


I was studying, when suddenly I heard music coming down from downstairs

what the heck is happening?

I tried to ignore the music and complete studying but it was distracting

AHH I hate you Axel!

I opened the room door and got into the living room but no one was in, it's coming from the backyard

but it wasn't just music, there was more

I walked out to check what was happening when my eyes widened


The backyard was full of people dancing, drinking and yelling

Is he fucking serious?

just because Renne and Antonio are away means he throws this huge party in the backyard

/"Mel!/" I heard a voice I recognized and turned around to find Marcus coming in my way

/"We heard he has a party! I came to give you some company, Sav couldn't make it /" Marcus said

/"Hey Marcus/"

/"Damn he invited the whole town/" he said looking out