


Axel's POV

I don't know if it's been 3 hours or maybe 15 minutes since she passed out but it felt much longer

She layed there on the bed, in my room, her eyes closed

I was started to get worried all over again, my head running with the words 'what if'

/"bryce/" she breathed out catching everyone's attention including mine

I would've kicked them all out but they are her friends and they are worried

Savannah stood up and took a seat next to her on the bed /"Bryce is with Val and the babysitter/" she placed a hand on her arm /"how are you feeling?/"

/"I want to see Bryce/" Mel said

/"he's in the room next to us mel/" Lucas said /"he's not going anywhere/"

/"what if she takes him? what if she does something to him/" Mel said as the tears started to fall freely

I felt my heart shattering when her tears fell