour with heavy thunder. Her hand gripped the cloth tightly when the thunder clapped mightily.

She was scared of thunder - whether loud or mellow. She had always been scared of it since when she was a little kid.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Malakai yelled, turning off the chandeliers.

"I-It's dark" Astrid stammered, not sure if he would turn it back on.

"You're that blind, huh?!" He scoffed. He began to walk towards her. His strides were larger and he reached her in no time. The mop was in his right hand in the blind of an eye.

Astrid breathe in and out and stared at him. Many crazy thoughts was running in her head.

'What would he do?,' She thought in her head and froze when he began to caress her face.

"U-uncle" Her breath became quicker and her brown eyes were widened with total shock.

"You're too lovely to be wasting your precious time on this, Astrid " His breath fanned on her face and his voice was now gentle with lust.

That was what she would call it because that would be the second time he would be obsessing over.

The first was when she was doing the dishes one late afternoon. He had stood at the door while asking her questions about her admission into Calanthor.

Both of them have spoken well and had fun while he was teasing her about not being a tall girl.

Astrid had thought that he had gone to his room or wasn't in the kitchen anymore. But Malakai was still in the kitchen. His arms were wrapped around her waist and his face was buried in the book of her neck.

At first, Astrid thought he was having a bad day and needed a tight hug from her but she was wrong.

He began to touch her and she turned around in anger.

"What are you doing, uncle Malakai?!" She queried with a frown on her beautiful face.

"Don't you want us to be together, Astrid?" He demanded from her.

"You're my uncle!" Astrid yelled.

"But I love you!" He yelled back at her.

Astrid took off the gloves from her hands and slammed it on the sink noisily.

"The love you have for me should be that of a healthy one, platonic, but you want to practice avuncular incest with me. I'm just nineteen and you're-"

"What? An old man?!" Malakai inquired with anger.

"No! You're thirty seven!!" Astrid exploded in frustration.

"It's not incest, Astrid. It's love. No one can live you like I do," He tried to tempt her.

"Someone can," Astrid reduced to believe his words. "I'm capable of finding true love with any boy that loves me"

"Are you talking about Jasper?" Malakai was back to his hard voice. It was lacking emotions and warmth.

"Jasper is just my friend" Astrid clarified with surprise.

"Friend indeed" Malakia sneered and walked out of the house.

She was back to earth when his hand was around her waist. She tried to take it away but his grip was tighter.

"I love your shape" He confessed and began to caress her face with his fingers.

"I-I need to go" Astrid wanted to leave his presence so much that she felt like puking.

Now, don't get her wrong. Malakai was an handsome young man. He's the step brother of Astrid's mum. Their father got married to two women.

Malakai's stepmother got Calanthor named after her while his mother got another university named after her.

No one talks about his mother's university because it doesn't end well whenever they bring up the university.

He stood tall, around 6'0", with broad shoulders and a chiseled physique. His piercing blue eyes sparkled like sapphires, framed by dark eyelashes and expressive brows. A strong jawline and sharp facial features accentuated his rugged charm.

His dark hair was styled perfectly, with subtle hints of messiness that added to his allure. Full lips curved into a captivating smile, revealing sparkling white teeth. A slight stubble highlighted his angular face, lending an air of sophistication.

Elegant hands gestured with precision, showcasing refined fingers and a silver watch that gleamed on his wrist. His confident stride commanded attention, exuding authority and poise.

A warm, genuine smile illuminated his face, putting those around him at ease. Intelligent, witty, and engaging, he effortlessly commanded conversations. Empathetic eyes listened attentively, fostering deep connections.

His presence was magnetic, filling the room with an undeniable aura. Refined taste in attire and mannerisms underscored his cultured upbringing. Every glance, every gesture, radiated charm and charisma.

In short, he was the perfect handsome man for any lady. But not for Astrid Silvermist!

What do you think?

#AstridSilvermist #CalanthorUniversity

#MalakaiTheMysterious #JasperToTheRescue #AbuseAwareness


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