
The daily life of Origin Being

Synopsis: A Man from a slightly weird world died, And found himself in the void, Boundary or something like that, as there is nothing there, and roamed in that place for an uncountable amount of time, maintaining his sanity was the only thing he could do, while also thinking about his life. After an uncountable amount of time, a flash of light appeared in front of him, and from that, an Old Man(?) came out, and gave him the choice, as to become strong by going to God Realm or to travel Various World. Of Course, the nearly insane man chooses the Second Option and goes on his journey to become, the STRONGEST, while also finding the truth about his own life, and traveling the infinite realms.

RapidOoze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter-11(Intruding The Meeting, Meeting the World Will, Timeskip- 3 years, Next Plans, Travelling in the Void, Seeing the Void Beasts, and Reaching the destination)

(Meeting Room, Kuoh Town, Human World)

While everyone was going through the documents with a shocked face, a portal appeared, seeing which all of them got on their guards as they watched the Portal. From the Portal come a 18 year old boy with a girl on his shoulder, behind him is a women with long white hair as well as short pointed hair and beside her is a women wearing a maid outfit with long silver hair and cold expression, seeing those women would have given every god lust and desire of possessiveness if not for the fact that the aura the man was releasing as well as the maid was releasing was more than all of them combined here.

The one who arrived are Anos, Ophis, Juddeca and Grayfia. Seeing them coming here, all the demon kings stood up and bowed their head while Serafall jolted towards Anos and asked,

Serafall-"Anos-chan, were you not saying that you are not gonna come to the meeting?"

Serafall had asked that question for two reason, first one was to know Anos's reason for coming to the meeting and the second one was to let other's know who Anos is.

Hearing what Serafall asked, all of them had a shocked look on their face and some looked at Serafall with horror as ho she was talking to Anos using 'chan', while Anos turned towards Serafall and spoke,

Anos-"I have something to do so I said I was not coming to the meeting, but now I had done it and I was free so I decided to come here."

Serafall-"Then come and sit there, Anos-chan."

Serafall then took them to their seat which Ajuka just prepared in front of all the factions, Anos sat while Ophis sat on lap and both Juddeca and Grayfia stand behind them.

Anos then turned towards others and spoke,

Anos-"I am Anos Voldigoad."

Ophis who is sitting his lap also spoke,


While both Grayfia and Juddeca ignored everyone present there.

Everyone, had a wry smile on their faces while they also started to introduce themselves, Anos suddenly turned towards Shiva and Jade Emperor, who both crouched down and started screaming, while the rest of the factions look at it with a shocked face as both of them are one of the strongest people living in this world.

Anos then looked at them with his eyes turning cold and said in icy tone,

Anos-"I don't like people scooping inside my head, and do you really think that you are strong just because you could use a little bit of your strength and (turns towards others) don-t think about playing with fate and destiny in front of me."

Anos then stopped talking while everyone was processing what had happened, Serafall asked,

Serafall-"Anos-chan, what happened?"

Hearing her question all others looked towards Anos who shrugged his shoulders and said,

Anos-"They were thinking of themselves as the true rulers and want to read my mind so this is what they get."

Anos then turned towards Indra with interest, who had come with Shiva but lose it soon and that was noticed by everyone except Indra who was looking at Shiva with a happy expression in his eyes.

Anos then turned towards Ajuka and said,

Anos-"Throw them outside, they are going to scream like that for a while and I don't want other people disturbing the meeting."

Ajuka nods his head and call servants to take them back to their factions, Anos seeing that looked around and his eyes stopped at Odin and looked at him with interest as he spoke,

Anos-"Old man, you don't have the blood of this world, who are you?"

Anos could have known about him using his Origin, but he wanted to hear from the man itself, while Odin hearing that question was shocked as someone knew about them, Anos seeing that said,

Anos-"Why are you so shocked? Half of the one present here had outside blood in them."

Hearing that all of them were shocked while Michael stepped forward and asked,

Michael-"What do you mean by that Anos-sama?"

Anos looked at him and said,

Anos-"I mean half of you all had ancestors outside of Dragonic Deus, from other dimensions and worlds, but I guess you wouldn't know that as they would have destroyed that records."

