
The Dark Awakening

In an apocalyptic world where darkness and demons lurk, humans face their destiny with supernatural powers. Here, rank is everything, and those who fall short of greatness are destined to perish in the shadow of oblivion. Kenji, a young man scarred by tragedy, witnessed his mother murdered in an act that could have been prevented. He blames his own father, a powerful hunter, for doing nothing to prevent it. Filled with anger and a thirst for revenge, Kenji vows to become strong enough to defy his father and change the course of this desolate world. Can Kenji find the strength to forgive, confront his father and free humanity, or will he give in to a thirst for revenge and become the very thing he loathes most?

KidLow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

New Dawn ①

New Dawn ①

The warm sun rose in the morning, on a summer day in De Brum village, although the people living here are very poor and weak, they all tried to be happy with the little they have.

The wind was blowing the scent of Jasmine flowers to the window of one of the villagers, who is a boy who dreams of being strong someday, this is Kenji who was watching carefully how they were training in the small field outside his ruined home.

He was thinking at that moment when he could train in that place, since his father never took him, since he was only interested in his brother, who has a gift to use his abilities.

After a few hours, Kenji finished watching the training in the field near his humble home, he was still resting at his window where the sun rays rested on his face, his mind was filled with dreams and aspirations where he would become the king of the Darker family.

Kenji felt the door creak and, at that moment, his mother, Rina, entered the room. Concerned by Kenji's dejected expression, she radiated an animated and comforting presence, filling the room with calm and tranquility.

Kenji's mother, Rina approached where Kenji was perched and embraced him, conveying her unconditional love and support.

- Lately, you've been so discouraged, why don't we go prepare lunch together and talk about it? I'm here to listen to you. - His mother said warmly.

Kenji looked into his mother's eyes and smiled: "Sure! - she replied cheerfully.

Rina and Kenji holding hands walked to the humble kitchen of the home, Rina noticing Kenji's prolonged despondency prepared a surprise for him.

- Today I have something special for you. - He smiles mysteriously.

Rina went to the kitchen and grabbed an object from the kitchen cabinet and hid it behind her back.

- It might be what I'm thinking! - Kenji exclaimed with excitement when he saw the smile on his mother's face.

Rina approaches Kenji and shows him the object, this is Kenji's favorite food, lasagna, which is impossible to get for people living in these villages.

-Thank you Mama! It's been years since I've eaten this - He smiled gratefully.

Rina was surprised by the sudden hug and she hugged him too: -You should thank your father too -She came closer to Kenji's ear and whispered to him -Although I told him to bring it to you, since you wanted to eat this for a long time.

Rina broke away from Kenji and smiled at him, although she noticed that Kenji got upset out of nowhere.

- What's wrong Kenji, did I say something wrong? - She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Kenji looked down and the frustration he felt was obvious: - It's just that... Because my dad doesn't take us into account, it seems as if we were ghosts to him! - He sighed and started to show his teeth from the annoyance he felt.

Rina looked at him tenderly, understanding his frustration: - I understand how you feel. Sometimes I also think your father lets us down, but he has a lot of responsibilities. He's close to becoming the next king of the Darkers' royal family, and that demands a lot of his time. But if you feel lonely, remember that both your brother and I love you very much. We will always be here for you. - She hugged Kenji and he felt calmer.

He subtly answered her: - Thank you for listening to me, mom - He hugged her again.

Rina calmed Kenji down completely and while they were preparing the meal, Kenji told her about his dreams and why he wants to achieve them, Rina was very happy to know that she had a noble and persevering son.

Rina and Kenji ate together and she was happy to see that Kenji was happier than usual.

Kenji was satisfied with the food, and an expression of joy lit up his face. He savored each bite with delight before turning to his mother.

-Mom, will there be any left for tonight?" he asked excitedly, his eyes sparkling at the prospect of enjoying that delicious meal again.

Rina, his mother, replied with a smile as she picked up the empty plates.

-Of course, Kenji! Even though you ate a lot, you're a glutton," she teased affectionately. Her words were laden with maternal love and complicity.

Kenji nodded enthusiastically, now calmer after his feast.

-Of course!" she replied cheerfully. It was evident that he didn't mind helping his mother after enjoying such a delicious meal.

Kenji got up from the table and heard footsteps approaching the door of his home, Kenji leaned out the window and saw that it was his Brother Taro, who was wearing a worried expression.

Taro banged on the door with such force that it echoed down the hallway, and Kenji, alerted by the clatter, hurriedly opened it.

Rina's worried and discouraged gaze met Taro's as he entered the house. Taro's face was haggard, and his eyes reflected a mixture of fear and anxiety.

-Taro, you need to calm down. What's going on?" said Rina with a voice full of concern, as she quickly advanced towards her son.

Kenji, equally concerned but not understanding the cause of his brother's distress, approached them, forming a circle of family unity.

