
Chapter 2


After waking up, Ye Mo finds that he is somewhat drowsy, so he guesses that has something to do with the world transfer or something. After shaking his head a little, Ye Mo stands up and looks around to see where he is.

From all the trees he can see around him, he guesses that he is in something like a forest. Ye Mo looks around his area closely just to make sure that it is safe around him, since he knows that this isn't a safe place. After seeing that there are no beasts or people around, he relaxes, but he still climbs up a tree so he can be even safer.

"Ah, how do I open this System thing? Should I just call out to it or something? Well whatever, let's just try. System?" Ye Mo calls out, hoping that it works.

[Ding! Host has activated the System. There is information about this world in the database, would Host like to absorb this information?]

"Yea, give me the world information, please." Asks Ye Mo towards the screen.

[Ding! Host will feel dizzy for a few seconds, please withstand it.]

Ye Mo suddenly finds himself very dizzy and nearly falls off of the tree, but he manages to firmly grab onto it and doesn't fall off. After around a minute the dizziness fades away and as a result, he has gained all the information placed inside the System database by the Goddess.

The world he is in now is called Malpo, and it is a cultivation world. There are 5 continents on the world. The continents are; Boza Continent, Nopar Continent, Yula Continent, Qin Continent and Solar Continent. The weakest continent is the Boza Continent, while the strongest is the Solar Continent. The place he is currently located is the Forest of Horrors, within the Boza Continent borders.

The cultivation ranks are; Qi Ji, Qi Lo, Qi Mu, Qi Sa, Qi Pa, Qi Ti, Qi Na, Qi Zu and Qi He. Each realm has a total of 9 stages to them. Qi Ji being the lowest, Qi He being the highest. The amount of people at Qi He amounts to no more than a thousand.

This world, Malpo, has 572 trillion people as of now, which is over a few hundred times of Earth, at least. There are many empires and kingdoms all spread out throughout the 5 continents. There are at least a million empires, and a few million kingdoms, in total.

There are grades for weapons and pills as well. The weapons and pills all grade from 1, which is the lowest, to 9, which is the highest. For weapons, the only kind of people who can have grade 9 weapons are Qi He overlords, but even then it is just a maybe. For pills, if one has a grade 9 healing pill, it would instantly heal any wounds the consumer has.

"Wow. This world is massive, probably 300 times the size of Earth, maybe. Only a thousand people at most are at Qi He, huh. I wonder if I would ever manage to reach that realm." Ye Mo mutters to himself.

[Ding! Host has finished sorting through the information placed inside the database, resuming System functions. Host will be given a system rundown. Host can say or think 'Status' to bring up his status screen, which shows Host's stats, cultivation progress, points and such. To access the System Shop, Host just has to think 'Shop' in his head. Due to a Host wish, the System is capable of evolution, but that is further down the road. Host should check his Status, to see what there is.]

"Status" Ye Mo does what the System says and brings up his status to check out.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: N/A

- Cultivation Technique: N/A

- STR: 8

- AGI: 8

- VIT: 8

- INT: 8

- Skills: N/A

- Perks: Perfect Memory

- Points: 0

- System Level: 1]

"So my name and age are the same as on Earth. All my stats are at 8, and why the hell is there a few question marks beside human in the race? Am I not a human? My perfect memory is also there. System, can you explain to me?" Asks Ye Mo.

[Ding! Host stats are all at 8, because that is the maximum any person can have before they enter Qi Ji. Your Perfect Memory is a perk which you gained from a wish. The reason why there are ??? beside your Human in the race is something I cannot explain to you at this time. System Level is what the level of the System is. The current level is 1. You can increase the System Level by using 1000 points. If you wish to know the problem with your race, Host has to increase System Level to 10.]

"System Level 10, huh... Whatever, I will find out eventually. It's going to take a lot of points though, since level 2 is already 1000. Oh yeah. System, how do I get my starter pack?" Asks Ye Mo.

[Ding! Host shall be given the starter pack now, please wait...






granted! Host has been given the starter pack! The content are as follows: Death Mantra Cultivation Technique, 100 points, Grade 1 Dagger, Grade 3 Silver Spider silk robe and Enhanced Regeneration perk.]

All of the sudden, a black robe with silver lines all over it and a white dagger fell onto Ye Mo's lap, causing him to nearly fling them away. Thankfully he stopped himself in time, or else he would have to go and get them back.

Ye Mo suddenly had information about the Death Mantra enter his soul space, giving him the information on how to cultivate using it. According to the information, the Death Mantra technique is a max grade technique, something that only God's should have. It's most likely the Death Goddess's gift, guesses Ye Mo.

"At least I got this robe from the gift pack, since I am naked as hell right now. If not, I would have probably had to buy clothes from the shop. I got 100 points, but I don't know if that is a lot or not. That enhanced regeneration perk, I can already guess that it probably increases my vitality or something, which allows my injuries to heal faster." Mutters Ye Mo before he stands up and climbs down the tree.

After getting down to the ground, Ye Mo puts the robe on his naked body, and instantly feels it shrink to fit him perfectly. It also apparently came with underwear, which he put on as well. As for the dagger, Ye Mo places it in between the robes belt, securing it in place.

"System, can you tell me if it is dangerous around me or not?" Ye Mo asks the System.

[Ding! Host is fine. The nearest beast is 132 KM from Host location, which is an 8 hour walk. Host can rest assured and cultivate at ease.]

Ye Mo widens his red eyes a bit but quickly relaxes since it is no surprise that the System could guess why he asked. Ye Mo sits down on the ground cross legged and, according to his memories, uses his new Death Mantra technique to cultivate.

At first he felt nothing, but he kept trying. After failing to gather any Qi for a few hours, Ye Mo finally manages to get a strand of Qi to enter his body. Carefully guiding the strand of Qi, Ye Mo gets it to his dantian, which greedily absorbs it instantly.

The instant the stand of Qi was absorbed by his dantian, Ye Mo felt a tremor go throughout his entire body, causing him to shiver. Following that was a burst of intense pain, nearly causing him to cry out, but he manages to hold it in.

The pain only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared, so Ye Mo is inwardly glad at that. Wondering what that pain was, Ye Mo decided to ask the System about it.

[Ding! Host felt pain because you have just entered the Qi Ji stage. This happens to everyone, so there is nothing to worry about. Host is officially a cultivator now! Host has gained another 200 points for entering the Qi Ji realm. That is the bonus pack host has gained.]

"Huh. My bonus pack for entering Qi Ji is only 200 points. Well, that might not be bad. 200 points is probably something I wouldn't even earn myself for a while." Mutters Ye Mo.

Ye Mo stands up and instantly feels that his body is full of power, a lot more compared to before. Confused as heck, Ye Mo checks his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 1

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 15

- AGI: 12

- VIT: 50

- INT: 10

- Skills: N/A

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration

- Points: 300

- System Level: 1]

"Holy boost in stats there. Especially VIT, it went straight to 50. That enhanced regeneration is more of a bonus than I thought. My STR increases by 7 and my AGI by 4, not bad. No wonder I felt I was a lot stronger, I doubled my strength." Ye Mo laughs. The increase in his stats surprised him, but he is more happy than anything by it, since he is the one getting stronger from it.