All of them were shocked while Ajuka asked a question,

Ajuka-"Anos-sama, what do you mean by Dragonic Deus?"

Anos-"Its the name of the universe you all are living in."

Ajuka put a thoughtful look and was about to speak , but, in front of Anos, light particles started to gather, and form a humanoid shape, and an aura descended on everyone except Anos's group.

The humanoid figure turned towards Anos and bowed its head and spoke,

Humanoid Figure-"Greetings, Anos-sama and Ophis."

Anos and Ophis looked at the figure with interest as they could tell that the figure in front of them is the embodiment of the will of the DxD universe, while, the rest of them who heard the voice felt that the voice came from all the directions and the pressure it emitted was too much for them.

Anos then spoke,

Anos-"Greetings to you too, So now you could materialize your form."

Humanoid Figure-"Yes Anos-sama, It is all due to your help, and I want to came early but stabilizing the world took some time, so I can't come early, I am very much thankful to you for helping me and my world."

Anos-"You don't have to be as it was necessary for me to do that to step in your world, and you had also helped Ophis by making sure of not letting her meet the Khaos Brigade."

Humanoid Figure-"No, It is my duty and the world had already gone outside of its original timeline so its my duty to make sure that Ophis remained safe and I also had fun watching her Journey as parent watching their child and you had also given me the opportunity to grow."

Anos-"No, It was inevitable as it was partially my fault (turns towards Serafall) and her."

Humanoid Figure-"For you it may seem as it was your fault but for me its the biggest blessing I could have gotten."

Anos nods his head hearing that as its the truth, as having Sona in this world already gave the world a sure chance to grow stronger and level up.

Anos-"Then its good, I guess, and I guess you should leave as the world is still not completely stabilized, and you should do your work."

Humanoid Figure-"Yes, Anos-sama."

After saying that, the figure turned into light particles and disappear like it had never appeared here and all the people who were under pressure felt relief as the pressure was also gone.

Ajuka stood up and looked at Anos with a face full of horror and asked,

Ajuka-"Anos-sama, is the person who appeared was embodiment of our universe?"

Anos-"Yes, it is the embodiment of this Universe but it can't stay in humanoid form for longer periods of time as the world hadn't stabilized fully yet."

After saying that Anos stood up and Ophis got on his shoulders and made a portal and turned around everyone and said,

Anos-"A friendly advice, don't fight among yourselves for a month."

After saying that he left through the portal with Juddeca and Grayfia following behind him.

All the people in the room were dumbfounded as Anos just left as though nothing had happened and don't even explain what he meant by saying that.

For all the people present here, today was a day full of surprises and shocks.

The demon kings again got on their work to stabilize the meeting and answering any question anyone asked.

(Underworld, Ophis's Mansion)

Anos and others appeared and sat on the sofas while Anos turned to Ophis, who had make his lap as her permanent seat and said,

Anos-"Ophis, want to go out to human world with me?"

Ophis nods her head hearing that and Anos turned towards Juddeca and Grayfia, both of them nods their head and Anos started making plans for the trip.

(Timeskip, 3 years)

It's already three years since they decided to travel around the world, they travelled for 5 months, tasting different foods and visiting various places, the main reason for travelling was to relax his mind as Anos had always been studying his Origin and after that to train his skills. So this travel had helped him a lot to relax and spend time with others as he had already been alone for who knows how long in the boundary, so it's like a new experience for him.

After travelling, Anos started to learn blacksmithing as it would help him to make other things and he got the Knowledge of greatest Blacksmiths out in the different worlds and started to gain more experience and proficiency and hone his skills, It took him Hundred years to became the best Blacksmith in all the worlds by using Time magic.

He also created a new skill 'Dimensional Travel' and it took him 20 years using Time magic to understand that skill as that skill connects him to different dimensions and worlds out there but if he is not strong enough then his body would collapse but he is strong enough for that and other dimensional will don't allow person of other dimension to enter them but this skill allow them to enter inside and Anos is an Origin being, and every dimension would love to have him in their dimension as a single move from him could help them very much.

