

The story is about how the princess carried her curse. Ages back, there was a kingdom called DRUINATE. The people in the druinate are prosperous under the rule of king Luiwen Apian. King Luiwen Apian and Queen Stegella Apian are delighted to have a girl child after many decades of worshipping the goddess Athena. So, the king decided to make her a servant of Athena until her marriage as per the kingdom tradition. The girl was named CLARA APIAN by the Priest in the Athena temple. One day Clara encountered the dark souls (bounded by black magic)in her Campanian's body unexpectedly; she discovered that dark magic is the curse of the old gods who were overpowered by the kings; she wanted to find who raised the curse which was not in existence for centuries, she discovered that a new prince was raised from the dead who brought the curse back into the world. While she was busy finding him, the High Priest accused her of holding dark souls in her body, the royal court trialled her, and the Priest stabbed the princess with a dagger. The curse in her body wiped her wounds; while the dagger turned black and shattered into pieces, everyone in the royal court witnessed the evil existence. The Priest accused her sacrificed herself to evildoing. The royal court sentenced her to death, but she escaped and left to the dark Forrest; the Priest's cursed the girl for violating her vows (Who had sensuality with the princess will be doomed, she will stay a virgin forever so that she can't give birth to the evil prince), The curse increased her beauty day by day she becomes the most charming girl in all kingdoms, her beauty attracted Nobels, prince, and kings, to have pleasure with her as she rejected they went mad and tried to assault her. she met many difficulties because of her charm. She turned her curse into her weapon, created an army of souls and started wars against every man who supported the dark prince. The prince, who had been raised from the dead, spread the dark magic into the entire kingdom and gathered a massive army of souls; Clara fought with him in the city of gods. The world had separated into two: the dark prince with the power of a wicked serpent and the princess with the power of a vicious wolf.

leotorres · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Assault on Princess

Clara went to the temple and attended rituals. Clara searched for the girl in the temple during prayer; she found the girl wearing a long white frock. The girl is at the door accepting people offering and keeping them near Athena's idol. Throughout the prayer, Clara continued to watch her, and after prayer, Clara moved to the girl,

"What is your name," Clara asked with a gruff voice.

"Hera, your highness", the girl answered.

"Meet me on the lawn", Clara said.

"Always at your service, your highness", the girl replied.

Clara went to the lawn in the fort, the girl finished her works, and after a while, she came to the lawn where Clara was waiting.

"your highness", the girl greeted.

"come here sit", Clara answered. They both sat under the tree.

"where you are yesterday night," Clara asked.

"at my home, your highness", the girl replied with stress.

"do not tell me lies, what are you doing at the tower" Clara asked.

"what tower, your highness," the girl asked kindly.

"do not think I am a clown. I followed you to the top of the tower", Clara said with a loud voice. The girl started to cry.

"Stop weeping, I said stop weeping", Clara yelled. The girl ended crying and trembling with fear.

"who the men with you on the top of the tower" Clara asked with a harsh voice.

The girl remained silent and weeping.

"Just answer my question", Clara asked.

"Sorry, your highness, I can't reveal his identity", the girl replied.

"you are a goddess servent and taken vows, but you are making impure things, shame on you just tell me who is he or else I will tell this to my father", Clara yelled.

"Sorry, your highness, I will choose death rather the revealing his identity", the girl replied with tears.

"then perish, how dare you to break vows for sensual pleasure, shame on you and your family", Clara said.

"Pleasure? For whom? Pleasure is for the girl who offered herself to men, not to a girl who forced to bend," 'the girl replied.

"forced? who tell me I will make him bleed", Clara said.

"By telling his name, I cannot drive my family into grave danger", the girl replied.

"Athena watches everything, you are making further sin by hiding his name", Clara said.

"Let the mother Athena watches this poor girl suffering. Sin? The only sin I committed was being a girl", the girl replied in tears.

Clara thought for a while "ok; you can go, I can handle this on my own", Clara said. Clara believed in the girl's words and decided to find the men harassing the girl. Clara silently awoke from bed in the night, placed pillows on the bed, and capped them with a blanket to look like the princess was sleeping. Gently Clara went down through stairs escaped from the guard's eyesight. She began to walk through the garden hiding in bushes, walked to the tower, and went up to the room where she was yesterday night. No one was there; Clara observed the entire room and came down. Slowly she started to move to her room. While she was walking through the garden,

"your highness what made you come to the garden in this darkness," the royal guard asked.

"I had a bad dream unable to sleep so I just walk for a while", Clara replied.

