
The dangerous Woman

MarthaMondragon · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Court

And the other in jail. The home felt empty without them hearing the laughter from their daughters.

Everything changed from white to black. Vivie's colorful days were over as she kept on grieving and asking where she did wrong. Her close friends and relatives came so as to comfort her during such a time but all they could say was, "God has His reasons. We are here if you need someone to talk to."


"You have a visitor"

"Who is it" I thought and went to check out.

I hugged Layla with a big smile visible on my face but after we sat down, I noticed a weird bracelet on her left wrist. Layla noticed the weird expression I had as I looked at her bracelet.

"It's to suppress my magic. When I came here, I got it from the guard" She said while touching it.

"So that you don't help me escape ha! By the way thanx for coming" I said.

"It's nothing. You're my friend and may not be able to visit you if you are taken somewhere else..... Anyway I got you a lawyer for your case.... Don't worry, I'll do everything in my power to get you out of here soon." She said while touching my wrists.

"Thank you for everything Layla. You don't know how much this means to me." I said while a tear ran down my left cheek as I placed her right hand in-between my hands like she is all I've got right now and for my parents, I'm not sure what is gonna happen. We talked for a few minutes before Layla went and I was then sent back to my cell.


My fate was going to be decided today. After spending three nights in jail, I was now being transported to court with two police men sitted on my left and right. I was scared but... wait..... we've arrived after a two minutes drive?

We entered the court only to find that my parents sat at the opposing side. That broke my heart and I almost cried but anyway..... It wouldn't make the case if they supported me.

"Oh God! There is Sarah and Lucas" I thought to myself as I bypassed by them and sat down. It was about one minute before the judge arrived.

The court started with the opposing side represented by a lawyer called Joel Graham.

"Thank you your honor. As I begin, I would like to request you to take a look at these documents" he said and handed some documents to the judge.

"These were a few tests legally done to confirm which kind of star Miss Mondragõn is, only to find out she is a fire star." he continued and glanced at me.

Yesterday, they had done a few tests on me. I knew that once they found out I'm a fire star, I would not escape this.

He then handed some other documents to the judge and added, "These documents are from the fire department. It shows that nothing could cause the fire if it was not magic. The department has carefully been studying and researching about fire, fire stars and their magic like everything concerning fire. We also have some witnesses to confirm the statement." The judge gave him a nod to continue.

"I knew it! When they said witnesses of course it had to be those of Joan" I inwardly argued. Joan was the first one to unsurely confess. She hated me but I always tried to treat her as a friend. She hated me because John dumped her for me and now was the perfect time for revenge. She witnessed nothing but kept on saying she did. After she was done with her fake confession, she gave me an evil smile as she went to settle. More people confessed as witnesses until I was fade up like was this some kind of joke here?

My lawyer Yie Ken, tried her best to defend me but there was little proof to show I'm innocent. There were some witnesses on my side including Layla though she wasn't there. She had told me that she would do anything in her power to get me out of here but I didn't know she was going to lie in court.


30 minutes before the court started, Layla had a talk with Yie Ken about my case.

"I'll do my best but this is not the right way" Yie Ken said.

"I really need to do this. I can't just sit back and watch my friend go to jail" She said as her eyes were covered with tears. Her response and reaction made Yie Ken doubt the relationship between Layla and her so-called friend Luna. She wiped her face and added, "Register me on the witness's list.... I'm ready to do this." She immediately left without hearing Yie Ken's reply. Yie Ken had no option left because the proof was scarce.


Back to the present acting court. After Layla's fake confession, many people started believing her as they knew she was the one who turned out the fire but they then had a confused expression when they heard my confession. Joan's gang wanted to feel happy about it but they were also confused and wondered why I would say I'm guilty.

I did, want to to escape this but I wanted to face the consequences of my actions. I had a lot of words to say to convince Layla because I know how much effort she has put in to get me out of here.

I know that my statement makes Yie Ken's work difficult and now posting for a bail was so impossible as the words came out of my own mouth.

We went for a short court break like 10 minutes and I was allowed to talk to anybody. As I was looking at everyone talking, Layla suddenly approached me. I was really surprised when she hugged me like I thought she was going to tell at me for wasting her efforts but instead she hugged me.

"I love you Luna"

"I love you to Layla". I didn't hug her back as I was handcuffed. We then had an emotional talk like we already knew what was coming for me. I after wards went to talk to my parents. Mom looked away but dad came towards me and touched my left shoulder.

"Your mom loves you but she needs some space and time to recover from this. I'm happy that you chose to do the right thing." he said and quickly left. I wanted to say I love all and please don't leave me here but it was too late for that. At least deep inside I know they love me.

"OMG!! The judge has arrived after a short break. My fate is going to be said all out." I inwardly spoke to myself. We all settled down and waited for the judge to speak.

"With care and a great analysis done with the hep of the proof shown by both sides, the court has come to a decision and Miss Mondragõn is found guilty and is sentenced to serve 5 years in prison and as for Miss Yie Ken's statement that Miss Mondragõn is a student at Magiscis Academy, she will still go for the inward lessons provided by the prison. Court has ended".

The judge left and everyone wore their own expressions. I looked at Joan's hand and the evilly smiled at me. I looked at dad with a sad one and mom with an (I don't care) look. I looked at Yie Ken who tried her best and failed because of my confession and finally when I was being taken away, I looked at Layla as my eyes landed on her teary ones. Before I could think....