Apathetic to the world around him, the Dark Lord Potter dominates the world around him. Overwhelming power and a ruined world leave him stuck reminiscing in the past, especially over 'that' incident. Having found a way to return to the past, albeit an alternate timeline, he decides to embrace his second chance... Dark Lord style. ALTERNATE TIMELINE. NO PARADOXES.
7th June 1993. Wiltshire. Malfoy Manor.
There was a distinct lack of pomp and circumstance around Dark Lord Peverell-Slytherin's first act toward the domination of Wizarding Britain.
He apparated to just outside the defensive ward line of his would-be victim's residence and allowed himself to be let in.
He only had to wait a minute before an unfamiliar house elf appeared, guiding him toward a study no less impressive than his own.
"Lord Peverell, I presume?" Lucius Malfoy inquired from behind his desk. He was facing away from the door and looking out of the large glass window onto the grounds.
'This is the most pitiful powerplay I've ever seen; he's like a child.'
"You would presume correctly, Lord Malfoy."
Ares replied, trying his best to withhold any scorn or laughter from his tone and achieve some semblance of politeness.
"I'll be straight with you. As an honest man, I try to be above board with those of proper upbringing and social standing. However, the main reason for our visit here today will be your political inclinations and perhaps an informative discussion regarding the Wizengamot and how it's split." Lucius Malfoy postulated, turning to face his guest.
The Dark Lord couldn't help but reflect on the irony of such a statement and its connotations about worthiness. However, he was a busy wizard with future overlord business to be done.
"Lord Malfoy, it has come to my attention that you and I could reach a lucrative agreement unrelated to the Wizengamoat. However, before we go any further, I must inquire how you feel about the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy remaining a vassal for so long. Would it not benefit both of us if I could free you of those responsibilities so that you are not reliant on your wife?" Lord Slytherin remarked with a hidden smirk.
"A very forward question for our first meeting, Lord Peverell. Why would I want my house to be dishonoured as traitors by abandoning our role as vassals to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black?" Lucius Malfoy noted, doing his best to avoid looking interested.
Ares pretended to think it over,
"Well, I was reading one of the books in my family vault about oaths of fealty, and I learned if you swear a more significant oath to another house, you are no longer affected by any lesser oaths."
He replied.
Lucius looked at him curiously,
"My dear Lord Peverell, do you take me for a fool? In what instance would I take action so clearly risky beyond anything within reason, like swearing a very binding oath to another house? Pray to tell how you will convince me of this." Lord Malfoy sneered.
"As purebloods, we must be honest with each other, maintaining a healthy amount of trust between superiors of a rapidly crumbling society. If you cannot trust in me, then trust in the power of magic itself, as I would swear a magical oath to release you shortly after taking your oath of servitude." With the bait let loose and understanding the principle of acting quickly, the Dark Lord began to reel in his target.
"All I ask in exchange is an alliance with your house of equal terms and your support and advice upon my entrance into wizarding Britain's governing bodies."
Smoke was practically leaving Lucius' ears with how rapidly the cogs in his mind were moving. Lord Peverell was asking a lot but offering far more in return, at least in the eyes of a Malfoy who wanted to be free of his wife's control.
Almost as soon as his decision was reached, an artificial coldness seemed to envelop the Lord of the Malfoy family's manor.
"Very well, but I will hear the oath now."
The dark Lord chuckled internally, nodding as he had expected this.
" I, Ares Peverell, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, now swear to release Lucius Malfoy, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Malfoy, from his oath to Lord Peverell once he swears it and not a moment later. So mote it be." And with a flash, the oath was sealed.
"Very well, I agree; follow me to the ritual room," Lucius said as he walked away, taking the lead.
Arriving at the ritual chamber, Ares looked around and spotted his favourite platinum-haired brat.
"Father, what are you doing with this man?" The brat (Draco) asked.
"This is Lord Peverell, and he and I will be conducting some business of critical importance now, so you'll need to vacate the room." Lord Malfoy explained to his son.
"A pleasure to meet you, my Lord; I will take my leave now." Draco wisely said.
Ares nodded, slightly amazed at how uncharacteristic of Draco such obedience was, even toward his father, and watched him leave.
Indicating for Lucius to begin, he took his position.
The former death eater knelt and began his oath.
"I, Lucius, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Malfoy, now swear the final oath of allegiance to Ares, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell. So mote it be."
Having succeeded, the Dark Lord allowed a confident smirk to grace his lips.
"I, Ares, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, take Lord Lucius Malfoy into my embrace and accept his final oath of allegiance as a bond of servitude. Let him exist as an oath-sworn servant till I release him, So mote it be." And with another flash of magic, it was done.
"My Lord and Master, I serve you with all my will," Lucius whispered in growing horror. The twisting of words was not lost on him, and he was terrified of the effects he had no doubt magic would begin to put him under soon.
"I find your submissiveness almost able to mitigate some of my craving for power and control, but I guess I have to release you from House Peverell's service now," Ares said. However, his sadness was rather melodramatically phrased since he knew what was to come.
Lucius looked almost happy, even though that shouldn't have been possible as an oath-sworn servant.
"I, Ares, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, do release the Noble and Ancient House of Malfoy from the oath they swore to me and transfer their oath to Lord Slytherin and the Most Noble and Ancient House of Slytherin. So mote it be." Ares said with a massive smirk.
Lucius looked like someone had killed his favourite puppy.
"My Lord, this is unruly behaviour. How could you be Lord Slytherin!?"
He cried out.
Still smirking, the dark Lord announced with glee, "Allow me to introduce myself; I am Lord Ares Peverell-Slytherin, the true lord of Slytherin."
Lucius looked torn between being in awe and fear of his new master.
"Now, I believe you and I will have much to talk about, Lucius. You don't mind if I call you Lucius, do you?" Ares said with a smile.
The one-formerly-known-as-Lord-Malfoy could only shake his head in horror at what had occurred.