
The Cursed System

12,000 years ago, global warming finally came. However, something happened that was unprecedented. When humanity thought it was the end of the world, 2 magnetic fields were created on the west and east, splitting the reality of this world into 2 dimensions. Conrad had lost hope in this world even until his last dying breath. As he passes on while cursing the world, he hears a noise in what remains of his mind. [Congratulation you have fulfilled the terms and have now received the cursed system] [Calculating location] [Calculation complete] [Host is being bound to location] [Host can now prepare the Haunt] Authors note: if you would like to see more chapters, please like this book and share it with your friends :) DISCLAIMER: This story is based on the world Taylor and Courtney Spaulding created. Some of the world mechanics will be based on there ideas. However all of the plot and characters are original. ======= Reward Chart for extra weekly chapters: 1 extra chapter = 50 power stones Every other week I will add an extra update according to how many power stones are supplied. lets see how far we can get before end of week!!! You guys are so amazing!! please enjoy the story!!!

Stoshy_Toast · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Shadow and Mist


Konrad suddenly woke up to a laugh echoing in his head.

[that's so funny! You were so close if you had just heeded the message in your head, but to die on your first try and even be unable to fulfill your wish what a sad end]

The laughter continued to echo in Konrad's head. 'Please tell me I won't get a migraine from all this loud noise its...' Konrad was cut off with a sudden shift in the tone of the voice.

[your dead you can't have migraines. Are you crazy?? To think a dead person would think he could have a migraine…]


The laughter continued

"Who are you, and how do you know my thoughts" the laughing stopped.

[the first question is a bit hard for you to comprehend right now tehe]

'Don't tehe me! What are you, some kind of middle school girl?' Konrad thought

[Wow! you catch on quick…]


[...And you're partially wrong]

The voice suddenly changed to the deep male voice he had heard before.

[we are your power kid… but were also not]

"Huh? that makes no sense... how can you be my power, and yet not my power?"

[Just think of us as shadows you…]

[Shadows! Great explaination]

The girl voice quickly chimed cutting off the other male voice.


Konrad couldn't wrap his head around the information he had gathered. Whenever he tried, a giant midst covered his mind like a blanket.

[Trust us, kid, if we could tell you more, we would, but your current self isn't ready to handle that information… just trust us when I say we are your allies]

The voice suddenly shifted back to the middle school girl…

[Though that power was all of us combined. It sort of lacks a suitable vessel… good thing we have a plan for you]

"Ok? What's the plan? How you respond will depend on if I agree."

[Oooo, we have an aggressive one, lol]

[...unfortunately, do you really think you're in a state to pose conditions??]

Instinctively looking down, Konrad noticed his feet had been floating in midair…

'AHHH' Konrad's mind began to panic.

[ouch, you're hurting my eardrums!!! Don't think you are the only one who can hear us in your mind!]

[you're dead and unfortunately are a spirit... now thankfully we have a plan to get your life back… it is my ability]

"Your ability?"

[Yes, my ability is called Regression Progression]

[It gives me the ability to break apart abilities lowering their potency to base level. However, they are then given the potential to increase to a higher level than they were before]

[However, if we are toooooooo impatient, then even with my ability, it will be too much for your body to handle. So it's better to give you most of our individual skills as you progress...]

[However... you're no longer a human… hmmm this will be new]

Konrad couldn't see the voice's face, but he felt like it had an evil grin of excitement on its face.

[Welp this will be fun!!!!]

A deep voice could be heard having a conversation with the girl. Konrad didn't know the guy, but he felt like he should have…

[Then it's a decision because you're a ghost, you can't precisely poof back into the third dimension, so here's a proposal… Kane can tether the soul to a location. This means you won't be able to leave your domain. where we will use his ability called My Domain! Just think of it as a way to keep your spirit from going poof out of existence! Believe me its better to think of it that way it gets a bit more confusing otherwise haha]

[Hmmm….Any place that comes to mind??? Keep in mind it has to be a place your familiar with...]

Konrad went into deep thought. The only places he knew of were Thrombo high school and his house.

His house was definitely not an option, so the answer was obvious. He wanted revenge, not just on Sultan but his entirety of all those that bullied him in the name of Sultan

"Thrombo high school!" it was the best option for his revenge on multiple targets

[Oooo Ok!! Thrombo highschool it is!!! Ooh, this is so exciting!!! I could wet myself!]



[ok? Anyway Konrad there's uh nevermind]

A man Konrad was familiar with said… suddenly, golden chains wrapped around Conrad's waist dragging his body down through the sky. It felt like he was free-falling.

"AHHHH!!!!" screams continued as Konrad continued falling. However, after 2 minutes of falling, he stopped screaming and began to care less about his fall. He even imagined he had a watch on his wrist and would pretend to check the time. Suddenly a square with a message popped up in his eyesight.

[[Congratulation you have now received the Curse system] 

[Calculating location]

[Calculation complete]

[Host is being bound to location]

[Downloading system into the interface...0/100]


[Downloading system into interface...50/100]


[Downloading system into interface...100/100]


[Resetting skills to basic stats 1/5]


[Resetting skills to basic stats 5/5]


[Host can now prepare the haunt]


Meanwhile in a foggy mist shrouding any view of life well mostly. You see if one were to squint their eyes they could see the shadowy outlines of many beings.

 "Do you think he can do it?" the middle school girl's voice asked.

"He is the only one that can do it, if he can't ... .well lets just hope he can..." A Raspy deep old womens voice said 

Sorry for the extremely late updates. I have been experiencing some life events that have hindered my attempts to update. I apologize for not posting sooner; I had lost my account password. Again, my apologies. thankfully there should be a more consistant updates however due to some new ideas for the story i have updated the chapters to better fit my goal for the story hopefully you will enjoy rereading and enjoy the new alterations as much as i do!

Stoshy_Toastcreators' thoughts