
Fate's chilling hands

It was with dread in his stomach that Dawn watched as both carriages vanished from his sights, in them Adrian and Aethelstan.

Both leaving without a goodbye and despite trying his hardest he couldn't curb the rising feeling of abandonment.

There must be a reason, maybe they had no other choice, maybe...maybe....he was just trying to save what little dignity he had. Saliva swirled in his mouth as he thought of what to do but he had never been good at thinking on the spot.

And right now he was using all his energy to try and not panic, it wasn't really working evident by the whimper leaving him.

In and out, in and out.

His veins popped as he clenched his fists and with shaky breaths he tried to continue the breathing technique but it was Aethelstan's and Aethelstan had left him.

Blinking away tears he spaced around, deep breaths graced his body and yet he still couldn't breath.

They had left him, all alone, as always he had the short end of the stick.

They could still communicate through their bond, always a piece of the other even miles apart. Dawn didn't quite know how far it reached but the two of them were powerful so it only made sense that the bond would still function.

Sniffling, Dawn desperately rubbed his eyes, hands coming back bloody. Tears that he had tried to hold back now streaming down his face and landing in puddles on the ground.

What was he going to do?

Adrian would be safe in the academy, Aethelstan had left in the company of Avery, obvious was the fact that the two of them would handle something together.

That only left him.

In a land where he never wanted to be in again, the only thing accompanying him was the rustlings of flowers and a breeze causing his golden hair to flow as he felt himself picking at his gloves.

Nervous, he was nervous and every step he took to the exit was filled with lead, mind so full that he swayed. Dawn's unfocused eyes were still pointed in the direction where his companions vanished off to.

It was only when a sudden weight landed on his shoulder that he woke up from his trance like state, black eyes widened in horror as his own reflexes kicked in and created distance between the two of them.

Hesitating arose as he gazed upon the woman's face and with a pounding, racing heart took in the way too familiar traits. Traits that stared right at him in the mirror and even though it had been way too long since he had actively looked at himself one could,sadly, not forget that.

Her hair was only a shade darker, her figure just a bit taller and her eyes as brown as the trees far in the distance.

"....-ight you don't speak, I forgot about that for a second.''

The woman, who still hadn't named herself, paused. Face contorting slightly as if she was unaware of what to say next and yet after a pause she still didn't say anything. Instead she joined him, her longish hair also going with the wind.

Her scent arose with the wind and the wave of roses left him overwhelmed. Subconsciously creating a larger distance between them and he relished in the fresh air as he breathed deeply once more, free of roses.

''If I may ask, are you alright?"

Nodding reluctantly, he removed his gaze, wondering why her tone was so respectful.

''I went ahead and procured the notebook for you.'' With a nod of gratitude he reached for it and felt relief as soon as the familiar book was back in his hand.

Adrian's drawing stared back at him, the mere thought leaving him conflicted as he hid it underneath the cover.

"I have been informed of your difficulty communicating so there is no need to force yourself.

Now if you would follow me, please.''

He didn't move, tilting his head as he waited for the explanation that was to come.

"I will be your escort, there's a carriage waiting for you just outside of the palace."

Only now he noticed how heavy the weight was on his shoulder, as it fell off his, replaced with relief. Relief at the confirmation that there was in fact a carriage for him that would return him back to his home.

Dawn didn't notice the flash of pity in the woman's eyes, so engulfed in his relief.

"Time is limited, so if you please."

This time he did follow, both of them walking in silence, separated by a short distance.

Passing flowers upon flowers, clearly put the display of the everlasting wealth of the human royalty.

And while he let himself get carried away by the undeniable beauty of them, Dawn still couldn't ignore his tingling senses but as far as he could see there was no one except the both of them.

He had long since buried his curiosity as it had led him in trouble way too many times. Right now he only felt the desire to go back home.

Away from humans, away from the mocking gazes of Avery's trained guards and Avery, who had itched to kill him yet not before having gouged out any and all information.

It didn't matter because he was going back home, back to his adoptive parents and back to Elvira.

He would have rather never left, content in staying behind the safe walls of Aesteamore forever.

This trip...maybe it hadn't been that bad, one step towards retaining who he was once?

Dawn didn't know, didn't want to think about it either. Nonetheless he didn't stop the small smile that bloomed on his face.

''It should be right around here." Passing the gates, both watched yet no carriage was to be found.

"It seems they are late.

Perhaps, do you fancy a stroll?"

Gulping, Dawn raised his shoulders before dropping them immediately. Obviously he didn't want to but as he watched his escort venture away his eyes strayed around him and being alone scared him more, so it didn't take long before he hastily followed along.

He followed the woman, still without name, followed her as flowers turned to grass and miles and miles of them turned to buildings as far as he could see.

Each and every single one of them with beautiful, intrical designs.

It was lively, dozens of people crossing and browsing in the streets and Dawn didn't like it.

