

The rain began to be a light drizzle, Star and the other's were back at Star's home. The sun was starting to go down over the mountains, the grey clouds glowed slightly. Winter didn't come back yet, and it made Star worry. He was still guilty and hurt about his father, he was lost in his thoughts.

I still can't believe he's gone...I can't do this without him. I know it's my duty to be the next Alpha...maybe I already am. But...I'm so lost, and confused. How am I supposed to be a good Alpha if I can't figure out how to be one? Dad...I'm so sorry, I let you down…

"Something troubling you?" Nikita's calm voice spoke. He gazed at her with his eyes. She was looking up at him, her ocean eyes filled with worry. Star bent his head and nuzzled her. "No, I'm just lost…" "Lost? How so?"

"I don't think I'll make a good Alpha without my father here to help me through it. My mother isn't any help now, she's still in the forest. I just...I don't know anymore Nikita," "Star, you have shown the signs of being a great Alpha many times over. I know you'll make a great leader. And I will be by your side, that's a promise,"

She buried her head into his chest and inhaled his scent. "You know I love you," she murmured. "I love you more," he answered back. "Star?" a voice spoke up. He lifted his head and came face to face with Sparrow, his pack's Beta. "Sparrow? What is it?"

"The pack has been talking, and they all agree that...you should be the new Alpha. It's clear your mother won't be back, at least not for a while. We want you to be the Alpha of 'The Ancient Night Pack'.

We thought by joining the packs, we could make a name with it. Star, I know you'll be a great leader. I always saw it in you when you were a pup. But it's up to you, I've been in charge for the time being. Are you willing to be Alpha?"

Her question was so honest. Star saw a flash of hope in her eyes. He gazed up at the sky, and closed his eyes. This is it...I'll make you proud Dad…

"I am Sparrow, I'm ready." He answered, his head held high. Her gaze was excited and she turned and barked to the pack. "Packmates! Here me!" All of them turned their attention to her. "Star...son of Alpha Dagger will be our new leader," she began.

They all exchanged glances, but said nothing. "He's been a great fighter, and is loyal and selfless. He promises to keep you all safe and protected. As long as you stay loyal, you have a home and place in this pack. If you wish to leave, do so now. You won't be forced to stay,"

No one made a move, instead their tails wagged excitedly. Sparrow turned to Star, her expression soft. "Star...step forward please.." he did just that, and from his vantage point he could each and every wolf. Some were dire wolves, and some weren't. It didn't matter to him though. Wolves were wolves, no matter the species. He didn't know what to say, but it seemed his body and soul did. He spoke in a calm alpha like tone:

"My friends, my family. I stand before you as your Alpha. Together we are strong, and will live in peace. I promise you all I won't let you down. You have my word, I know my father is lost, but he's still here. Watching over us with the rest of the Spirit-Wolves. We are 'The Ancient Night Pack'. We will be happy and safe, together...we are whole!"

He lifted his head and let out an eerie howl. Everyone else joined in, their vocals echoed within the forest. Well done...my son… a voice spoke quietly….