During that time, he had also trained Sona so that she could use her skills to the fullest without having any problems, and her strength already reached Ultimate class. After which he had gave her a year of rest as she had always been training hard and don't enjoy like other children(devils) of her age and he also had a plan for himself so he won't be able to train her.

Anos also started to learn about the souls and decided to visit another world with the best expertise in souls as his soul is overpowered but he can't utilize it fully as even with Knowledge, he needed to experience how others use their soul power as his soul is different from others.

So the world he had chosen is 'Tales of Demons and Gods', there are various reasons, but the main one is to get or make a demon spirit which could help him and the other is that, that world heavily relies on using soul power.

Anos also wanted to learn about the Laws, he could do it in the DxD, but, that world is heavily based on Dragons and Gods making it easier for them to learn and the laws of that world are also based on Divinities of Gods, and he don't want to became a God, but in TODAG('Tales of Demons and Gods') world, Laws are available for everyone and their are all the laws in that world, one could study without having any problems as its not necessary to become a spiritual god and he needed to have insight in the Laws and the rest he could do using the Knowledge.

Anos looked in front of him where Grayfia was standing and asked,

Anos-"Are you sure you want to come with us?"

Right now Anos was standing between a black haired beauty and a white haired beauty. Those two were Ophis in her adult form and Juddeca. During the three years, Ophis had also started making obvious moves towards Anos, who did the same and they had already done everything except crossing the last line.

Grayfia looked at Anos and said with determination,

Grayfia-"Yes Anos-sama, I am going with you, if you don't mind that is."

Anos-"I don't mind, its just that world is more stronger than the current DxD, so you may have some problems in that when you first enter there."

Grayfia-"I don't mind that and going to a stronger world means that I could also grow more stronger to travel alongside you, Ophis-sama and Juddeca-sama.

Hearing that Anos nods his head and said,

Anos-"Then lets go."

Hearing that Juddeca transformed into her pendant form around Anos neck and Ophis takes his hand, and Anos waved his hand and all them covered in a barrier while Grayfia was behind and a portal appeared in front of them and all of them step inside the portal. In the portal, they were flying with the barrier covering them and looked around them.

Around them, the whole area was covered in a iridescent colors which could be described as looking through a kaleidoscope, which looked somewhat similar to dimensional gap but here it feels more real, and they could see different types of creature travelling just like them but some had humanoid figures while some had monster forms but the one which felt more dangerous were the things whose form can't be describe, and Grayfia was shocked to see that as one of those creatures was more bigger and larger than the Great Red but they feel more dangerous and their form is mixed of different creatures and having many eyes over its body.

Grayfia looked at Anos with a face full of horror and asked while pointing towards that creature,

Grayfia-"Anos-sama, what is that?"

Anos hearing that looked at her with interest and said,

Anos-"You could still remain your consciousness while looking at its eyes, but I advise you to not look at it, as for what that is, it is a void beast, while it could be similar to you while it was travelling through void but got errored and they are far stronger than any other beings you had ever seen."

Hearing that Grayfia quickly looked away from it and as shocked to find that the beautiful place they are travelling through is so dangerous and again asked,

Grayfia-"Then why that thing is ignoring us?"

Anos-"Due to Barrier."

Grayfia nods her head hearing that and looked in front of her to see another portal appearing in front of them and they all got inside of that portal and appeared inside a Forest and Anos closed the portal behind him and looked forward when Grayfia suddenly crouched down and started screaming, Anos seeing that said,

Anos-"Its the forming a soul realm inside your soul, which is present in everyone in this Universe and it is required for them to grow stronger."

Hearing that Grayfia gritted her teeth and started to stop screaming and started enduring it, after some time, the pain started to subdue a little and Grayfia looked at herself and found herself covered in sweat and waved her hand to use magic but found it a little difficult but after some time got successful and became clean and looked in front of herself only to see Anos looking at her and spoke,

Anos-"Are you alright now?"

Grayfia-"Yes Anos-sama, I am alright and I am sorry for this shameful display."

Hearing that Anos shook his head and said,

Anos-"No, its alright as its the normal reaction of getting your soul changed from inside."

Hearing that Grayfia nods her head and said,

Grayfia-"Anos-sama, do you and Ophis-sama already had Soul realm?"

Anos-"No, we also had just gotten them."

