
The dance of fate

ROB ran out of ideas (which he didn't have), so he decided to pull the truck trick again. This story is about rebirth in ancient Mesopotamia in the world of Fate. Actually if you think these story will be likethat, you got fakediscriptioned. P. s. I don't own the fate series and the picture p.s2.0 english is NOT my main language ( I really suck at these, buut i don't want to write story and then translate it with google.. Why? Bc why not?)

Undead_Corpse · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

The Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Uanna

After they noticed this girl, they moved away and prepared for the battle, however, the girl in front of them hurried to calm them down

- "Put down your weapon", I'm not going to fight with you. (???)

- Then why are you here? (Enkidu)

- It's just that you looked so cute together : 3 (???)

- What are you talking about? (Gil)

- Okay, you are not interesting (???)

After she said that, they didn't understand anything for a while, but then they talked to her anyway. During this conversation, they learned that this girl is the creator of Demon Slayer Core, as well as the mayor of Abadi.

- Hmm, I don't even know whether to believe you or not. (Gil)

- Okay, then let's make a deal: If I can destroy the demon that you are going to kill using only one spell. (Uanna)

- Deal! (Gilgamesh)

While they were talking, Enkidu was squatting down and trying to talk to the ants. As strange as it may sound, but he was able to do it. After that, the three of them continued their journey. During the whole trip, they managed to talk, and they almost became friends. In the end, someone who knows how to joke well and in time is very appreciated in society (and yes, this is not about you) ).

After 3 hours of traveling, they still came to the approximate location of the demon, and began to search for it. About an hour later, they found it, and Uanna decided to show her skills.

- Behold, the ability of Ash Magic: Destruction! (Uanna)

After she said that, a magic circle appeared in front of her hand. This circle was a dark brown color with an admixture of black and red. There were some words written on this magic circle that an ordinary person could not understand, but if you studied the rune language from Arkanelia, then you could read what was written there. The words in the magic circle said the following:

{If you hear, then hear,

If you see, then see

The one who is hidden by the ashes will bear revenge

And return everything to the ashes.

Ash Magic: Remote Explosion. Modification size: 15%, Explosion size: 50%}

Maybe it would seem pointless for an ordinary person, but using this spell with this text created probably the strongest skill of all the quick killing abilities.

When Uanna finished using the spell, nothing had passed. Gilgamesh and Enkidu began to doubt the effectiveness of this spell.

- Well, where is the effect? (Gil)

- Oh, right. I need to do this. (Uanna)

After she said that, she made a gesture with her hands that looked like she was pressing some kind of button. Immediately after that, the demon's body was engulfed by a huge explosion, and there was no trace of its existence left.

Both Enkidu and Gilgamesh were shocked by this spell. They had never seen such magic. Yes, maybe there are many attacks in the fate universe that are many times stronger, but this attack blew up the victim from the inside.

After this incredible demonstration, Enkidu, Gilgamesh and Uanna headed back to Uruk. On the way back, they occasionally talked and joked, but they didn't even know that something was going to happen... (welp, I can end this chapter rn. Why? Because I ran out of ideas, but...

[{Timeskip 2 years, Uanna POV}]

Yo, my dudes. Today I made another timeskip. Nothing unusual happened during this entire timeskip. And yes, according to tradition, I would like to say: you are probably wondering why I contacted you right now. So, we have one very LOUD problem. You are probably wondering, who am I talking about. Well... ... ...

- Marry me! (One VERY loud goddes)

All four of us (don't forget Siduri) were standing there shocked. Why? For What? Is she stupid? But okay, anyway, we know what's going to happen now. Yes, as you could understand, this trembling creature is the goddess of love Ishtar.

- Svali (Gilgamesh)

Ishtar stood there, shocked. Wait, wait, did she really think it would work?

After a few seconds, she started arguing with Gilgamesh again and telling him why he should marry her. Yes, as you could understand, it didn't work, and Gil just ignored her. While they continued to argue, I checked my inventory. I was checking what weapons I have and thinking where I could use th....

- And who can you choose instead of me? This quiet girl who constantly stands near the throne with a sign? Or this piece of dirt in the shape of a man? Or maybe this fat woman with a brown hood? (Ishtar)

- ... (Gil)

- ... (Siduri)

- ... (Enkidu)

- ... I'm what... did she say something wrong? (Ishtar)


- Eeek!!!! (Ishtar)

As soon as all this happened, Ishtar began to fly away as far as possible.

- [Mana manipulation, louder voice] FIVE! (Uanna)

Ishtar started to accelerate from the moment I said that.

- Four (Uanna)

Ishtar flew faster and faster.

- Three (Uanna)

I went into the inventory in search of one weapon that I had used before.

- Two (Uanna)

A purple portal appeared, similar to the Gates of Babylon, and a bow and a spear appeared from it.

- One~ (Uanna)

Ishtar wondered for a second why she was running, but the next second she understood.

- Now it's too late to run, Arma aish!!!! (Uanna)

I have charged my noble phantasm, and shot at Ishtar.

................to be continued

Yes, I'm lazy

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