
The Cycle's Prodigy

This story begins with Maxwell Smith, just your average gamer working a dead end job. But all that changes one day, when he finds himself in an accident. As he's dying, he hears a voice calling to him, offering him one more chance at life. As he says Yes, he finds himself in a void, confronted by a Goddess of Death. She offers him a new chance at life. As he takes her generous offer, he finds himself in an unfamiliar house' and a brand new body. Keat Spyre, newborn of House Spyre, he is the 3rd son of a lesser noble house. Join him on his journey, as he explores this newfound world of magic and monsters! Reincarnation, WeakToStrong, Transmigration, Levelup https://discord.gg/nfB3gYGGct I welcome all criticism! I've been building this world for the past 10 years, and I'm excited to share it with you as well, but I haven't written anything before, so I welcome any and all advice.

Spectre227 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Off to See the Headmaster

The journey to the city of Drohime was a relatively unexciting journey. They at the city gates within a few short days, and were lucky to not be attacked by any monsters on their way over. As Tavion approached the gates with his cart, he was stopped by several, very well armored gaurds.

"Halt! State your reason for visiting our great city." One of the guards shouted with authority, while 3 other guards with spears stood at attention just behind him.

"My name is Tavion Spyre, and I'm here visiting my family." Tavion said, while putting on airs and sitting upright, giving his best efforts to command respect.

"I see, very well, my lord. You may enter. But no goods can be sold in the city without a Merchant Guild's license, so please refrain from any such activities." The one in charge said firmly, before their group eased their tension, bowing slightly in respect.

"Of course." Tavion said simply, before respectfully nodding his head and moving forward.

Although nobles commanded a great degree of respect, the military of the kingdom was also afforded some degree of recognition. They were recognized as an extension of the King's authority, and to disrespect them was equated to disrespecting the king himself. Very few nobles would be able to part safely with a transgression like that.

Tavion pushed on in his carriage, entering the bustling city without anymore interference. As they entered, Keat put down his book and stared innocently at the scene before him. There were crowded street vendors, and shops with doors wide open, and a seemingly endless mass of people crowding around them. The city itself, was designed so the houses created a natural maze to deter any siege attempts, with the streets themselves being wide enough to fit, at most, 2 carriages. Their path was a long series of curves, which would force any invading force to fight their way through the entire city, in order to reach the inner keep. They traveled through the lower district, until they reach a large gate halfway through the city, with walls higher than those on the outer section.

"Halt! This is the upper district, and is only passable to those of noble birth or Authority. State your business." A hulking figure of a man stepped forward, in full plate armor. The guards on the top of the wall stared down, but did not seem the least bit bothered at the interaction below. Rarely was there any real threat trying to pass through these gates.

"We are of house Spyre, and my brother here will soon be attending the Academy." Tavion said, making sure to be as respectful as possible. Compared to the man before him, he was but a piece of paper in the wind.

"Ah, new talent for the Corp? Well, my lord, we are always eager to recruit new talent within our ranks. You may pass." The man said, before lifting up his mask and revealing two small tusks protruding from the corners of his mouth.

"I'm looking forward to it, sir!" Keat said excitedly, before giving a respectful nod to the man.

As they strode through the inner gates, they were met with an entirely different sight than what they received when first entering the city. There were very few, if any people roaming these streets, and there was, at best, one store per street here. Each estate encompassed the more than three or four times the territory of the smaller residences in the outer portion of the gates, and the closer you got to the keep, the larger and more extravagant they became. Tavion pulled the cart towards one of the closest residences, and tied the horse up to a relatively small stable in the back of the residence. Then, he and Keat moved around to the front, where his sister and her husband came out to meet them.

"Good tidings, brother Paldot, it's good to see you again. I don't think we've seen you since your wedding day." Tavion said, doing his best to be as respectful as possible. The man before him was of a higher status than him, even if he was the third son of the Sumner family.

"Yes, yes, it's been a long time, let us go inside already." The man said in a rushed manner, as he seemed to be completing an arduous task. Without even waiting for a response, he simply walked inside, leaving his wife and guests behind with no regard.

"Of course, no reason for us to waste more time out here." Tavion replied nervously, and began rushing after the man. It was clear he did not want visitors, but had an obligation to host them. Keat, on the other hand, took his time surveying his surroundings before going inside.

"So, you are free to use the guest residences, and you can explore the lower district, but I discourage you from mindlessly wondering the inner district. No one has time to babysit, and there can be serious repercussions for wondering onto someone's property. Be sure you stay out of my office; I have some projects in there that I do not need damaged. Also, the boy has a meeting with the Headmaster today, so you should prepare him, and set off soon. The Academy is in the Western portion of the inner district." Paldot said as he made his way to the dining area where their meal was being prepared.

"Of course, we'll be sure not to cause you any problems." Tavion quickly replied, afraid that a delayed response might upset the man.