

The story is about how the princess carried her curse. Ages back, there was a kingdom called DRUINATE. The people in the druinate are prosperous under the rule of king Luiwen Apian. King Luiwen Apian and Queen Stegella Apian are delighted to have a girl child after many decades of worshipping the goddess Athena. So, the king decided to make her a servant of Athena until her marriage as per the kingdom tradition. The girl was named CLARA APIAN by the Priest in the Athena temple. One day Clara encountered the dark souls (bounded by black magic)in her Campanian's body unexpectedly; she discovered that dark magic is the curse of the old gods who were overpowered by the kings; she wanted to find who raised the curse which was not in existence for centuries, she discovered that a new prince was raised from the dead who brought the curse back into the world. While she was busy finding him, the High Priest accused her of holding dark souls in her body, the royal court trialled her, and the Priest stabbed the princess with a dagger. The curse in her body wiped her wounds; while the dagger turned black and shattered into pieces, everyone in the royal court witnessed the evil existence. The Priest accused her sacrificed herself to evildoing. The royal court sentenced her to death, but she escaped and left to the dark Forrest; the Priest's cursed the girl for violating her vows (Who had sensuality with the princess will be doomed, she will stay a virgin forever so that she can't give birth to the evil prince), The curse increased her beauty day by day she becomes the most charming girl in all kingdoms, her beauty attracted Nobels, prince, and kings, to have pleasure with her as she rejected they went mad and tried to assault her. she met many difficulties because of her charm. She turned her curse into her weapon, created an army of souls and started wars against every man who supported the dark prince. The prince, who had been raised from the dead, spread the dark magic into the entire kingdom and gathered a massive army of souls; Clara fought with him in the city of gods. The world had separated into two: the dark prince with the power of a wicked serpent and the princess with the power of a vicious wolf.

leotorres · Fantasia
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23 Chs


Clara sat on the chair, placed books on the table, and started to read with total concentration; the time passed for 2 hours; still, Clara continued to read. Door knocking sound.

"Who is it" Clara shouted.

"it's me, your highness," Nicholas replied. Clara opened the door.

"What is it," Clara asked.

"Your highness, I am leaving to home; it's been late," Nicholas said.

"Ok, you can leave," Clara replied with a smile.

Nicholas left the corridor; Clara went to it and opened the books; after a monument, she closed the books and then went to the bath.

After a while, she came from the bath and dressed up, and went for dinner; she completed the dinner quickly and came to her cabin and started to read the book "THE TEXT OF THE DEAD."

Chapter by chapter, she read all night carefully. In the morning, she realized that it was twilight, and she read the book all night, yet she just completed a few chapters only. Clara hid the books in the wardrobe and slept; after a while maid came and cleaned the cabin and went away. Meanwhile, Nicholas came and called the maid.

"Is princess here?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes, but she is sleeping," the maid replied.

"Ok," Nicholas said.

And Nicholas waited at the door, hours passed but the princess was still in sleep, and Nicholas waited at the door. In the noon Clara came out.

"Nicholas, when you came," Clara asked.

"In the morning, your highness," Nicholas replied.

"Ok, come in," Clara said.

Nicholas went in

"Close the door," Clara said. Nicholas went and closed the door.

"I read all the time, so I slept in the morning," Clara said.

"Did you find any useful information, your highness" Nicholas asked?

"No, not yet, for now, there is only information about the afterlife of the old religion," Clara said.

"Ok, complete the book, your highness; let's hope that we can find something important," Nicholas said.

"Hmm," Clara replied.

Clara is looking out of the window and thinking about something.

"Who is he? How can he capable of possoing the dark powers which were extinct for many years," Clara said.

"The world is full of mysteries, your highness," Nicholas replied.

"Let's the gods be with us," Clara replied.

"You are the daughter of Athena, your highness; the mother will guide you," Nicholas replied.

"let's hope we can find anything that uses full matter in these books, after completing them again we will go to the library," Clara said.

"As you command your highness," Nicholas replied.

"Ok, you may leave; if anyone coming let me know," Clara said.

"As you command your highness," Nicholas said.

Nicholas was guarding outside, and Clara started to read the book; it became night Nicholas knocked on the door.

"Who is it" Clara shouted.

"it's me, your highness," Nicholas replied.

"Come in," Clara said.

Nicholas opened the door and went in.

"With your permission may I leave your highness," Nicholas said.

"What is the time," Clara asked.

"it's the fourth night, our highness," Nicholas said.

"Hmm, I didn't recognize it, ok, you may leave," Clara said.

"Thank you, your highness," Nicholas replied.

Nicholas went out and closed the door; Clara locked the door and again started to read. After an hour, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it" Clara shouted.

"it's queen, your highness," someone replied.

Clara firstly hid the books and opened the door. Ita queen and the royal guards, Queen entered in and sat in a chair, royal guards waited outside.

"Sweetheart, I didn't see you in dinner, and I heard that you didn't went to the temple also, what happened," the Queen asked.

