
The D£vil's Bride

Have you ever been in a situation where no matter how much you try, how much effort you put in.. you still can't make ends meet? Yes? No?? Well, This seemed to Lizabeth Brown's fate. No matter how much she tried, how much effort she put in, she always got fired from every single job she went to. Why? Simple, each boss of hers were all perverts and being a feminist, all she did was put them in their place.. but whenever she did that, she always got fired. Sometimes she looses count of how many places she's worked in. "10 this month? ..I thought it was more than th—oh, it's 25." She's a slender yet, shapey 25 years old lady. Fair skinned, short.. putting her amongst tall people would be considered a sin, she has long brunette hair and green emerald eyes. Yet, with all these unique feature [except for her height of course] Lizabeth never once thought of becoming an escort. She's hot headed, stubborn, feisty and a feminist, but she wasn't ambitious.. she wasn't ambitious.. she was great in need. Maybe that's why she accepted a contract with the reward of Two million USD if she becomes the bride to one of the scariest human in Sicily? Rumors also have it that although this man is feared by literally everyone.. his face was completely deformed, ugly and unbearable to look at. Some say he fell into a pool of acid, others say he got into a car accident which left the left side of his face hideous and some say he went out hunting and a wild animal ripped off the side of his face and that's why he wears a mask. After coming face to face with this brutal human, Lizabeth finally realized that she had gone completely nuts to actually accept this suicidal contract! But it was too late.. She has already entered the Devil's den and from the looks of it, there seemed to be no escape route. . . . Who is this.. Mr Devil? Why does this Devil cover his face? Are the rumours actually true? Did he get his face deformed by acid?? How will Lizabeth cope with such a cold and arrogant human being? What made him cold and aloof in the first place?

Somi_iwuji · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter one/two; Marry the Devil?


"What about her? She looks.. humble enough." Kyde spoke, his gaze lingering on a brunette haired lady seated at the corner of the restaurant.

Ezra Whartson slowly placed the menu in her hands down, her gaze landing on the lady Kyde had pointed out. She hummed, her red elegant nails tapping across the table and her slightly wrinkled eyes scrutinizing the lady.

"She looks plain, exactly what I want. Give me the papers, I'm heading over."

Kyde was about to speak but Ezra instantly raised a finger.

"And no, you're not escorting me. You'll scare her."

"But–" Kyde tried to talk but Hunter who had been silent through out immediately gripped his arm.

"She's the boss, listen to her." His voice was stern and his eyes glared hard at Kyde, making the latter sigh before shrugging his hand away from Hunter's grip.

Ezra nodded at the duos before walking over to the lady.

Hunter on the hand aggressively made Kyde face him. "How many times have I warned you? When she says 'no', don't say 'but' and when she says 'yes' still no buts!"

Hunter has worked for The Whartons for years. They were one of the most influential and wealthiest people in the country. No one, absolutely no one dare gets on their bad side.

Aside from The Devil himself, Ezra was the most respected amongst the family members. She may look old and frail on the outside, but as they say, Never judge a book by its cover.

She is ruthless when needed and kind if needed. But, her kind self surfaces on very rare occasions.

Kyde inwardly rolled his eyes. He hates that this man could control him.

"Loud and Clear."

Hunter raised a brow and Kyde couldn't help but groan inwardly. "Loud and Clear 'boss'!"


Lizabeth Brown glared at the seven years old boy infront of her. Her cheeks tinted red in slight annoyance and arms folded across her chest.

"Sebastian Brown. Why did you follow me here? Infact, how did you follow me here? and how in God's sake did you enter a cab? You're just seven years old for goodness sake!"

Seb smiled cutely but seeing that Lizabeth still had that angry face on then decided to pucker his lips and the latter instantly bursted into laughter, throwing a napkin onto his face.

"Gosh, stop that. You'd be embarrassed if I showed you how you look."

Seb pursed his lips. "So you forgive me now?"

Lizabeth hummed. "I don't have a problem with you coming here, i'm just worried about your sister.. she's sick and you left her home all alone."

Seb inwardly rolled his eyes. 'Sick indeed.'

"Did you say anything?"

Seb immediately shook his head. "No. I wanna join the other kids in the bouncy castle. Can I go momma?"

Lizabeth nodded. "But don't get hurt!"

"Yes mom!" Seb replied, but instead of heading outside to join the other kids, he went to the corner of the restaurant and brought out his tablet.

«Misson in progress?»

«Yes. I've got the nylons ready and Corner and his parents are in the car.. going.. and gone! I just need you home now, and did you figure out what time momma will be back from work today?»

«Luckily very late. I'll sneak off now.»

«You better! I can't do this alone.»

«I'll be there.»

≈ ≈

Lizabeth sighed tiredly and placed the apron back on. The dark bags under her eyes and her unkept hair showed that she was extremely exhausted.

Guess it wasn't easy working as a cleaner and a waitress.

