Vivian thought her life was finally in the right track, until the man she loved, her fiancé, broke up the engagement on the day of her birthday. Hakoon, the Crown Prince, who is doing everything to avoid getting married for the time being, found a beautiful lady in despair who will be the help he needed. "It's a win-win thing." He said, but... maybe things get out of hand. Pretend to court her seemed such a good idea!
Margareth, being a married woman with a very passionate man, could tell what Brian had in mind.
"Well, you can stay in here, while Lady Astley and I go for a walk." Margareth said and gave Brian a meaningful look. But he pretended not to understand.
"A stroll? I love strolls!" He said and got up, smiling at Vivian and offering her his arm. "My Lady?"
He, of course, offered his other arm to Margareth, after all, he had to be polite. She was not only part of his family, but the Queen.
Vivian was a little embarrassed, because to start with, she had been invited by the Queen to the Gardens as if she and Brian really had some sort of commitment, which they didn't. It was all a lie! But then, she also had to have in mind that he helped her and now it was her turn. His family had to believe he had marriage in mind and so, Vivian was the one he had set on.
They walked for a while, stopping here and there to look better at the flowers and Brian was curious about Vivian. She seemed very fond of nature and interested in botanics. Something he himself loved, but hardly a Crown Prince could enjoy whatever he liked. He had to do what was expected of him and botanic's skills and knowledge was not one of those.
Margareth noticed how Brian seemed genuinely comfortable around Vivian and they both seemed to be a happy couple, a peaceful one. She loved Brian as if he was a brother to her and by seeing him like that, filled her heart with joy.
"Ah, I remembered I must talk to my dear husband… But please, I don't want to disturb your enjoyable time. You have the permission to stay here." She said, smiling. Vivian was about to say she was going to return to her home, but Brian spoke first.
"Thank you, Mag. Always very kind." He said and Margareth nodded. Vivian and him made a bow before the Queen left.
Once alone, Brian noticed how Vivian was clenching her hand on the ham of her sleeve.
"Are you nervous, my dear Lady Astley?" He asked and looked around. "Or may I call you Vivian, since we are alone?"
They were not alone, of course. A lady in waiting was close to them, but with enough distance to give them privacy to talk.
"Your Highness, please…" Vivian asked, blushing. "Is there any reason why you would like to be 'alone' with me?"
"I like your company, isn't that enough?" He asked, shrugging.
"Hmm, maybe." She answered, a bit embarrassed. "But I believe we should be more careful."
Brian frowned and glanced at her.
"What do you mean, my Lady? Careful with what?"
Vivian couldn't believe he was unable to understand their situation. They were walking, together, without the Queen, inside the Royal Garden!
"Your Highness…"
"Brian." He said. For some reason, he didn't want her calling him so formally. "Call me BRian when we are like these, just the two of us."
"B-brian." She said and took a deep breath. "We are not really engaged. In any way but for a deal, which is not intended to lead us to matrimony." She whispered, because even though the woman behind them was quite far from them, it would be best not to take chances.
Brian was looking ahead and then turned his head to his left. It coincided with her turning to look at him and the sunlight bathing her eyes, her greenish eyes, made Brian's heart skip a beat. For a moment, he was completely incapable of listening. He could only concentrate on the figure of the small woman holding his arm with her warm little hand, which he became well aware of at that moment.
"I know we are not into a real relationship, not as a romantic couple, at least. But, if it is not too troublesome for you, my Lady, would you mind prolonging a little bit more? Because as you can see, my family has started to believe in my intentions of marriage. I just need time." Brian said and smiled at Vivian, who held her breath.
'How can he be so handsome?', she thought, mesmerized. Brian Baskerville had full eyebrows, very dark, which made a great contrast with his icy blue eyes. He was intimidating and alluring at the same time.
"Time for your family to believe you really liked me and then… What?"
"Then you'll break my heart and I won't ever be able to marry again." His bounty answer made Vivian open her mouth agape, glaring at him, perplexed.
"But… Your.. I mean, Brian, it is preposterous! You are not only asking me to deceive the Royal Family, but also to be the one who will make you incapable for marriage! What about your heirs?"
"I might marry later. Not out of love, of course. That is not a possibility." He offered her a smirk.
"What if the right woman appears and you're pretending to be heartbroken? She might not even approach you, because of the fear of rejection."
"It would be such a pity, indeed." His tone was a little condescending and Vivian squinted at him.
"I believe it is time for me to return to my house. Thank you for the stroll, Your Highness." Her tone was more formal and Brian didn't like it one bit. Not only because it could be seen as insolence, no, but because he didn't want her to be angry or disappointed at him.
"Did I say or did anything that offended you, Vivian?" He used her given name on purpose as to show her he really preferred their interaction to take a first-name basis.
"No, absolutely not, Your Highness. Please, would you be so kind as to send me off?"
Brian swallowed hard and before Vivian could walk away, he grabbed her arm without turning her to him and approached the young lady.
"Don't be mad at me." He whispered and sent chills down her spine. "Please."