
The Dark Desire

The lives of a father and his daughters are about to change when the consequences of the father's crimes come knocking. Both father and daughters are subject to inhumane treatment from the Hayes family. Fueled with revenge, Tyler assaults Hazel severally. Matheo becomes a sense of comfort and peace for Hazel. Soon, the Hayes brothers fall helplessly in love with Hazel and each of them will do whatever it takes to win her heart.

Stephanie_Ezike · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

How it all began

Mr James Green had been secretly stealing from the Hayes company for years.

"Please don't kill me, I'm sorry", cries out Mr. Green

"You're sorry? You've been stealing from the company for years and now you're sorry?", Tyler Hayes said.

Tyler was the owner of all The Hayes businesses around the world. He was tall and his eyes were blue, piercing into anyone's soul. He had jet-brown hair and a stern yet handsome face.

Tyler pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Mr Green's head, he cocked the gun and took his aim.

"Please sir, don't kill my father, he's all I've got left please forgive him", Hazel said with a teary eye. 

Hazel was kneeling beside her father on the ground. Her long chestnut hair covered her face a little. Her brown eyes, plump lips, and perfect nose complimented her face. 

A man who stood beside Tyler went over to Hazel and dragged her towards the door. "Hazel", yelled Mr Green.

"Shut up, I'm giving you a week to pay me back all of the money or I'll kill your daughter and then you", Tyler said, turning to leave.

Tyler turned back immediately and shot Mr Green's hand.

Hazel managed to escape the grip of the man who held her and ran to her father. "Daddy are you okay?", she said as she pulled off the jacket she was wearing and used it to stop the bleeding.

James winced in pain. The man who had been holding Hazel dragged her from her father and took her to the door.

"Help me, Father, please", she said to Tyler. He walked out the door, ignoring her.

Hazel took one last look at her father before being dragged away. Her father's face was covered in blood as he looked at her in shame.

Pete, the man who held Hazel, took her out the door and led her to a black Rolls-Royce boat tail. 

Tyler sat at the back of the car. Pete pushed Hazel into the car.

"Where are you taking me to?"Hazel's expression changed. Her brows were furrowed at the thought of leaving her father behind.

"Hello? I'm talking to you", Hazel yelled.

Tyler didn't budge. He continued using his phone. 

Hazel tried her best to control her temper.

In a few minutes, the car stopped at a huge mansion.

Pete opened the car door for her. "Come out", he said. He led her inside the mansion.

As the door to the mansion closed, Hazel could see Tyler. His eyes were so intoxicating and she couldn't stop looking at him. He took off his suit jacket and threw it to Pete, who took it upstairs.

"Give me your phone", Tyler commanded. "Why did he want her phone?", "Why was he talking to her now?", Hazel thought.

"I said give me your phone!", He yelled. 

"I don't know where it is", she lied.

Tyler circled Hazel like a hawk circling its prey. He pulled out her phone from her pocket. 

"You don't know where this is?"He held the phone up to her face. 

Pete dragged Hazel into a room upstairs "Stay here", he ordered and then locked the door.

The room was beautiful. She took her time to look at every corner of the room. The bathroom was visible from the bedroom. The doors were made of glass and anyone see what was happening in there.

She made her way to the bed and sat down. Her eyes were twitching when she looked at her tank top. It was stained with blood. Hazel took in a deep breath and fell on the bed. She tried her best not to think about how her dad must be feeling. Deep down, she was glad that her sister, Harley, was there to take care of him.

Hazel took off her clothes and jumped into the shower. She couldn't wear the blood-stained dress for another second.

When she left the shower, she took out a bathrobe from the wardrobe and put it on. It felt comfortable on her skin.

She lay on the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The opening of the door woke her up from sleep. The door opened to reveal Tyler, in a black shirt and trousers, he had cleaned up from earlier.

Tyler's contemptuous gaze made her cower. "Dinners downstairs". Her hair covered her face as she looked up in the direction of his voice.

"I'm not hungry". 

Tyler made his way to her and dragged her out of the bed. He held her tightly at first, but then, his grip gradually loosened as he noticed her bathrobe loosening, exposing her thighs. He left her immediately.

Hazel stood to straighten her bathrobe and she took several steps backwards from where Tyler stood.

Without a word, Tyler left the room. Hazel tightened the rope around her waist and smoothed back her hair, still in shock at what had just happened.

In a few minutes, Tyler reappeared in the room, holding a black T-shirt. "Put this on", Tyler's voice is light but his expression isn't. 

Hazel took it from him, skeptical about his motives. Before she could say thank you, Tyler dashed out of the room.

The T-shirt was long enough to reach her thighs. She went up to where the mirror was. Staring at herself in the mirror was like staring at an imposter. Her eyes were puffy and red from all the crying she had done previously. She tucked her hair behind her ear and went back to the bed, where she slept.

Early the next morning, Hazel tried leaving the room and she realized that Tyler left the door open the previous night.

She walked around the house, opening doors and looking for where Tyler's room could be. Hazel stopped when she saw a portrait of Mr Ben Hayes hanging on the wall. She remembered those times when her father used to be close friends with Mr Ben. They were partners for several years.

Everything changed when Hazel's mom fell sick. Her father tried all possible treatments just to save her. All the family's money was used for her treatment but unfortunately, she still died, leaving them penniless.

Mr Green began working for Mr Ben and soon, he began to steal from the company.

Hazel finally found Tyler's room. She opened it gently and looked around for a second. She saw her phone beside Tyler on the bed. A smile appeared on her face. She tiptoed to the bed and glanced at Tyler, who was sleeping.

Hazel picked up her phone and turned to go. She felt a grip on her wrist. When she turned back, she saw that Tyler held her wrist as he gently stood up.

Hazel took several steps backwards and Tyler followed. "Give me the phone", he ordered. 

Hazel had reached the door and her back pressed into the door, she wished she could disappear. She kept the phone at her back. "Give it to me", Tyler ordered again.

"I just want to call my dad, please. I need to know if he's okay", she begged.

"Your father is a thief and nothing more", Tyler said, his expression, neutral.

"My father made a lot of mistakes and I do not support him but he only stole from the company because my mother's treatment took all of our family's money."

"Give that phone now or I'll -"

"Kill me?"Hazel interrupted him.

"You already threatened to do so if my dad doesn't pay back"

"It's not a joke, I'll actually kill you and then your father", Tyler shamelessly spoke.

"Just like your dad killed your mother?", Hazel asked.

"My father didn't kill my mom"

"I know he did. Your father killed her and now you want to kill me, just like he did to your mother. You're just like your fa-", a slap on her cheek stopped her from saying anything else. 

 Hazel's face slowly turned to meet Tyler's.

She ran away from the room, throwing the phone on the floor on her way out.

On her way to her room, she tripped on the stairs and fell on her face. Everything was against her. 

When she finally shut the door of her room. Instinctively, she walked straight to the mirror and stared at her pale reflection. Her face was severely bruised. The pain from being hit and falling off the stairs, landing on her face was overwhelming. 

Several hours passed by as Hazel sat on her bed thinking. She knew she had to leave, but she just didn't know how to. 

She had still been wearing the brown T-shirt Tyler had given her last night. 

She knew what she had to do. Hazel made her way downstairs and towards the door. 

"Where are we going?" A voice behind her said