She sighed for what seemed to be tenth time and began to sluggishly clean the table, but, her hands suddenly halted when an old, yet elegant lady suddenly sat at the spot where Seb was seated.

Thinking that she was a customer, Lizabeth instantly lowered her head and apologized immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'll just clean this spot and–"

"Sit down." Ezra cut into Lizabeth's sentence making the latter crease her brows.

"But wh–"

"Just have a seat."

Lizabeth pursed her lips and slowly kept her cleaning utensils at the corner, but before she could ask why this woman wanted her to sit, the latter brought out a file placed inside a glossy packet.

"Are you happy being a cleaner?" Ezra asked making the latter furrow her brows, but all the same, she answered.

"Who would ever like being a cleaner? That's literally one of the worst jobs ever."

Ezra nodded. "So what if I said that just by saying the word 'Yes' you could gain two million dollars?"

Lizabeth blinked. "Huh?"

Was that even possible?

"I want you to marry my grandson."

Lizabeth: "...?!"

"You want me to.. marry your grandson? But I don't even have an idea of who you are, neither do I know your grandson."

Ezra raised a brow. "You don't? Well that's unusual. I guess I should introduce myself properly then. I'm Ezra Whartson and my grandson? Well, he's Mateo Whartson."

Lizabeth's eyes immediately widened.


"You mean that d-devil?" Lizabeth stammered.


The temperature suddenly turned suffocatingly cold and everyone couldn't help but unconsciously take a step back in fear.

"So, you dare steal my money?" Mateo Whartson had his back facing the man kneeling down on the floor. His hands were leisurely folded behind his back and his eyes overlooking the bustling road through the floor to ceiling window.

He slowly turned and sat down elegantly in his chair. His expression neutral, no ounce of anger could be detected.

"Do you know what happens to people who steal.. from me?" He casually lit the cigarette in between his fingers and placed it on his lips, before letting out a long puff.

"They die."

The man on the floor immediately began to plead for forgiveness.

"Please Mr Whartson, have mercy. I-I only stole the money because of my little girl, she's sic–"

"Kayden, shoot him, right in the head." He instructed and the man named Kayden robotically brought out a gun from his gun holder, pointed it at the man's head and shot him.

Mateo slowly quenched his cigarette in the ashtray before looking up. His eyes which were slightly hidden behind the mask covering the upper half of his face, gazed at the terrified people infront of him.

"If you don't want to die. Don't steal." Was all he said before dismissing the workers.

Deluxe clicked her tongue disappointedly, her eyes gazing down at the deâd body. "Your shot wasn't even that good Kayden, i'd have done it better."

Kayden, as usual did not even spare her a glance talk less of replying.

Tiger instantly bursted into laughter. "Gosh, this's why I love Kay Kay!"

Kayden's gaze slowly landed on Tiger, his expression.. expressionless. "Tiger, I've said it and I'm saying it again, my name is Kayden, not that horrific nickname you made up."

Tiger bursted into another fist of laughter. "Does it look like I give a sh*t? ..Kay Kay?"

"That's it." Kayden snapped and immediately threw a dagger at Tiger, unfortunately he missed which made Tiger crack up.

"Ha! Yo–"

"Enough!" Mateo spoke and everyone immediately stood straight.

If there was anyone they were afraid of the most, it was Mateo. He was ruthless, emotionaless and dangerous, infact, he was the real definition of The Devil!

And the black mask he had covering the upper half of his face didn't make his scary appearance look any better.

"Kayden, go see what's happening down at the Dark Camp. I want to know what they're up." Kayden nodded and was about to leave but was immediately stopped by Deluxe.

"Mr Whartson.. I want to go with Kayden. I promise to be of useful help." She pouted her lips cutely. Mateo did not spare a look at her duck lips and just waved his hand and immediately she skipped out joyfully with Kayden.

Tiger sighed, watching the disappearing back of Deluxe and Kayden. You could see a tinge of hurt and jealousy laced in his eyes.

Looking back at Mateo, he forced a smile. "So what task are you assigning to me?"

Mateo's eyes slowly landed on him before his gaze fell back to his laptop.

"You're staying with me."

Tiger's lips instantly fell and so did his excitement.

Staying with Mateo was like walking with a lion and not expecting it to kîll you.

'Someone.. anyone.. please help.' Tiger mouthed helplessly.


Amelia, Lizabeth's friend and also the kids part time babysitter, hastily knocked on the front door, sweat dripping down her forehead due to the scorching sun.

"Seb? Sav? Open up, the sun's literally killing me here!" She shouted but no one answered.

She suddenly flicked her forehead, realization smacking her cheek.

She had a spare key!

Amelia instantly searched for the key, and once she found it, she immediately unlocked the door just to be welcomed by an empty apartment.

"Sav? Seb? I'm not in the mood to play games."

No reply.

Amelia immediately checked all the rooms in the apartment but still no children, panicking, she hastily phoned Lizabeth.