Grayfia-"Anos-sama, then you and Ophis-sama don't felt any pain?"

Anos-"Ophis may have felt a little but not much and I don't felt as our souls are way too strong and this world is only Lv9 so its not a problem for us."

Hearing that Grayfia nods her head with a calm expression but her eyes were burning with determination to get stronger, Of course both Anos and Ophis saw this, but, they don't said anything as this could become her motivation to grow stronger and Ophis also wanted Grayfia to travel with them but she knew that they can't always be there for her and she needed to grow stronger herself.

Anos then looked in front of him to see large walls and said,

Anos-"We are still in the tiny world, well its good as I could now also study the faith."

After that Anos looked at everyone else and said,

Anos-"I am going to make ourselves an Identity, with myself as a cultivator of legend rank who came from a tribe outside which was destroyed by demon beasts, while Ophis as my wife and Grayfia as our servant who had accompany us and we had come to the Glory city a month ago and I am a teacher in the Holy Orchid Institute and we are living in the City Lord's mansion"

Hearing that Ophis has a happy smile as she got the identity as his wife while Grayfia nods her head, Anos then use the 'Reality Manipulation' skill to have their Identity.

After that he, along with everyone teleported inside the City Lord's mansion, in their designated rooms, Anos then turned towards Grayfia and said,

Anos-"We are going to rest now Grayfia, and you should also do that as from tomorrow, we have some work to do."

Grayfia bowed her head hearing that and left towards her room, As for how she got the information, well, when Anos used reality manipulation, it gives them the memory of the month they had spend in the Glory city as their identity.

After Grayfia left, both Anos and Ophis entered the room and change their clothes and get on the bed while cuddling each other and the pendant on Anos's neck glowed and Juddeca appeared and hugged Anos from behind, seeing that Anos petted her head while smiling, and they all gone to sleep.

Meanwhile, Grayfia, who was in her room on her bed looked upwards while clenching her fists while feeling so weak, the last time she had felt that was when an heir was forcing himself on her, if not for Ophis's protection and help, she can't even imagine what would have left of her, due to that she trained hard after that and became the strongest which had made her arrogant and felt that everything was going to be alright and but today she felt that feeling again, and she also knows that Anos could have helped her while she was feeling pain but he don't which she appreciate as it hepls her to have detemination to grow stronger again and she also got good impression on during Anos during his stay with them, and she knows she already started devloping feelings as she had stayed for years during his training using time magic and watching him train like that while being this much stronger already. Thinking about that she fall asleep.

(Time-skip, Morning)

In front of Anos's room, Grayfia was standing their, knocking on the door, saying,

Grayfia-"Anos-sama, Ophis-sama, it's morning."

Hearing her voice, Anos, who was sleeping between Juddeca and Ophis, waked up and walked to the door and opened it.

Grayfia seeing that bowed her said saying,

Grayfia-"Good Morning, Anos-sama, the servant from the mansion notified that the city lord and his family is waiting for you and Ophis-sama in the dining room."

Upon hearing that, Anos patted Grayfia's head and said,

Anos-"Good Morning, and we are coming in a minute or two as I still have to wake Ophis."

Grayfia nods her head, and kept her head down as whenever Anos patted her head she always blushes, while Anos seeing that has a smile and walked inside the room towards Ophis as Juddeca is already in her pendant form around his neck, and started shaking Ophis while saying,

Anos-"Ophis, its morning."

Ophis slowly wakes up and looked upward to see Anos and quickly kisses him on his lips, the morning kiss quickly turns into a make-out session, After 5 minutes Ophis separates herself from Anos and looked at him while licking her lips, meanwhile Grayfia who was behind them was blushing hard as even though she knew about them doing this but this is the first time she saw that and Ophis looking around spotted Grayfia and blushed as she also does this type of thing when she and Anos are alone so this time she is also ashamed for doing it in front of another person.

Meanwhile, Anos smiled seeing that, and he himself started to devlop a little feelings for Grayfia but it is still little as he himself knew that it's going to take a lot of time to turn that into love and the time is the last thing they lack.

After Ophis calmed down and goes back to her neutral face, they left towards the dinning room, for the breakfast.
