
The Cultivator with Over Hundred Magical Beasts

This book is about a young girl that has died from a unfortunate event. All she wanted in life was to have a pet because it was the last thing that she could do with her parents. Now she has reincarnate as another Yang Fen and now has the power and ability that could rival almost any cultivators or even trample over different sects if she choose too. Since I reach 1,000 views on my book, which was a personal milestone for me, I decided to change it to every two chapters per day Monday through Friday but on Fridays, if another personal milestone of mine is reach, I’ll publish additional chapter. Next personal milestone is 2.5k. And this is my first story that I’ve written so I would love y’all’s feedback in the comments.

comicsans_1500 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

- Sect Exam Part 1

I woke up in my bed happily knowing that today was the day when I get to take the Holy Saber's sect exam.

It was the big hype during the party last night, that and the fact that my mother bragged about my phoenix. Weirdly enough, I was happy with that because I knew my mother suffered from other people criticizing about how weak a cultivator I was, and that I was an idiot.

When my mother told them about my progress, their jaws dropped, and their eyes widen in shock. I got a kick from it every time and some of them ask if they can see the phoenix.

Of course, they can't steal the phoenix from me through natural means. Little Frost was bound to the amulet and to my spirit sea.

Thanks to those methods, even if they do steal the amulet, they can't use it without me giving access to them or me commanding it.

So, with that in mind, I didn't have to worry about it being taken from me, but it didn't stop them from trying to bribe or threaten me to give them the phoenix.

Of course, I never accept any of them because of three reasons:

One is that Little Frost is my first and only friend so far that is my friend in this new world so I would never betray her.

Two, I need Little Frost to cultivate or else I'm in the same situation three months ago.

And three, because I just don't give any crap about what they want or need.

But other than the occasional jack ass that tries to threaten me, the party was peaceful and elegant.

Afterwards, I helped everyone leave and said that I greatly appreciate that they came, mostly so my mother can brag about me to boost her very little ego.

And that pretty much sums up last night.

I realized that I was recalling the memory of last night, so I stopped and refocused what I'm doing.

"I'm supposed to be getting ready, not idling around and going through my memories."

As Yang Fen said this, she looked around and found her "Stabby Stab", her three flask flasks filled with Little Frost blood. It was her gift to me last night in hopes it will last me a while, and a ring that has a purple gem on it with her father's crest on it.

Her father told Yang Lu that if he is gone and if Yang Fen joins a sect, she should have this ring as a sign that she is a part of his side of the family.

Which family did her father came from, she unfortunately didn't know but was now was looking at the ring with sincerity.

"I will treasure this ring father, even more so than my life."

Yang Fen puts on the ring and notices that there are formations on and within the ring, meaning one thing.

"This is a spatial ring, but this is considered a valuable item within middle and higher up families. How did my father get his hands on this."

The more I think about it, the more lost I got. So, I decided to not think about it and used my Qi to give me access to the spatial ring, but I was star struck from what I saw.

"Is that a magical beast egg and it's so big and what's up with this space." Yang Fen was truly confused as to how can a magical beast be alive in an item that can store.

Then she realized that the crest on the ring wasn't her father's crest but a formation, similar to the formation on the blood pendant.

"Wait, so the egg is soul bound to the ring, I wonder what magical beast it is, but it looks like it's not going to hatch anytime soon."

But she was happy that she has a spacial ring now, so she decided to put all of her books, empty glass flask and the flask filled with phoenix blood, the recommendation letter from Hei Yin, her form maker, and a pile of ore call "dream iron".

Her mentor, Zhang Yun gifted it to her so she can use it a material for the items she was planning to make in the future.

"Well, I'm ready to leave, got to say goodbye to my mother so that she knows that I'm leaving."

I was heading out of my room, feeling nostalgic, I left my room with a smile.

It didn't take long for me to find mother.


Yang Lu turned around, seeing her baby leaving her, she starts tearing up and ran towards her to give a big hug.

"Fenn'er, please be safe, I'm going to miss you so much that it's not even funny."

I giggled a little trying to lighten up the mode, "I will, I'll make sure that I visit in the near future to see how things are going."

"Alright, well best not to keep you here any longer or else I'll never let you leave, goodbye dearly."

With tears in my eyes, I hugged her again for the last time, "Goodbye mother, I'll missed you."

I left her embrace and start walking towards the carriage, I had to steel my heart and my resolve so that I didn't break down into tears.

Yang Fen noticed that her mother was trying her best to stop crying.

The last thing I saw was her smile before we left.

. . . . . .

A few hours have passed from being on the road and finally made it to my destination.

What Yang Fen saw almost made her vomit blood from shock.

There were almost three hundred people attending this exam and she knows that only 50 will make it.

In front of the crowd was three old people, on was female and the other two were males but I was too far away from them to get a good look at them.

An hour has passed before there were 500 people here before the old people first spoke.

"Hello future disciples, I'm Chin Lie and welcome to our Sect Exam"