


/"Thank you for coming/" I said to Sav when I got into her car

Axel wasn't around in the morning, he didn't wait for me or even come check on me

/"anytime baby/" she said as she started driving to school

/"Did you talk to him?/"


/"I guess you fought?/"

/"Yeah, he's an asshole, everything his fault and he didn't even bother to apologize! And even after the fight, I thought he'd come and see me but he didn't Sav/"

/"are you disappointed?/" she raised a brow

/"I'm not! I just thought he will!/"

/"he's the Axel Russo, Mel. You shouldn't wait from him something/"

/"but Sav-/"

/"No Mel. Get him out of your mind, he's a bitch/"

/"But Sav, He was great with me-/" I was stopped when she gasped

/"Wait wait wait! Are you crushing on him??/"

/"What?! No!/"

/"Oh my god! You are!!/"

/"Sav no, you're being ridiculous!/"