-"Brother, are you all right?" asked Kenji, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Tears welled in Taro's eyes, mixing his fear with uncontrollable urgency. He shouted in desperation to his mother and Kenji.

-Run, please, just run!" her words were a piercing cry, filled with terror.

Rina, distressed by her son's shock, rushed to calm him down and wiped away his tears tenderly, "Taro, calm down.

-Taro, calm down. What's going on? Tell us, we are here to help you," said Rina in a soft, comforting voice.

Taro squeezed his mother's hands tightly, trying to convey the gravity of the situation with his desperate look.

-Get out of the village right now, the demons are attacking! Let's go, take Kenji and let's run together! -His voice was full of urgency and genuine fear.

Kenji, with tears filling his eyes and a mixture of fear and determination in his voice, nodded at his brother's words.

-Let's go now! I don't want anything to happen to you," he exclaimed, his voice full of emotion.

The tension in the room was palpable as Rina, Kenji and Taro left their home and ran through the narrow streets of the village. The cries of the villagers and the sounds of battle echoed in the air, like a constant reminder of the threat that loomed over them. Kenji squeezed his mother's hand tightly, seeking comfort and strength in her presence as they fled together.

Taro, ever protective and brave, stood alertly at the front, ready to face any danger that crossed his path. His face reflected a fierce determination and an unwavering desire to keep his family safe.

As they advanced, the harrowing sight of villagers dying and houses being consumed by fire intensified. Although they continued to run, the fire was getting closer and closer, closing off possible exits.

Taro moved into a defensive position, aware that the demons were cornering them. Despite the imminent threat, it was clear to him that he would do everything possible to protect his family, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

A giant demon approached menacingly towards them, its towering figure covering the horizon. Taro mentally prepared himself for what was to come, ready to face the monster and fight for the safety of his loved ones. Meanwhile, Kenji, fearful but determined, hid behind his mother, feeling helpless but desperately wanting to find some way to help in this terrible situation.

The moment of attack finally came when the demon raised its huge fist and launched a devastating attack towards them. Taro, relying on his darkness ability, channeled all his strength to create a protective shield. However, in the back of his mind, a nagging doubt haunted him: would it be enough to withstand the impact of such a force?

The demon's attack was rapidly approaching, threatening to destroy everything in its path. Taro stood firm, his concentration focused on maintaining the protective shield despite the doubt that tormented him. However, at that crucial moment, a portal of darkness opened in front of them, revealing the figure of someone familiar.

The familiar figure that emerged from the portal of darkness turned out to be Kenji and Taro's father, Ryo. His appearance surprised everyone, but there was no time for explanations. Ryo quickly took action and performed a powerful attack.

Making a gun signal with his hands, Ryo aimed directly at the demon's head and uttered the magic words: - Black Shoot! - In an instant, a bullet of darkness erupted from his hands and sped towards the monster's head.

The impact of the bullet was withering. The demon was instantly annihilated, vanishing in a cloud of darkness. Silence filled the air as everyone watched the result of Ryo's powerful skill.

But the battle was far from over. As the smoke of the monster's disappearance dissipated, Ryo revealed his true purpose for coming to the village: to take someone with him, and that someone was Taro.

Ryo angrily shouted at Taro: -We have to go now!

What are you talking about dad? - Taro asked with fear when he saw him angry.

Ryo teleported in front of Taro and grabbed him: "There's no time to lose!

Kenji at that moment took courage and also grabbed Taro's hand, glaring angrily at his father.

The tense exchange between Ryo, Taro and Kenji filled the air with a mixture of fear and determination. Ryo looked at Kenji with a sinister smile, challenging his bravery and loyalty to his brother.

Kenji, his intense gaze locked on his father, squeezed Taro's hand tightly, seeking support and solidarity in his presence. His voice rang out with unwavering determination.

- I will not allow you to take Taro away without a clear explanation. If there is something we must face, we will face it together as a family.

Ryo's face twitched at these words and, instead of responding seriously, he began to laugh sarcastically, filling the place with the hurtful sound of his laughter. His eyes flashed with contempt as he turned to Kenji.

- Family? You and your mother lack any talent or power that would make you worthy of being considered people, much less family. -A twisted smile formed on his lips, unleashing a wave of murky emotions in the room.

Ryo approached Kenji turning his finger into a blade, which pierced Kenji's stomach.

Kenji began to scream in pain amidst the dark, narrow streets of the village. The sound of his suffering echoed through the air, a heartbreaking wail that seemed to fill the entire space. Rina and Taro stood petrified at Kenji's agony, their faces reflecting the helplessness they felt.

Kenji writhed on the dirt floor, as if being consumed by hellfire itself. His high-pitched, desperate screams filled the air, mingling with the distant sounds of the battle raging somewhere in the village. Each cry from Kenji was like a discordant note amidst the chaotic symphony of destruction.

Ryo, with malevolent satisfaction, stood in front of them, enjoying the torment he inflicted on Kenji.

- Goodbye, Kenji! Rina, fuck you! -he uttered with contempt.

