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The sounds of the morning birds was heard.

"Sirius time to wake up" his mother called.

"it's not right to be late on your first day"."yes ma'am"Sirius replied.

"so I'm Sirius Gawain"

"son of Edward and Carla Gawain"

"son of Timothy Gawain and the list goes on and on"

"I'm 16 years old and am supposed to head out for my awakening ceremony which is actually the most important part of a person's life".

"It is actually the determining factor of the direction of a person's life."

"this determines whether I have the potential to become a general or just another junk In the park."

Sirius then got up, had a shower,brushed his teeth and got dressed, he was wearing a black T-shirt with purple skin tight jeans black socks and white sneakers with a white jacket. He was supposed to leave Endrerd and head out to the near by town of Phrad for his awakening ceremony.

Sirius belonged to the rising soul clan which is actually a section of the soul weavers.

The soul weavers Is divided into the rising soul and the fallen ghost clan.

Sirius' s father Edward was the head of rising soul.

In such a magical world, elements are divided into four different forms or types.

These are the Natural elements, Fusion elements, Foreign elements, and last but not the least the Family elements or abilities.

The soul weavers clan is known for its strong soul magic.

Sirius aim is to awaken both his family abilities and his base elements.

of which could be Natural, Foreign, or Fusion.

The Natural elements refers to basic and common elements, they could also have some varieties which could also be obtained through fusion elements.

This includes:fire, water, earth, air, summoning, light, sound, gravity, et cetera et


Fusion elements are usually for by combining two elemental spell but they can also be awakened naturally.

For example fire + earth = lava.

water + air = ice.

Foreign elements are not expected to be present in the world or are not thought to be Orthodox.

Such elements present them selves in various ways.

Simple examples include shadow, poison healing, psychic, et cetera et cetera.

While Family elements are bloodline based and can only be inherited or taught to a person by a member of the clan who has high mastery of the elements.

They include, thread, soul, bone, blood, etc.

The strength of a clan is usually known for its family abilities.

The Reed's are known for super strength.

The Ash's are known for bone manipulation.

The Scarlett's are known for blood manipulations.

The Gawain's are known for soul manipulation, control and interactions with spiritual beings.

The Jean's are known for thread creation and manipulation, and the list stretches on and on.

"Mom am ready". Sirius called out from the top of stairs.

Carla was supposed to take Sirius to the park which was 2.8km away from the village.

There he was supposed to continue the journey on his own and hitch a ride to Phrad.

Where he was supposed to be tested and awaken his talents.

After reaching the park and safely securing a seat on the bus headed for Phrad, Sirius suddenly turned around and hugged his mom.

Carla did not expect such a reaction but she still hugged him back

"Good luck son", she said"make me and your father proud".

"I will mom," Sirius replied.

"Okay get on the bus so you don't get left behind".

"Yes ma'am" Sirius said with a touch of sadness.

After he got on the hover bus he waved at his mother through the window and she waved back.

"That kid was never good at expressing him self".

"He'll be back in a couple of hours anyway, but I can't help shake the feeling that this might be the last time I would see him,"

And unfortunately it was the last time any one apart from his father saw Sirius again.

"Carla don't worry he'll be back" Bernice, Carla's mother's soul that follows her said.

"Sure thing Mom, but I oughtta get to work or I'll be late".


Authors note: Sorry for the late release. unfortunately I attend a boarding school and phones are not allowed.

So am doing this all by myself and receive no help for anyone.

Shout out to DIVII X BLADE for the art works of the various characters and a couple of new ideas.