
The Daily Life of a Villain and a Hero

This is a modern world but one day for unknown reasons dungeons started appearing in this world and from those dungeons monsters started appearing too. The villain is a handsome guy named Yang and the hero is a beautiful girl named Yin. Yang might be the most dangerous villain that everyone fears but he's got a mischievous side to him, which always causes trouble for Yin. Yin is the strongest among everyone in the country of Luciana. Many men tried to pursue her but she ignored them all. Yin has a different aim and that is to defeat Yang and prove that she's even stronger than Yang the biggest villain in history. Or so she thought. Everything Yin finds Yang, Yang always manages to run away from her clutches after teasing her and distracting her rather than fighting. This is a romantic comedy story of a villain that always pulls pranks on the hero and the hero who wants to catch him but always falls for his tricks. What will happen to them? Will they fall in love or will fight in the end? Will Yin finally be able to defeat Yang or fall for his pranks again?

Gibe_Hug · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

So it begins

After Yin reached the campsite she took a bit of rest. After a while, everyone started to wake up and slowly get back to work. Everyone had more work to do today since today was the last day before the war and they had to get everything ready.

A guy brings over a satellite phone to Yin and says "Ms Yin, Mr Dawson would like to speak with you". Yin replies "*Sighs, Give it to me". She takes the phone from the guy and the guy then leaves. Yin says on the phone "What do you want?". Dawson replies "Woah, not even a hello or how are you? That hurts my feelings". Yin replies "I don't have time to waste, either speak what you need or I can just hang up". Dawson replies "Just try to relax sometimes Ms Yin. Now then back to the real reason I called you. Is everything ready on your side?". Yin replies "Yes, we're almost done. What about the other squads and your side?". Dawson smirks and says "Yes, everything is going as planned. Well then, I won't keep you on the phone anymore. Carry on. This is probably the last time we'll talk before the war. Good luck". Yin hangs up without saying anything. Dawson on the other side "*Tch, why you little…".

Meanwhile, in the Hex Empire…..

A soldier yelling at the workers "C'mon move it, hurry up. We don't have all day". The workers were moving big cannons onto the trucks. Each was specially made by the Hex Empire and their firepower was assumed to be very destructive. This was the first time they'll be using it. The other squadrons were already in their position and they fortified their places and were ready for battle at any moment.

Skull was doing push-ups and other workouts. He was ready to unleash his strength on the enemy. He likes to go all out without any restrictions and this war has given him just that, so he was very excited. Hammond was in an underground dungeon in his castle. He opens a big door, the room was dark and there was something evil lurking. Hammond laughs and says "Just a little longer and I'll let you out. Muhahaha"

Yin is in the camp getting her stuff ready in the tent. After a while, she gets out of her tent and takes a walk outside. She was lost in thoughts thinking about what would she say or ask Yang about, What she should do? Meanwhile, Dawson has already sent the special group that he made secretly to the dungeon as he planned. His plan was to send them ahead and keep an eye on that place so that there's no one else around and when he gets a chance to get away during the war he would take that chance and meet them there. Dawson's main goal was that dungeon and not the war. He didn't care what he had to do or even if everyone dies, this was the same case for Hammond. Hammond also would do anything possible to get what he wants no matter the cost.

The battle was going to be on a big plain field surrounded by mountains. The place between all the countries. It was a no man's land. The Phoenix Guild sends some of their best adventures to the mountains to take the spot best for sniping. The Darkness Guild took position along with other guilds to provide them support and the Dawn Guild are in the front to take the charge and lead the battle.

It was evening everyone sat together talking, laughing and eating. Yin was eating alone sitting under a tree. All the girls invited Yin to sit together and eat but Yin declined them and decided to eat alone. Yin looks at others talking and laughing, Yin smiles a bit looking at them and says "If only there were no enemies and only friends".

After eating everyone decided to take a bath in the waterfall nearby. So the boys went first. After some time, the boys came back and the girls started to walk toward the waterfall. Yin tagged along with them. The boys decided to play a prank and peek at the girls while they were taking a bath, some didn't agree but most of them did. So they went with the majority rules and decided to do it. They slowly and carefully walked towards the waterfall. Before they could peek Yin heard a noise in the bushes and used her ice elemental power and made a huge ice wall surrounding the waterfall. The boys seeing that were disappointed and some already ran away from getting scared.

The girls thanked Yin and said, "Than..thank you Ms Yin. You were so amazing back then". Yin blushes a little from all the praise and says "No need to thank me I just did what I had to". Yin then takes off her clothes and turns around, everyone kept staring at her. Yin says slowly "Please don't stare. It's embarrassing". She then gets into the water. All the girls get close to Yin and surround her and say "Ms Yin you got such a nice looking body. How do you maintain it? Tell us the tricks. Please.. please…please". Yin couldn't handle so many questions at once and started to feel dizzy.

After the girls finished their bath and got out of it, they talked a little more while getting dressed. They asked Yin again about her body and complimented her. Yin was embarrassed a lot but then she replies "I don't really do anything special". The girls kept staring at her like they don't trust her "*Stareeeeeee". Yin gets flustered and says "Rea.. really trust me".

After that everyone gets back to camp. All the boys were called together and most of them got punished for their behaviour. They were doing push-ups as a punishment. All the girls walked passed them laughing and giggling. Yin smiles looking at the situation and then enters her tent. She opens her diary and starts writing "Today was great. A lot of good things happened and I enjoyed it. But tomorrow gonna be different not just for me but for everyone I hope everything goes well and I wish I can meet the idiot Yang one more time. Just…one more…time".


Meanwhile, Yang somewhere near the no man's land sitting on the edge of a cliff, looking at the sky. He closes his eyes and says "And so it begins"

4 people have their fates intertwined. Yin who's looking for an answer, Yang who's desperate to save Yin, Dawson who's looking to uncover the hidden truth of the past, and Hammond whose only goal is to take over the world and cause destruction. What will happen to them? What will their fate be? What they didn't know was that this war wasn't going to go as they wanted and something was about to change between Yin and Yang.

Time before the war: 0 Days

What are your thoughts on Yin and Yang? Will they be able to trust eachother like before or will they end up fighting?

Gibe_Hugcreators' thoughts