"It is unsafe to wander around in the dark princess, if you want to stay for a while I will guard you ", the royal guard said.

"no I will go and sleep", Clara said.

"ok your highness after you", the royal guard said.

Clara started to walk, and the guard followed the princess. Slowly princess is walking through the garden. The guard is walking with the princess, and suddenly the guard pushes the princess, then the arrow hits the guard's chest, ripping the armour. The guard covered the princess and watched out around a person who jumped from the tree and ran away. The royal guard is drenched with blood princess Clara is in panic by seeing blood after a while, she faints, the royal guard carries the princess and starts to move to the door, his body quivering because of the arrow. The royal guard entered the door.

"guards", the royal guard called.

"What happened sir" the guards replied in a panic.

"Go and seek near the trees in the east gate", the royal guard shouted. The guards ran towards the tress. "go and inform this situation to the commander", the royal guard said to other guards.

The guard carried the princess to her room and placed her on the bed. Then he felt dizzy because of the loss of blood and lay on the ground. The commander and the king's hand rushed into the princess's room. Watched the princess and the royal guard, who was in a bloodbath. The commander opened the armour of the royal guard and watched the wound.

"Guards take him to the infirmary", the commander shouted.

Observed the princess "call the nurse", the commander said.

The soldier rushed through the hall.

"I will convey these circumstances to the king", the king's hand said.

The medical team arrived and took the guard to the infirmary. The king rushed into the princess room along with the queen and royal family members. The queen started to weep, and the king was in range; his face turned red.

"who is that, who tried to assassinate my daughter"' the king yelled.

"We are finding it, my king", the commander answered.

"what are the guards doing when Clara is going out, what happened to the guard is he alive," the king asked.

"Princess went to the garden by covering the bed with a pillow; the guards didn't notice her while going. The royal guard noticed her in the garden when bringing her back someone from the east side of the garden attacked them with an arrow. The royal guard covered the princess and took the arrow into his chest, my king", the commander replied.

"Will investigate this thing my king", the king's hand said.

"Bring that culprit to me I will crush his head with my hands", the king said in rage.

The nurse came and observed the princess by checking her pulse and eyes. "I think she just fainted by seeing the blood, she is fine, let her sleep for a while", the nurse said.

"Thank god", the king said.

"Ok, let her sleep. Do not disturb her, The nurse will look at her", the queen said.

"As you say, your highness, it's my pleasure to look after her", the nurse replied.

"ok every one leave call for ministers meeting tomorrow morning", the king said.

Everyone left the room. The king kissed the princess on the forehead and left along with the queen. The nurse closed the door and lay on the corner and observing the princess. After a while, the princess awoke, "what happened to me where I am" Clara screamed in panic.

"you are safe princess, you are in your room you just fainted", the nurse replied.

"where is the guard who saved my life, how is he ? does he alive," Clara asked.

"yes he is alive your highness but he is hurt badly, he is in the infirmary", the nurse replied.

"I want to see my father", Clara said.

"just a few minutes ago he visited you, your highness, you need rest now don't move", the nurse said.

"give me some water", Clara asked.

The nurse brought some water. Clara drank the water. "sleep well your highness you need rest I will be here", the nurse said.

Clara lay on the bed, and after some time, she fell into sleep.

In the morning, All the ministers and higher military officials come to the royal court one by one. Clara arises from bed and gets groomed.

"What your name"' Clara asked.

"nefdia your highness", the nurse replied.

"ok nefdia go and take a rest, thank you for looking after me," Clara said. "it's my pleasure to serve you, your highness, may the mother Athena bless you with good health", the nurse replied. The nurse went away. Clara came outside and saw two guards at her door. They followed Clara "why are you guarding me, leave me alone I am moving to the infirmary", Clara said.

"Sorry, your highness, we got orders from King's hand to guard you all the time and follow you everywhere", the guard replied.

Clara felt disgusting and started walking. Clara entered the infirmary every one in the infirmary stood up paused their works by watching the princess "long live your highness", people cheered. Clara visited the royal guard who saved her life. She sat beside her.

"Thank you for saving my life", Clara said.

"It's my honor, your highness", the royal guard replied.

"What's your name," Clara asked.

"Nicholas your highness", the royal guard replied.

"how many children do you have," Clara asked.

"two children your highness a boy and a girl", the royal guard replied.

"ok you take a rest I will look after your family", Clara said.

"so kind of you your highness", the royal guard replied. Clara left the infirmary.

Hi, guys; this is the first novel that I have ever written. You can give suggestions, and I will try to improve myself.

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