
Chapter 1

"But he is the perfect man for me, mom",I shouted at her.

She stopped lecturing me for a second surprised by the fact that I just shouted at her...

The thing is, I have never shouted at my mom or anyone for instance...I am like the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect child.

Everybody tells me that I started changing when I started dating him... No, I am not complaining I am super happy with the way I am right now... With him beside me..

When everybody tells me that I changed for the worst I still feel like this was the part that I always missed in my life, the part I was to scared to show.

The thing is I am a straight 'A' student who does everything right according to plan and that too in the right time. So everyone expected me to find someone who is like me rather than my straight opposite...

Well, after my quarrel with my mom I was crying so hard and I ran to meet Ace who had earlier told me that he would meet me by the end of the lake.

Ace always supported me. No matter what. He was always there for me too and I too was there for him. We had similar interests but mostly dissimilar ones.

Also no matter how much my parents spoke bad about him, he never uttered a word... The only time he raised his voice against them was when they were about to punish me. Y'all might think how can a 21 year old still get punished by her parents...but that was the way my parents were...they never stopped me but still restricted me in all other kinds...I mean they do love me and all...it'd just that they are a tad bit over protective

I don't know why but I have always felt that me and Ace was meant to be together.

I feel like our love was true and pure, our Dark Love. Yeah, that's what my friends called our love... I mean I am not blaming them, because Ace is a mysterious kind of guy.... In my gang no one knows much about him except for me.... Except for the fact that he is bad.... And that he does some pretty illegal stuffs.

And I knew much more than that, I knew even though he is bad, he is good....

But for no reason whatsoever I never cared because I was not afraid of him... Because I knew no matter what he will always protect me...

The way he cared for me is really something else.... He doesn't like anyone looking at me or flirting with me.... He is a protective one and the way he holds my hand is so.....I can't even describe the feeling.... It's like he will even die to protect me and just like that I know I wouldn't allow him.... Because I would die for him too.... Because as I said earlier that's how much I love him... Moving on to his look he is one of the hottest guys I have ever met...

He has got striking blue eyes with black hair and a tint of brown highlights. And body carved to fucking perfection with toned muscles veiny hands and a killer smile which only comes rarely...

People feared him but still envied him...he is the son of Don Sergio Salvatore who owns the largest mafia in Italy. But it doesn't even matter...yes we have our ups and downs but at the end I know he is the one for me

I am so lucky to have him by my side...

Oh. F***