
The curse of Luna

In the world of your average fantasy , there lives an half elf half mage girl called clover . She is send on a mission where she meets new freinds . Join her on an adventure across Valencia to defeat the curse of the lunala .

Ari_sizuka_573 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Mission partners part 3

Narrators POV :

{ Previously on mission starters part 2 : . We see that all of the candidates or the members of the group are settling in . Then they all are called down the hall to do do an introduction. Then we see the rest of the members introduce the themselves .

1]teresa : she is the leader of the group. She is a demon hunter .

2] violet 🌺: violet is a magic arts user . She too is confused about the mission and her powers .

3] ray : ray is an light and thunder knight . He is very strong 💪 .

4] sylph : sylph is a demon elf 🧝. Half demon half elf 🧝. He is absolutely adorable .

5] kai : kai is a shadow ninja 🥷.

6] ??? : ?????

While the introductions we see that the group is being attacked or is it ? Some strange beasts start to appear in the station . Everyone is shocked 😳 }

Violet 🌺 : ahhh . [ she uses her magic to explode some beasts away from her]

Ace : stay back beasts . [ he hits some beasts ]

Kai : I'll try and figure out what beasts they are . [ he starts using some tricks ]

[ everyone Begins to fight those monsters . Then suddenly they all hear a laugh ]

[ they all look up ⬆️ . Then they see a guy standing up in the chandelier 💡. He is laughing 😆. Then he comes down . Everyone except for the teachers 👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫 stand alert . Then the chief guard breaks the moment . ]

Chief guard: okay okay calm down everyone . He is not an enemy . He is an animal 🦒 🦓 🦊🐯🐸🐒🐣🦇🐝🐞🐻🦁🐵🐔🐥🐺🪱🐜🐼🐮🙈🐧🦆🐗🐛🪰🐻‍❄️🐷🙉🐦🦅🐴🦋🪰🐨🐽🐤🦉🦄🐌🪳🐙🐋🐆🦓🦍🦧🦣🐫🐪🦏🦛🐘🦒🦘🦬🐃🐑🐖🐄🦙🐐🐩 spirits user .

Everyone : an animal user ?

Alex 🐺 : yup . I'm alex . Sorry for the scare earlier . I didn't expect things to get well ... wild .

Ace : wild ? You almost destroyed the station . What are you doing ? Your supposed to protect the place not destroy it .

Alex : destroy ? Heh think for yourself head guardie . My animals hadn't caused anything , but I can't say the same for you . You are the ones who attacked them . They only ever did enter and growl I guess but they didn't even touch you . You attacked them first . What they did was pure self defense .

Ace : I - what ?

Sylph 🧝: he's right err -

Ace : ace

Sylph 🧝: right ace . He is right they didn't attack us first so we just attacked them for no reason. They have all the rights to protect themselves .

Clover 🍀 : I agree with sylph . I think that we shouldn't of attacked them first . I'm very sorry for that .....umm ...Alex ?

Alex : yes I'm Alex , and I'm glad you two understand . At least someone her has an sense of realism. Arnt I right ?

{ he looks at ace kai and ray and violet who was still trying to get lizards off her . }

Violet 🌺: well then get this thing off me . And what I did was for self defense as well I'm allergic to these creatures .

Alex 🐺 : if that's the case then I apologize miss ..?

Violet 🌺: violet . { she finally got the bugs 🐜 🐛 off her }

Teresa : well this certainly has been entertaining to watch . Now get to your rooms everybody . Alex get your pets outside . They may be your power but dangerous or any way of harmful creatures arnt alowed on the dorms . You can keep them in the pet center . It's out there . { she points at a building which had the animal training center in the name board . It was right outside . }

Alex 🐺 : very well . Thank you very much leader San . I will go and keep them back in . Bye everyone see you tomorrow .

Clover 🍀 POV : huh ? So many powerful people . This adventure is certainly going to be wild . Sheesh this day was crazy enough . *yawn * . Ugh I'm tired 😓.

Teresa : you guys can go back to your dorms now .

Violet 🌺: finally I'll quickly go and shower . Ugh I hate insects 🐞.

{ she goes upstairs . }

Ray : yeah I'll go too bye everyone . 👋. Good night .🌙

Kai : yeah whatever good night I guess .

{ everyone starts heading upstairs . }

Sylph : hello 👋.

Clover 🍀: huh ? Oh its you sylph right ?

Sylph 🧝: yup . I wanted to ask can we be freinds ?

Clover 🍀 : huh ? With me ?

Sylph 🧝: yup . You seem nice . And you stood up for urrr Alex back there . I can tell your a good person .

Clover 🍀: huh . Well thanks 😊. You are pretty nice yourself .

{ they both talk their way upstairs . Then they reached the rooms . Said bye to each others . }

Clover 🍀 : * yaweeen * I'm tired 💤. I'll quickly get to sleep .

Narrators POV :

Then clover 🍀 went to sleep 💤 . It had surely been a tiring day for every one . Meeting new freinds fighting animals surely takes up a lot of strength and energy . So let's her sleep 🛌 . You should go and sleep 😴 too . Bye everyone.

{ end of chapter 2 { mission partners } they all have met their team mates . What happens next ? Find out in the next episode or chapter . Newest chapter . Chapter 3 { the legend , curse and prophecy } coming soon . Find out more of the history in the next chapter . Till then stay tuned loves 💗 }

The end

To be continued -