With shaky fingers he gripped the woman's loose fabric in his hands, not noticing the wavering look on her face as his senses were overwhelmed with the various voices speaking and laughing. It was so crowded and he was more than aware of every brush of clothes passing by him.

The smile that had blossomed across his face seemingly mere seconds ago was nowhere in sight as he stared aghast and tense at the surroundings, taking everything and wishing that he just stayed, surrounded by the plains of flowers.

With quickened breath he turned, turned and turned again....was he being watched?

"Look aren't they cute?'"

With a deep breath and shake of his head Dawn calmed a little. He was being ridiculous, the woman was as calm as could be, there was nothing to worry about.


A word that repeated inside his mind as he reassured himself that no one knew he was a vampire.

His golden hair hiding black pools and tell tale fangs hidden behind his closed mouth

He heard the mentioned children earlier then he saw them, their booming and childish voices laughing wildly as they ran without a care in the world through rows and rows of adults.

A frantic voice calling for them, obviously related by the resemblance in the voice yet the kids merely ran, not even bothering to watch the placement of their feet.

It didn't help that they were blinded by tears of joy.

Dawn saw it happen before it did, the innocent peddle just before the boy caused him to slip, hands instinctively reached out and grabbed his sister, causing both to fall.

He watched it happen in slow motion and before knew it he felt his own hands wrapped around the children, mere seconds before they hit the ground and another mere seconds he felt relieved.

Before paranoia got to him again and the feeling of being watched got to him.

"Oh my, oh my I am so sorry.'' Ofcourse, it was just her, the woman who had been running after the two small children, who else would be interested in the two kids?

"...how many times do you have to be reminded that you should not run in such a density!

It's dangerous, I could have lost you and if it wasn't for this kind young man over here you would have both been hurt."

Her bag, full of greens swayed as she moved left and right, finger admonishing the two before pointing in his direction. With a flinch he backed away, stilling as soon as the finger lowered.

Staunchly ignoring the way recognition flashed in her eyes as she added in a softer tone. ''Have you thanked this gentlemen yet?''

"No mama.'' Huh they even answered in sync.

"Well what are you waiting for?"

"Thank you, mister!!"

Innocent eyes gleamed as the words left their mouths, both alike in their enthusiastic way of speaking. Adorable, they were so adorable. Even now..it seems that children were still very much his weak spot.

His mouth had opened on his own accord and before he had realised he was about to form words,he closed it like a hapless fish, guilt arising as the expectancy in the children's eyes grew.

Swallowing, unsure of what to do, he gazed back at the mother. She was young but his body almost sacked in relief when she realised something was wrong and quickly distracting her kids.

''Good job, now why don't you go and choose a fish from Uncle Nick." With a push she shoved them softly away from them and as expectant they left with a wave, which he hesitantly returned.

''Thank you for keeping them safe." Her hand reached out and beside a small falter Dawn let her grab his. The shake of gratitude left his stomach turning, it had been ages since someone other than Adrian or Aethelstan touched him.

"I don't mean to intrude or anything...."clenching his free hand, Dawn waited for the dreaded words. She wouldn't be the first to say to just get over it and ,he was afraid, she wouldn't be the last.

"You see..my wife has also experienced a lot. I'm sure it would bring her relief if you would join us for dinner. If only for a thank you for saving our kids."

"We could prepare steak?'' What should he do, what should he do???

''There you are, it isn't wise to run off like that." An apologetic smile was all he gave the mother as he tugged softly at his hand, hinting her to free his hand and she did.

With a grateful nod she left in the direction of her kids, stunned he watched her leave. Taking in the note displaying an address in his hand.

How did she...?

"Are you alright?"

And while he did nod, his mind was still on the note, now hidden in his closed hand.

She had noticed his weakness so quickly....and even wanted to help?

Impossible....it was impossible.

Just like the silence around him, the numerous voices were gone, their owners with them.

No longer surrounded by laughter or stifling amounts of people left him even more freaked, the thing that added on his growing unease was the disappearance of his escort.

Twirling around, he found himself to be truly alone, pad finding it's way to the ground as his whole body turned cold. Hands clammy as they clenched together, the rubbing of the small note forgotten as panic rose inside of him.

Trembling he ventured forward, hoping to catch the overwhelming smell of roses or even the wisps of the darker shade of blue.

But nothing came.

There had been no magic used, he would have noticed.

His fang ripped his lip right open, leaving blood dripping on the ground as he entered ,with a pounding heart, street after street.

The lump in his throat only broadened as he caught the corner of a black cloak vanishing swiftly around a corner. Shallow breaths left his head muddled as he braced himself and felt himself walk to where the cloak vanished.

He should run as far away as he could but it felt like his rationality all but disappeared too.

Movements on auto pilot as one after another his old and worn gloves decorated the ground.

His safety measure was gone but not onces did he look back.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts