
Family Dinner

After my system expulses the vampire venom, I felt better than ever, the headache and toothache disappeared. The problem now it's that I'm going to be introduced to Edward's parents and that's why I'm so much nervous, I don't even know what should I wear and Alice and Edward had to go to the school. At least I have so much time to decide what I'm going to wear.

The rest of the day I watched movies lying on my bed and at 3 P.M o' clock I downstairs to eat with my family and so I mentioned that Alice wants to carry me later to the cinema, they love her so it wasn't so hard to convince them. After getting permission I upstairs to could take a shower and then change my clothes. After a shower and after a fast inspection of my wardrobe, I choose a black dress tight at the waist, with long sleeves, v-neck, not too low cut or very formal, skin-colored stockings,

navy flat style low shoes and a handbag of the same color. Then I took a look at the mirror and I put on a silver necklace not very long in conjunction with a bracelet and a pair of earrings of the same color, I tried to do the same with my hair and my make-up that Alice did the day of my first day with Edward and I think it didn't go so bad.

Two hours later, Alice appeared in front of the principal door of my house and asked permission to my parents to carry me to the cinema. As I said before, my parents love my best friend so it wasn't hard to convince them. Five minutes later, I went downstairs and at the moment Alice saw me, she looked at me in a funny-in love way.

— You look beautiful Lizzy! — said Alice kissing my cheek

— Thank you, you too!

— Alice, are you sure it will be just a movie? You two look too fancy for the cinema. — said my mom with a concerned tone of voice.

— Yes Clarice, but tonight it's the "fancy night" at the car cinema 'cause they going to project "Clueless"

— Oh, of course! I love that movie! Please have so much fun tonight girls, and keep care to my Lizzy!

Once at the Cullen's house I was really nervous, I never was formally introduced to the parents of my latest boyfriends so I didn't have an idea about how to behave tonight or what should I told them.

— Elizabeth! You look perfect tonight! — said Edward hugging me once he saw me at the principal door of his house.

— You too! I love your style!

— Come in please, you feel like in your own home.

— Thank you. Wow, your house it's really beautiful!

— Yeah, but it looks ugly tonight compared to you. — said kissing my lips.

We sat in the dining room after he gave me a little tour of his huge house and a couple of minutes later Alice arrived together with her parents to have a sit. Alice and Edward introduced me with their parents after dinner and then we walked all together to the library of his house. We sat in a little living room inside the library once there and then Edward started to talk.

— Father, the reason why Lizzy is here tonight it's more than just a formal introduced. The truth is that the introduced was actually an excuse, we should talk with you.

— What? About what?

— Elizabeth can't be turned in a vampire and we want to know why. Alice and I even can turn people into vampires or we not even capable?

— What? Well... I will explain to the two of you your condition later. But... How do you know Lizzy can't be a vampire?

— 'Cause Edward turned her by accident a couple of days ago but in the end, the transformation couldn't be complete. — answered Alice instead of her brother.

Alice and Edward told to Carlisle all what happened the days before and at the end of the story, their father just had a thing to say.

— You both can turn people into vampires like another normal vampire. I think this problem was caused by Lizzy's blood and there's just one bloodline that can't turn into vampires.

— What? A bloodline?

— Yes, the Curwood's bloodline. The people who have a percent of original and strong angel blood running in their veins.