
The Curse Of Mystical Beasts

Olivia Moore, was a stubborn teenager often stumbling into troubles due to her impulsiveness when it comes to taking decisions and meddling in others affairs. One day she went too far by getting a part of the fight which was far away from her understanding. The claws and fangs stunned her and she ran away with all she was worth. But now she was part of the world, she never knew existed. Bitten by the rogue wolf, she was supposed to die. But instead, her body started changing and she became one, herself. Seen as a threat by both humans and mystical beings, she was abhorred and hunted, forced to hide in an abandoned castle far away from the people she knew. She was waiting for her salvation, and one day it came but not in the form she had thought. Ethan filled her cold heart with love again. But would he be able to save her from the world and herself! Ethan, alpha of the strongest spirit woods pack, ruling all the packs of the state, did not know why left everything to help her. But then he has his own secrets to keep. The secrets that can destroy the trust she was forming on him as his MATE!

I_am_Creator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

living in a town

The intensity in his eyes always creates a flame in my heart too. I could feel the strength he was passing through my body. I wonder if that was all because I needed a shoulder to rely on or was it because he was strong enough to protect me.

Before I could come out of my initial shock, he took out his hoodie and wrapped it on my body. It hid my face as he pulled the cloak over my face.

"Stay behind me." his eyes were flickering with rage and i knew better not to argue with him anymore. I nodded and hid behind me when another group of hunters passed. Most of them had a gun in their hands and were discussing something.

They slowed when they came closer to us. A man tried to look towards me but he glared at the man. His killing intent was so strong that even I shivered. The man raised the hands in front of him.

"Hey, relax, dude. No one is trying to steal your girl. We are here for wolves." I did not know whether he was trying to irritate Ethan or coax it by telling he was after the wolves.

As expected his killing intent increased and he looked at them as if he would tore their flesh into pieces and ravish their bones from their bodies!

"Hey, calm down, we only wanted to ask the way!" added another as he patted the shoulder of the first one and they both left without saying a word!

"You have to relax.'' I told him and he took a deep breath. He leaned on me and took a breath in.

He continued to take deep breaths while leaning on me as if he was feeling himself with my smell. Soon his strained muscles started to relax. His body, which was stiff, started to turn normal and he finally opened his eyes.

"You need to learn, Olivia. And I am not saying that because I did not want to protect you. I want you to be strong and independent enough." I sighed as I listened to him. I wish I could tell him that I wanted to learn but I did not know how! I was not a wolf to know all this by birth. I was a human through and through!

"I will! If you teach me.`` I whispered in between breaths. His hot skin was scalding me. His touch left a strange sensation on my body. I felt like I was getting addicted to his touches, enjoying the feeling that was making me safe and protected.

A soothing feeling, that took away all my pain and loneliness and a promise that I would stay fine no matter what happened. It continued to grow in me.

I looked at him confused but his eyes were so intense that I forgot what I wanted to say.

"You will be the death of me." he murmured under his breath and I frowned. What did he mean by that?

"Come here, I want to leave this damn place before another human comes here." I nodded as I did not want to face more adventures too. I had always felt that my life was boring while living with my mother and wished to have some spice and adventure in my life, but now! All I wanted was peace and a boring life.

"How far are we?" I asked as my legs started to turn numb. He had the strong stamina of an animal but I was still a human except for my broad shoulders and strong senses. I did not feel much difference in my body.

"We are almost close." he murmured and I took a breath of relief. I had thought that his pack would be living in the deep and inner parts of the woods, but I was surprised to see that we were entering a town.

After crossing a long distance, we reached an area where everyone was human. At least, they look like one. I could see people roaming on the roads with shopping bags in their hands, a group of teenage boys riding bikes and laughing.

Men coming back from their word and a row of houses on both sides. It was no different from a normal town in the country area. I observed their actions and there was nothing strange in them.

"Are all these..?" I did not know what to say? Should I call them wolves? Would he take it as their insult? I mean he called humans as humans with disdain.

"Of course, this is my land. Most of them are humans." he rolled his eyes at my foolish question but his reply confused me again.

"What about the rest of them?" his face hardened when he heard my question. I realized that he was not comfortable about the question but I feigned ignorance. I wanted to know everything about the place I was going to live.

"A few of them are bats and humans and even two or three dragons. A few of them did not have wolves as our mates.`` He was looking happy with the fact that there were vampires. I was sure that was what he meant by bats! A few humans and even dragons! Wow! So there were dragons in real life too!

Those whose eyes fell on us, bowed their heads respectfully. A few elders who did not bow their heads still nodded in his direction. He was greeted by all the elders and youngsters. Everyone's eyes were filled with respect when they looked at him.

I felt strange when they all looked at me as if I was a new animal admitted in the zoo. I could see curiosity and interest in their eyes as they looked at me but none of them dared to ask us anything.

We moved a bit more when a luxurious car stopped in front of us.

"Welcome back alpha."