
The Cursed One - GL -

Emma stumbles upon a girl named Olive, who was running from a bear in the forest. Emma saves Olive from the bear using her magic, but the villagers find out and accuse Emma of being a witch. Emma is taken to a dungeon and the villagers perform a ritual to test her for witch marks. This is a story about two girls, Emma and Olive, who are connected through a bond of magic and curses. The two must learn to trust and understand each other, and work together to face the dangers in their lives and the challenges they will face.

janeslyre · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


It was a scary day for Emma. She had been accused of being a witch and was going to be punished for using magic. She didn't want to die, but was scared that she had no other option.

Emma knew she had no choice but to stand her ground and face the eagle head-on. She raised her hand to shield herself from the eagle's sharp talons and closed her eyes tight, bracing herself for impact. As the giant eagle flew directly towards her, she heard a voice in her head - Don't be afraid.

Emma felt a surge of power course through her body. She kept her eyes shut tight, but she could feel a blast of energy engulfing her and protecting her from the eagle's sharp talons. She felt the surge of power continuing to grow and build until it exploded with a deafening roar, sending the eagle flying backwards into the wall. Emma opened her eyes and glanced around in shock, unable to believe what she had just witnessed. She reached out a shaking hand and touched the wall, still stunned by what had just happened.

Emma slowly lowered her hand, still in shock from the sudden blast of power that had erupted from her body and protected her from the eagle's sharp talons. She looked down at her palm, where she could see a faint glow of magical energy flickering in her palm.

Emma couldn't believe what she had just done, and she was still feeling overwhelmed with emotions and adrenaline. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and regain her composure, but her heart was pounding and her mind was racing with thoughts of all the things she could do with so much power at her disposal. She raised her hand again, looking at it curiously and wondering what other secrets it might hold. Then, she heard a sudden sound behind her and whipped her head around to see where it came from.

Emma turned around, her eyes wide with fear as she was suddenly confronted with an unexpected sight. She gasped in surprise, her body tense and ready to fight, as she stared at the eagle standing directly behind her. Emma's hand fell limply to her side as she looked at the eagle, a cold sweat covering her body and her heart racing in her chest. The eagle stared back at her.

Emma turned towards the eagle, her heart still pounding in her chest. She stared at the eagle, unsure of what to expect, and suddenly the eagle took a step forward. Emma screamed and tried to back away, but the eagle reached out one of its talons and touched Emma's face gently, caressing her cheek with its talon. Emma stared in disbelief, wondering what the eagle was doing. The eagle tilted its head and looked back at her with its bright eyes.

Everything seemed to slow down around her as she stared into the eagle's eyes, her mind blanking out with terror. She could feel herself beginning to drift into an abyss of darkness as the eagle's gaze washed over her. She had to try and escape. Emma quickly spun around and began to run away in a frantic panic, desperate to get away from the eagle. However, the eagle was quick to follow.

Emma raced out of the ritual room and into the corridor, sprinting down the hallway as fast as her legs could carry her. She could feel the eagle's talons nipping at her heels, but thanks to her speed and agility she managed to stay ahead of the eagle, at least for now. She looked around frantically for an exit, but the corridor was filled with doors and paths and she didn't know which way to go. Emma felt herself starting to panic, desperate to escape the eagle's talons.

As she looked around for an exit, she saw a door at the end of the hallway. She ran towards the door and threw it open, running inside and shutting the door behind her. Emma let out a sigh of relief, but she was still shaking with fear as she stood back from the door, pressing her body against it as she listened for the sound of the eagle's talons.

Emma was hoping she had managed to escape the bird. However, she heard a sound coming from the other side of the door - Tap. Tap. Tap. Emma pressed her hand against the door, her heart racing as she listened intently to the sound coming from the other side. The tapping continued, slowly at first, but then more frantically and urgently, seeming to almost grow in intensity as it continued. Emma held her breath, her eyes wide with fear, as the ominous tapping continued.

She realized the eagle must be the source of the tapping sound. She pressed her body against the door, her heart racing in her chest. She could hear the eagle tapping frantically against the door now, desperate to be let in.

Emma knew she couldn't just sit there and wait for the eagle to break down the door. She had to find a way out. She began to scan the dungeon for escape routes, and eventually she spotted a hole in the wall leading to a secret tunnel out of the dungeon. She rushed over to the hole and climbed through, knowing that she only had one chance to escape.

She made it through the hole without encountering any obstacles, and quickly began making her way through the secret tunnel. Emma emerged from the tunnel, letting out a sigh of relief as she felt the warm sun on her face and the wind blowing in her hair. She had escaped the dungeon.

However, she quickly realized that she still had to hide from those searching for her, and she hurried to take cover in the surrounding trees.

Emma rushed to take cover in the surrounding trees, hiding behind a large trunk as she tried to keep herself hidden from any would-be pursuers. She could hear the leaves rustling around her, but she kept quiet and still, hoping that nobody would be able to spot her. She held her breath, her heart racing in her chest, waiting for whoever was searching for her to pass by. She had managed to escape the dungeon for now, but she knew that she still needed to be careful not to get captured again.


Emma ran through the forest, trying to put as much distance between herself and the dungeon as possible. She hoped she would be able to find shelter somewhere deep in the forest, far away from the castle and any potential pursuers. The forest was thick with trees and undergrowth, and it was hard to find a safe place to hide. But she continued to run, keeping a wary eye out for any possible threats. Eventually, she saw a small clearing in the woods.

Emma was relieved to have found a small clearing, and she ducked into the trees and bushes, hoping to stay hidden. However, she quickly realized that even if she were able to hide from those searching for her, she would still need food and water if she was going to stay alive. She knew she must find a way to sustain herself out in the wilderness, or else she would likely succumb to hunger and exhaustion. She would need to find places to forage for food and water in the forest. She also needed to find shelter to keep herself safe from the elements and potential predators.

Emma continued moving deeper into the forest, her heart racing as she looked around for any potential threats. The forest was thick with trees and undergrowth, and it was hard to see more than a few feet ahead. Emma was getting tired from all the running and hiding, but she knew that she needed to keep going until she was able to find shelter. She kept hoping to find an area where she could rest and recuperate, and was keeping an eye out for any potentially beneficial plants or herbs that might help sustain her.

Emma had been running for some time now, and she was starting to feel fatigue setting in. She realized that she needed to find a place to rest and replenish her energy, or else she would likely collapse from exhaustion. The forest was thick with trees and undergrowth, so it was difficult to find a place to take shelter. But eventually, she spotted a small cave, and she quickly made her way over to it. The entrance to the cave was narrow, but with some effort, she was able to squeeze herself through and enter the cave.

Emma managed to squeeze herself through the narrow entrance of the cave, and once inside, she found herself surrounded by darkness and silence. The walls of the cave were rough and rocky, and she could smell the earthy scent of soil and stone. It seemed like a safe place to rest, and she was grateful to have found it before she collapsed from exhaustion. She quickly crawled into a corner of the cave, curling up with her back against the wall to take a needed rest.

- Jane: Hi readers <3 This chapter is important in setting up Emma's journey and what she has been through, so stay tuned for what comes next! <3

janeslyrecreators' thoughts