
The Cursed Prince and The Elemental Witch

In a kingdom where magic is forbidden, a young woman named Vera discovers she has the power to control the elements. Fearing for her life, she keeps her abilities a secret until she meets Prince Kasper who is also hiding a magical secret of his own. Prince Kasper is cursed, and his only hope of breaking the curse is to find a powerful magical artifact that was lost centuries ago. Vera agrees to help the prince on his quest, but as they journey together, they begin to fall in love. However, their romance is complicated by the dangers they face and the fact that they come from different worlds - one where magic is forbidden and one where it is celebrated. As they search for the artifact, they encounter magical creatures, hidden dangers, and unexpected allies. Along the way, they must learn to trust each other and confront their own fears and prejudices. Ultimately, they must decide whether their love is worth risking everything, including their lives, to break the curse and bring magic back to the kingdom.

hidingpanduh · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Curses and Crystals

The days turned into weeks, and Vera found herself thinking about Kasper more and more. She had only seen him that one time, when he had saved her from the two robbers and the rowdy patrons at the bar, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

One night, as she was walking home from the bar, she saw a figure lurking in the shadows. At first, she thought it was one of the robbers from before, but as she got closer, she realized it was Kasper.

"Kasper?" she said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Kasper hesitated for a moment before responding. "I need your help," he said.

Vera frowned, feeling a sense of unease. "What kind of help?"

Kasper stepped closer, his eyes intense. "I'm looking for something," he said. "Something that was lost a long time ago. It's a powerful artifact, and I think I know where it is."

Vera's heart skipped a beat. "What kind of artifact?" she asked.

Kasper hesitated again, then said, "It's a crystal. A crystal that has the power to break curses."

Vera's mind raced. "Curses?" she said. "What kind of curses?"

Kasper looked away, his face clouded with sadness. "A curse that was placed on my family," he said. "A curse that has plagued us for generations."

Vera felt a surge of sympathy. "I'm sorry," she said. "That sounds terrible. But why do you need my help?"

Kasper looked back at her, his eyes meeting hers. "Because you have a gift," he said. "A gift for magic."

Vera felt a jolt of fear. "How do you know that?" she asked.

Kasper smiled, a sad smile. "I've been watching you," he said. "I know what you're capable of."

Vera felt a sense of unease. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said. "I'm just a barmaid."

Kasper shook his head. "No, you're more than that," he said. "You have a power, Vera. A power that could help me break the curse on my family."

Vera hesitated, feeling torn. On the one hand, she was intrigued by Kasper and the mystery surrounding him. On the other hand, she was afraid of what might happen if she got involved.

But then, she thought of the rowdy patrons at the bar, and the man with the amulet. She thought of the danger that lurked in the shadows of Trioh, and the need for someone to stand up against it.

"Okay," she said, finally. "I'll help you."

Kasper smiled, a smile that lit up his face. "Thank you, Vera," he said. "You won't regret it."

Vera's heart thudded in her chest. She hoped Kasper was right, and that they could find a way to break the curse.

Kasper walked with Vera and as she mulled over her thoughts she asked some questions.

"So what do we do? Where do we go?" Vera asked, her hands clasped in the front.

Kasper said, "perhaps it's best to discuss somewhere more comfortable and when we have more time. I would like to begin the journey as soon as possible. But we should take a bit of time to get prepared."

Vera peered at Kasper from her side vision. After these weeks she found that she felt so safe around Kasper, he was a good protective person. She still didn't trust him enough to let him into her home so she didn't put forth her home as an option to meet.

Kasper continued, "I'm sure you must be tired after your shift. How about we meet tomorrow morning? I'm not from around here so I don't know which places would be good?"

Vera nodded as he admitted he wasn't from Trioh. The intrigue was shooting higher now. She was curious to know more about Kasper, this curse and how his journey led him here to Trioh.

"How about meeting tomorrow morning, nine at the Claudette café. It's back on the street opposite to the Blues Bar where I work. You should be able to find it. There's a big croissant sign over the front." Vera suggested.

"That sounds perfect." Kasper said, a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes in a cute way.

"Um, this is near where I live. Thanks for walking with me." Vera said, disconnecting her gaze. She began rummaging in her bag to find her house keys.

"Do you walk home alone every night?" Kasper asked, his eyes shining with concern for Vera.

Vera grinned and she said, "Do you think I'm incapable of walking home alone at night?"

Kasper said, "Quite the contrary. But some things are better with company."

Vera hummed in response, and Kasper spoke gently, "goodnight, Vera."

"Goodnight, Kasper." Vera replied.

Kasper blended into the night's darkness as Vera watched him turn and walk the other way.

Vera and Kasper were in for a long ride with the dangers that lurked ahead and the adventure that was to come.

Woooo hoo inching closer to the adventuressss

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