"Nothing, mother, I am feeling little ill," Clara replied.

"Call the nurse," the Queen said.

"No need mother I am feeling little tired," Clara said.

"Ok, take rest my dear tell someone to bring a meal to the Clara cabin," the Queen said.

The Queen left the chamber and went away along with her guard's. Clara closed the door and lay on the bed; after a while maid came and brought a loaf of bread and wine.

"Your highness, I have brought a meal for you," the maid said.

"Ok, keep it there," Clara said.

"You want me to stay, your highness," the maid asked.

"No, you can leave; close the door. I will take a rest," Clara said.

"As you wish, your highness," the maid replied.

Maid went away and closed the door. Clara opened her closet and took the books, placed them on the table, and read the books while eating. Clara read the book till midnight and slept.

Clara took a bath and dressed up, ate breakfast, and left for the temple in the morning. Clara finished her works and came to her cabin quickly. I opened the book and started to read the last chapters of the book "THE TEXT OF THE DAY," while reading, she found an interesting line "THE DEAD WILL RULE THE KINGDOMS," she thought about that line, and after an hour she finished the book. Then she opened the book THE OLD GOD'S AND THE KING'S she started to read the book, one by one she is reading about the old gods and the kings, she read about the religion of AUCREOZIA which is called as ancient religion in the drunaite kingdom, she all about the old religious belief, practices and the gods. Then she started to read the kings of the AUCREOZIA empire from the starting. After a while, she listened to the footsteps of someone as her cabin was quiet.

"Who is that" Clara shouted.

"it's me Nicholas, your highness," Nicholas said.

"Come in," Clara said.

Nicholas came in, bowed to the princess, and stood beside her.

"Why are you waiting outside," Clara asked.

"I thought you were busy in reading your highness; I don't want to disturb you," Nicholas said.

"Hmm, ok let's move to the royal garden I am stacked here from morning," Clara said.

"As you wish, your highness," Nicholas replied.

"Ok, wait for a while I will come," Clara said.

Nicholas went out and closed the door. After a while, Clara came out and moved towards the garden, and Nicholas escorted her.

"In the book, I read a line which made me think about it all day," Clara said.

"What is that, your highness," Nicolas asked.


"Hmm, that looks like a puzzle," Nicolas replied.

"Yes, it is," Clara said.

"Did you get any idea about it, your highness?" Nicholas asked?

"I think it tells about past, present, and the future," Clara replied.

"About who's past, present, and the future," Nicholas asked.

"We need to find it," Clara said.

"Yes, your highness," Nicholas said.

"I think after completing all the books, we will find some useful information," Clara said.

"Yes, your highness, when we are going to the library again," Nicolas asked.

"After completing the books," Clara said.

While Clara and Nicholas were walking in the garden, the king arrived with the garrison; Clara went to her father. Nicholas followed her; the king got down from the chariot and started to walk along with the king's hand.

"Father," Clara called. The king went without any response to Clara.

"What happened," Clara asked one of his commanders.

"There is a heavy aggression in the northern boundaries, your highness and the LIVANITE king is not responding to our talks, and the main thing is the villages in the boundaries are Rebe lining against us, I think the war is coming, in an hour the king ordered for higher officials meeting," the commander replied.

"Oh my god, the king of LIVANITE and we had a pact how can he disobeyed it," Clara asked.

"We don't know your highness, from the day of his recovery from and deadly infection the king of LIVANITE is behaving aggressively against us we don't know what happened don't worry your highness we will win the war, the gods and the soldiers are with us," the commander replied.

"I'm not worrying about the war, I am worrying about the loss a war will bring, every man are not meant to die in battlefield they are mean to die in the lap of the person they love the most," Clara replied.

"But your highness every time war is not an option; it is a survival situation," the commander replied.

The commander left, and Clara went into the royal court and waited in the royal court for the king. After a while, the king arrived, his faced outraged and all the higher rank official and ministers are in a panic situation and waiting for the king's announcement, everyone stood and kneeled in the presence of the king, the king went and sat on the throne.

"Explain the situation to the court, the commander of the north," the king's hand asked.

"there is an aggression in the boundary of north, in the forest boundary. LIVANITE solder's attacked your soldier's and beheaded the heads of 13 soldiers and handed them to the trees, we sent letter to the commander of LIVANITE kingdom but he didn't responded and by some informer's we get to know that the priest of LIVANITE it tuned our people in the northern boundary against us as they follow the old religion of acrozean empire, with that they have made some radical groups in our boundary which brough a rebellion to the villages in the north", the north commander replied.

"As it is a problem of security, the king will decide by himself, any question," the king's hand asked.

"My king we followed you through may war's, we always have confident in your decision, we will obey your orders at any time," the prime minister said.

Listened to the words of the prime minister and remained silent. After a while, the king.

"Prepare for the war, we marching to the war in 3 days get everything ready, give detail reports about the strength of the army tomorrow", the king said.

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