

I was in that cold and dark place again, there were only a couple of flickering streetlights lit in the distance and, as always when I was there, there was someone very familiar by my side but I could not recognize it. Terror and intrigue ran through me as I fled at a fast pace from a monster whose face I had never seen but I could always feel that beastly presence behind me as well as the characteristic and rotten smell that gave off its breath as if it were rotten by inside. I didn't know how long I had been running, if something characterized that place in addition to being gloomy and terrifying, was that being there you could never perceive the notion of time, a couple of minutes or ten years could have passed but you never had any idea of ​​passing of time or at least not for sure.

In that place there was a very peculiar house with an elegant and old facade, it was totally white outside and inside, the floors and furniture were also of that shocking color or at least that was what could be seen from the outside through the large window that overlooked the main room. Even if I had been to that location several times before, I had never entered that house, however, this time I did. To my surprise, the monster did not follow me and that gave me the opportunity to inspect the construction in more detail, everything looked quite old but at the same time intact, I mean, the furniture did not correspond to the current era but did not have a speck of dust on them. There were several paintings also which contained nothing more than a canvas in the same white color as the walls and there were also a couple of sculptures of the same color in the shape of an angel, the perfection of the whiteness that was in everything was only disturbed by the stinking pools of blood that were in some parts of the floor of the house, the strange thing was that the blood seemed to come from the open wounds that those angelic sculptures had on their feet. In the same way, gloomy melodies that seemed to be coming from some kind of out of tune piano could be perceived from some remote place.

I was on my own stuff until I heard a voice in the distance calling my name. I approached the place from where that voice came that and with each step it became deeper and hoarse, I did not know why but I could not stop walking towards it even if I was terrify about it. Finally, I reached a white wooden door, you could perceive a white light below it, I was sure that the voice was coming from there and my breathing became increasingly agitated as I turned the knob to open. I was spontaneously interrupted by the person who always accompanied me, the one that no matter how much I looked up and down, I could not recognize and could not communicate either since our mouths were sewn to seal our lips. Suddenly that voice stopped whispering my name and shouted fiercely: "Run!"

After this, the person next to me touched my arm to get my attention and then made a sign with his left hand indicating that it was the time of leaving, while with his right hand it was trying to pull me out of there.

Once out of the house, we headed into the dark alleys again so we could look for a way to get out, I don't know how long we ran in circles because of the time distortion I mentioned before but my bare feet ached burning more and more with each step I took on the concrete and the beast felt closer and closer. Finally, we could see a metal door at the end of the alley, we ran with more care than ever and when we got to the door I was the first to go through it, my companion tried to imitate me but something stopped it, it was as if once I entered it had emerged from the floor some kind of barrier so that she could not pass, I tried to pull her with all my might but it was impossible to make her cross the threshold, I was not willing to give up and I kept pulling her arm until the floor under my feet wobbled causing me to fall into the void while I was watching how that person screamed desperately at the same time that it saw me fall and without stopping trying to get rid of that bestial arm full of claws and thorns that clung to its tightly causing her body to bleed in spurts. A drop of blood from its skull fell to my forehead and that was the last I saw before falling onto my bed and waking up in unison from my screams.