
The Cultivator with Over Hundred Magical Beasts

This book is about a young girl that has died from a unfortunate event. All she wanted in life was to have a pet because it was the last thing that she could do with her parents. Now she has reincarnate as another Yang Fen and now has the power and ability that could rival almost any cultivators or even trample over different sects if she choose too. Since I reach 1,000 views on my book, which was a personal milestone for me, I decided to change it to every two chapters per day Monday through Friday but on Fridays, if another personal milestone of mine is reach, I’ll publish additional chapter. Next personal milestone is 2.5k. And this is my first story that I’ve written so I would love y’all’s feedback in the comments.

comicsans_1500 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

- Unexpected Guest

It was the day of the party, and the exam was tomorrow, I was more nervous about the party than the exam itself.

It the party for Yang Fen was in an hour and unlike her mother, Fen was currently running around her room trying to find a dress that best suited for this party and for her.

"I would like to be a purple dress but all of them are for bigger events or for personal events, but this is just so my mother can talk to her friends that she doesn't have a weak daughter anymore. I knew she never doubted about me for even a second." as I thought about this, I finally found the dress I've been looking for.

The dress was green-ish teal with the top being a beautiful orange. This dress patterns of animal paws on the top and it matches so well with my look.

"Mm now I think about it, I never really cared about how I looked know because I was only caring about preparing for the sect."

I found a mirror and finally had a good look at myself.

I had long pitch-black hair that barely reached to my waste. Had a doll like face but you can tell that there was beauty within it, that also paired well with my pure hazel eyes that'll change to brown when I'm happy.

I have a slim body and I was simply to stunned on how I looked.

It took me a bit for me to get back to my senses.

"The guest are coming, and the party is about to start so I better head downstairs to great them."

I was heading downs stairs when I started to feel an eerie presence and only lasted a second, but it had given me enough reason to summon Little Frost from my pendant.

As soon as I summoned her, the presence disappeared in an instant, but I kept Little Frost out just to make sure.

"You felt that presence to, right?"

"Yes, whoever it was, their aura emitted malice and greed, it was a good call to summon me as soon as you felt that aura."

"Well let's head downstairs, the sooner we head to the party room, the higher chance that this person leaves because of the crowd."

They both nod in agreement and what Little Frost said was very close but it wasn't malice that she felt but lust.

. . . . .

Back in the Holy Saber sect in the outer ring where the outer disciples lived, a hooded man came out of a glowing formation circle within the ground and instead of lust and greed, his aura emitted anger and hatred.

"Damn it Damn it Damn it, I was so close."

When he said that he took off his black robe and threw it across the room to reveal himself.

It was Sun Long from the group of cultivators that went to the mountains in the Cold Crimson Forest with Chang Mu, Yon Hei, and Yang Fen.

"Why did she decide to summon that damn phoenix when I was finally ready to knock her out."

"And here I thought that I could make her feel good before I left." he said with such an evil smile. If Fen had even saw a quarter of the thoughts that appeared in Long's mind, she would've sent Little Frost to tear him apart.

"Oh well, she's taking the sect exam tomorrow, she better hopes that she fails because if she passes, I'll make her time in the sect a living hell.

Fen already had an idea what this Sun Long was like, but she never had thought that this Sun Long was worse than the last.