
The Curse Of Mystical Beasts

Olivia Moore, was a stubborn teenager often stumbling into troubles due to her impulsiveness when it comes to taking decisions and meddling in others affairs. One day she went too far by getting a part of the fight which was far away from her understanding. The claws and fangs stunned her and she ran away with all she was worth. But now she was part of the world, she never knew existed. Bitten by the rogue wolf, she was supposed to die. But instead, her body started changing and she became one, herself. Seen as a threat by both humans and mystical beings, she was abhorred and hunted, forced to hide in an abandoned castle far away from the people she knew. She was waiting for her salvation, and one day it came but not in the form she had thought. Ethan filled her cold heart with love again. But would he be able to save her from the world and herself! Ethan, alpha of the strongest spirit woods pack, ruling all the packs of the state, did not know why left everything to help her. But then he has his own secrets to keep. The secrets that can destroy the trust she was forming on him as his MATE!

I_am_Creator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Depths of hell

Often couples from colleges or teenagers come to the woods to spend good time with each other. So, he decided to kiss me, so that they did not stop us or talk to us. If they did, they would have realized that I did not look normal and there was a chance that they would have tried to take me and sell me to the lab. Though, I was sure that we both are strong enough to face them, I think he was worried that the secret of their existence could be jeopardized.

So, the kissing was the best alternative we had. Our kiss must have distracted the hunters, they would have thought that we were a couple, and came into the dark woods to make out. So, they left without disturbing us. They just snorted and shook their heads as they left.

He finally let me go and I took a breath of relief when he took a few steps back and blamed me in an over exaggerated manner!!

"What are you trying to do? huh? taking advantage of a single man in the woods? who would have known you are this perverted!!" my eyes widened could he be more ridiculous.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I was astounded when he hid his chest like a virgin woman who was molested!

He looked at me as if I had taken his advantage! "You you!!" I was so astonished that I could not even form a sentence!

"Yes! Me me! You tried to take advantage of me! I have never thought you had that kind of thoughts towards me.`` I could not believe his audacity! My cheeks puffed up and I felt rage rising in my chest. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths to control the rising anger and then stomped my feet hard on the ground.

I snorted and turned to leave that oversized dog right there. Who would want to be with him anyway? He was nothing but a narcissist crazy man! But when I turned to leave we heard a lot of footsteps again. I was sure there were more humans! I mean more hunters there!

Even he realized the threat as he came closer to me and held my hand. He forgot that he was teasing me and acting as a molested man.

"Kissing will not work forever, little pup. You have to learn to hide your abilities!" I could feel the gravity of his voice. His gaze was boring holes in my body. He was worried for me, his eyes were filled with concern, yet I was doing nothing but lying to him. I bowed my head as my eyes filled with guilt and I heard him taking a big sigh. He must be thinking that i bowed my head because i was afraid

"Now I understand why your pack left you behind." his voice became strained. I did not know whether he was worried about me or he was worried that I would drag him down. But I did not want to worry him further. So, I jerked his hands away from my wrist and looked straight into his eyes.

He was looking shocked by my abrupt actions. "I did not need your support. I have handled myself this far, I will handle further too. From now on, we have our separate ways!" he did not say a word, did not react or tried to stop me. He just continued to look at me with his golden eyes, his eyes were not looking stoned anymore. He was looking rather calm.

I turned my face away as tears started to brim in them. Why have I turned into such a cry baby!! I wanted to beat myself for being so weak and pathetic! What had I thought? That he would fulfil his promise of being with me forever? That he would take care of all my problems and I would be secured with him. Had I forgotten how strong I was? And I could handle a bunch of them alone! Tsk tsk.. I might be weak when it comes to shapeshifters but I was strong enough to handle humans!

Finally I took control over my emotions and my eyes gleamed with ferociousness. Thanks to this curse, my senses had turned strong and I could feel every moment around me with ten times more power. But before I could move further, I felt his hands on my wrist again and he pulled me towards him.

I turned to glare at him but when my eyes met his, I gulped all my words down my throat. His eyes were burning and he was breathing fire. I had never seen him this furious. It looked like he would swallow me whole in a second.

He held my arms tightly and without speaking a word, he started dragging me.

"Leave me! I said leave me!" I glared back at him and shouted as I tried to take my hands back. He had no right over me to drag me like that? What did he think of himself? Jerk!!

"That is it! Leave my hand Ethan!" I shouted as I finally took my hands away from his grip. But when I thought I was finally free. He kabedon me!

His both hands were on each side of the tree while I was trapped in between. His gaze was enough to burn the whole forest when he finally opened his mouth.

"Do you think i am a scum bag to leave you here in the middle of the forest which is covered by hunters to save my own life? Or do you think that I am not capable enough to save you? Huh?

When I promised you that I would take care of you and protect you then I would. How did you even think that you could leave me and choose your own path, Olivia Moore? I will be with you 24/7 as I have promised even when you will walk in the depths of hell."