

In the year 3417 humanity finally achieved world peace,thus enabling humanity to advance technologically and explore the Galaxy which caused the development of intergalactic technology.At last the only thing left for humanity was multiversal travel,by the year 3435 after finding the cure for almost every disease and advancing and modifying their genes the SSJ PEGASUS the first multiversal traveling machine was finally built with a human test subject ,27 MARCH 3435 came down in history as the day humanity nearly went extinct.the SSJ PEGASUS coding contained an error, this caused the machine to spiral out of control and instead of transporting the test subject from one multiverse to the other it smashed the both together causing both universe's to forcefully fuse.12% of the human population died due to the after effects but unfortunately for humanity, this wasn't the last of their troubles, the natives of the other universe also hated humanity, the human race lost 26% of the surviving population to their random attacks, from being slaves of elves to being treated as live stock by barbarians,it was nothing compared to the terrors of the universe, hated by all races the one and only DEMONS, this creatures eat the heart of everything and the worst part was the fact that they could transform to take human form thus infiltrating society to a deeper level it took the combined force of almost all races to repell the demon race to an isolated uninhabitable part of the planet, during the war humanity could have been wiped out if not for the research of a man called professor Graham,he founded the theories of accommodation of magic magic he found out in he's research that part of the 12% of the population that died was due to the fact that their bodies were unable to handle,adapt,and accommodate magical energy it was also the reason why all advance technology got fried and busted due to the fact that manna absorbing circuits were non existent as of then,Back to business imagine elves shooting magical arrows, dwarves swinging hammers then a small race at the bottom of the food chain rushing at demons with nothing but pots and pans, the adaptation of humans to manipulate manna was revolutionary,the war dragged on for over six years until the arrival of the six Kings, the first king is actually a queen,the queen of the elves,she is popular for her plant element ability though her other elements are classified information, the next king the king of the barbarians,he uses his lightning element for total devastation during fights though reckless in fights, next up the king of the beast men although it's actually a king and queen but the choose to share the title to encourage unity in the kingdom, the next king is actually a very weird person,late at night in a desert an old man with a staff with a green orb hovering above it walks down from behind him a large rattling can be heard... the rattling of the DEAD, after the war the king left with his undead army to live in a desert called the dead Sea,this final King the king of the humans,he is said to have died at least four times during the war but always keeps coming back, after the war he went missing, never to be seen again.The kingdoms divided most of the land leaving some for the lesser races with a fragile balance of peace.what happened after that son is a story for another day

"but dad you'd be busy tomorrow"Sirius said while pouting

"hehe don't worry son, I'll complete the story later"

"okay Dad"

"good night son"

"good night"

Edward left Sirius's room heading towards he and his wife's bedroom

"what story did you tell him"she said curiously


"you better get some sleep tommorow a big day"

"what's the occasion"

"you forgot already Sirius is going to elementary school"

"sorry I forgot goodnight love"