A dark portal opened in the middle of the cobblestone street, a whirlpool that seemed to suck all light and hope from its surroundings. Taro was pulled into the portal along with Ryo, leaving Rina and a still suffering Kenji behind. Taro's tears mingled with his anguish as he was dragged into the abyss, and Rina watched helplessly as her loved ones departed, her heart torn by loss and uncertainty.

Rina, despairing of Kenji's plight, knelt beside him on the dirty village street. Her tears flowed freely as she watched her son suffer.

- Kenji, you'll be fine, please don't leave me," she whispered in anguish and helplessness, her voice trembling as she did her best to ease her son's suffering.

Kenji's recovery was slow, but at least it gave him the strength to keep fighting for his life.

Rina, her heart full of love and determination, hugged Kenji as she struggled to hold back her own tears. She knew she had to find a way to keep Kenji safe and face the demons that haunted them.

With a firm gesture, Rina broke away from the embrace and looked directly into Kenji's eyes, conveying her strength and conviction.

- Kenji, my brave son, listen carefully. No matter what happens, I will always be with you. Together we will get through this, I promise you.

Kenji, still weak but inspired by his mother's words, nodded with determination.

- Thank you, Mom. I know I can trust you.

With his minimal strength, Kenji stood up, leaning on Rina for balance.

They had to move forward quickly, as a demon began to follow them, this one quickly moving to attack them.

Rina, in an act of bravery and unconditional love, quickly turned around to protect Kenji from the imminent threat of the demon. Without hesitation, she placed herself between the demon and her son, ready to face the danger, herself.

The demon attacked Rina, piercing her stomach and causing injuries to Kenji. Kenji, witnessing this, began to cry. He was completely shattered, but at that moment his fury overcame his pain. At that critical moment, something inside him awakened a hidden and unknown power. With agile and precise movements, Kenji launched a series of lethal attacks against the demon, despite his extreme exhaustion.

Kenji's powerful display of skill allowed the demon to fall mercilessly before him. With each move, it seemed as if the shadows themselves swirled and twisted, enveloping the demon in a deadly embrace. The clash of forces echoed through the air, a chaotic dance of power and desperation that culminated in the enemy's defeat.

Though his strength was fading fast, Kenji staggered toward his mother, worried about her condition after the attack. His steps were unsteady, as if he were walking on an invisible battlefield.

- Mother, you're going to be all right! I'll take you to the nearest village, hold on, I promise," Kenji exclaimed urgently, his voice trembling with anxiety.

Rina, weak, but serene, smiled faintly as Kenji sat beside her, holding her hands tenderly. The scent of damp earth and wild grasses permeated the air.

- Kenji... go on your way. You don't have the strength... Remember what you told me today? -Rina whispered, her voice like a sigh carried by the wind.

Kenji nodded with tear-filled eyes and a broken voice.

- Yes, Mom... I promise you that I will fulfill our goals, I will realize our dreams," he replied with determination, though tears were beginning to blur his vision.

Tears also filled Rina's eyes, streaming down her face in silence as she looked at her son with love and pride.

- Fulfill... your goals... your dream... -her words were a farewell and a legacy at the same time, as if she was passing the baton of life to her son.

Kenji, devastated by the impending loss, began to cry inconsolably, his sobbing like a wail echoing in the quiet forest around them.

- Mom, please don't go.... -she whispered between sobs, hugging her mother tightly as if she could hold her by her side.

Rina, with her trembling hand, wiped away Kenji's tears, her fingers were soft as flower petals caressing his face.

- Kenji... Fulfill your dreams... for me... promise you will not give up.... -she whispered with her last breath, her voice barely a whisper in the wind.

Kenji, still hugging his mother, nodded with determination, though his heart was breaking into pieces.

- Yes, Mom... -he answered in a voice cracked with sadness, but with a faint, grateful smile in the midst of tears.

Rina's heart stopped beating, and Kenji, devastated by the loss, began to cry harder. His sobs filled the silence of the forest, like an echo of his grief.

However, realizing that more demons were approaching, he made the decision to move forward on his own. He stood up, moving deeper into the long forest in the direction of the neighboring village, where the darkness of night was beginning to give way to the light of dawn.

Walking with less and less strength, Kenji felt the cold sweat on his forehead and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. Finally, his legs gave out and he collapsed on the forest litter, his wounds still bleeding, and his body was on the verge of death.

- Why is it that the strongest can live while we can't? -he muttered between gasps, his voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the forest.

- They let us die alone, without help. I swear I will change this world," he added with fierce determination, his words like an oath sworn before the ancient gods.

- I will transform this world into a place where everyone can live in safety! -he exclaimed, his voice cracking, his breath visible in the cold morning air.

As he uttered those words, Kenji collapsed completely. His heart was beating weakly, and his wounds continued to bleed. He was on the brink of the abyss of death, but his spirit burned with unwavering determination.

The end.