
The Curse Of Mystical Beasts

Olivia Moore, was a stubborn teenager often stumbling into troubles due to her impulsiveness when it comes to taking decisions and meddling in others affairs. One day she went too far by getting a part of the fight which was far away from her understanding. The claws and fangs stunned her and she ran away with all she was worth. But now she was part of the world, she never knew existed. Bitten by the rogue wolf, she was supposed to die. But instead, her body started changing and she became one, herself. Seen as a threat by both humans and mystical beings, she was abhorred and hunted, forced to hide in an abandoned castle far away from the people she knew. She was waiting for her salvation, and one day it came but not in the form she had thought. Ethan filled her cold heart with love again. But would he be able to save her from the world and herself! Ethan, alpha of the strongest spirit woods pack, ruling all the packs of the state, did not know why left everything to help her. But then he has his own secrets to keep. The secrets that can destroy the trust she was forming on him as his MATE!

I_am_Creator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The changes in me

"She would die anyway. Now let's go from here before someone else comes." said the same man in his guttural voice and others smirked.

"What would it change, it is not like they could see us. She was the only unlucky girl." There was no remorse, nothing in their voice as they continued to discuss my fate. As if I was not even there.

No! I would not die here like this. If I was going to die, I wanted to see my mother and Nathan one last time. Nathan! He would still have been waiting for me in college. I held my chest tightly as the excruciating pain had engulfed me and it was only increasing with every passing second. And slowly tried to stand on my legs that were shaking badly.

Tears continued to fall from my eyes at my demise. Why have I not listened to my mother!

I ran when I heard a long howl behind me.

"Shit! The girl still have the energy to run!'' I did not stop even when I heard them, though my whole body was trembling, I continued to run.

"Follow her! Do not let her meet someone and tell what happened to her." my eyes widened as i realized i could not go to Nathan. They would kill him too if they saw him with me. I could not let this happen. I would not be that selfish.

I turned my course and ran towards the highway. Instead of walking on the concrete path, I ran towards the woods.

I could hear their footsteps, they were running fast. I could hear their whispers as they continued to fight with each other and cuss me. I did not know how far I had come, but they were still following me.

My shaky legs were hardly able to support me. But my will to live was much higher than I had ever thought. It gave me the courage and stamina to keep running until my eyes fell on the clock tower that was assumed to be haunted. I knew hiding among the trees was in vain. They were creatures of dark. They would easily find me there and then kill me. So, that was the last option I had.

I ran towards it with all my might. When the sounds slowly started to fade. It confused me but I did not stop to look as if it could be their trap. I ran with all I was worth towards the building. My legs hit the stones and the branches scratched my face.

I could feel my insides burning and my body bleeding. Tears filled my eyes as my whole life changed in a few moments.

"Finally." I collapsed at the creaking door of the clock tower. And it shook like a dry leaf when I weighed it. Slowly I crawled in. the insides were too dark and i wonder could they see in the dark? What other powers did they have? Did they know that I was here?

Were they playing with me before finally killing me? There were hundreds of questions in my mind yet there was not a single answer and I was sure I would never have any as they would kill me before answering my queries if they found me.

I saw the broken pieces of glass in the corner and slowly crawled towards them. Crawled because I did not have the strength to even stand, much less walk.

I took the sharpest piece in my hand and hid myself in the darkest corner. If I was about to die, then I would not accept my defeat without giving a fair battle. Now that the fear had gone, the will to fight and win had increased. I would not let go of the training my mother had given me all my life in vain.

An eternity passed as I continued to wait, yet not a single whisper or footsteps could be heard. The place was as silent as death.

Were the creatures also afraid of the rumored ghosts? I chuckled as I entertained myself with all the ideas I could think of. Because I was sure they could have reached here within minutes with the strength they had.

Slowly, the fatigue started to take over my senses when nothing happened even after waiting for hours. My eyes started to turn heavy and slowly the glass fell from my hands. Sleep took me in her arms and I laid there in the fetus position.

My eyes shrink when the morning rays caressed my face. I covered my face with the back of my hands when slowly my mind started to get clear and all the events of last evening flowed in like a tsunami making me scream. I sat up with a jerk and looked around with alert eyes. But there was nothing. The whole place was deserted.

More than that I was amazed that I was alive. With the pain I was feeling last night, I was sure it was my last day. Yet not only was I standing healthy, I was feeling stronger than before. As if I had taken asteroids, my body was feeling so energetic that I could run a marathon or fight with a dozen people alone which confused me since I did not have anything since yesterday morning.

Standing up, I started analyzing the area as it was too dark last night when my eyes fell on the poodle of water and I turned frozen.
