
The Crown Cries

Alexios Norcross, a supposed god of war for his time. In a land fueled with tragedy, deceit, and treachery, no one is safe from the games the blue bloods and royalty play. He fights, he wins, but when he falls, what happens then? A man revered for his might and prowess, a man respected for his honor and loyalty. his trust is broken, and his loyalty in tatters, he fights for the only thing he knows is real. his family and himself. Now alone from his family, he will strive to make sure he never loses in the game again. Follow across lives as Alexios tries to live another life free from the same game that trapped him. see if he falls for the same traps from before or if he finds a way to free himself from the spiders web. a kiss from death was all he needed to see the truth. Got some adventure. Has gore in certain places. Warm pleasant atmospheres. Vile language from some characters(ecspecially when drinking). A touch of romance. Readers choices and opinions develops the story ever slightly creating a alternate universe that were all involved in. Enjoy! Just for anyone wondering, it will be extremely slow the first about 5 chapters as it's just our MC growing, learning, progressing, Their will be only little action and more on what's happening around to tie it all together. I apologize for anyone wanting to just jump in but I promise I'll work on it more to satisfy everyone's wants. I will be updating 2 chapters hopefully everyday, at least 1 chapter a day. I do not claim ownership of game of thrones or any related characters belonging to game of thrones. I only own my OC characters. Any material belonging to other sources belongs to their respected sources and are used purely for enjoyment. This is my first work on the platform and was just bored after reading a updated chapter. Give me ideas, and help build this story along with me. open to ideas and constructive criticism. Your choices do revolve around the story influencing my creative writing into a direction of your choosing.

BBQChickenAlertBB · TV
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41 Chs

Submission and Reform

The camp was eerily quiet and filled with distress as everyone thought of the last battle. The commander's tent filled with curses and howls of outrage at what had happened. Alexios sitting watching his men yell back and fourth of what just occurred and looked at the only other quiet man there, Robb. The young wolf sat there contemplating everything and could only blame his own ignorance at his ignorance towards the Bolton's. As the tent began to turn somber and silence reigned over the group, Alexios grabbed a scroll and placed it onto the table.

"The Bolton's were being funded by the Lannister's and right now Roose Bolton's head should be on its way here with a few of his supporters escorted by my soldiers. Traitors will not live in my presence, if you think about betraying me or anyone under me, then you will die. Now, one day of rest for everyone and after that we will attack kings landing again. This time, I will break down those gates and we will not be halted a second time." After his words, he stepped outside just in time to see Roose Bolton's head being placed atop a spike facing King's Landing.

The day of rest was filled with cheers and goading at the watchers on the wall of King's Landing. The guards stiff and nervous waiting for the hoard to move again and batter their walls with their might. The night was even more restless as Alexios had his scouts make calls from every direction of King's landing they could without being discovered, keeping the enemy on edge all night. By morning Alexios along with his army had positioned themselves and were ready for their assault. Tyrion looking down at them could only sigh and as Alexios was about to lower his arm, he saw something he wasn't expecting.

The gates had opened and Tyrion went down to the gate dressed in customized armor for the smaller man. Alexios waves for Robb and Umber to come with him while the others stay and prepare for the worst. As Alexios gets close, he dismounts his horse and approaches Tyrion alone. "You've captured our king and as well as his mother and uncle, I am here to discuss peace." Alexios looked at Tyrion before laughing out loudly making the guards behind Tyrion flinch back slightly.

"Sorry, it's just that I think I heard you wrong my friend, you meant surrender. Otherwise Roose Bolton's head won't be alone by tonight's end." Tyrion gulped and then gathered his composure before sighing. "I am officially notifying you of our surrender Alexios Dragen." Alexios smirked and then shook Tyrion's hand with fervor before shooting a greenish flame towards the sky which incited a round of cheers from his side. Tyrion could only watch in awe at his display of magic that was only used as a message.

The night came quickly as Alexios sat on the Iron Throne looking at Jaime, Cersei and Joffrey Lannister. Each one on their knees in the throne room surrounded by his most trusted soldiers, commanders, and advisors. Alexios straightened himself before clearing his thoughts. " You are war prisoners, men and women from the defeated. You plotted, slandered, and even killed my former liege; did you think I would slumber through all that you've done without waking? You're only here now because Tyrion Lannister surrendered under the terms that I do not behead you without a proper trial first and at least hearing his pleas."

Cersei was the most surprised as she looked over at the standing Tyrion to the side with both disgust and a sorrowful expression. Joffrey was honestly the hardest to gauge only because his rage and fear was overflowing so much that any semblance of rationality was thrown away. Jaime was looking into Alexios's eyes and wondered why they ever made him their enemy in the first place. "Jaime Lannister stand, and speak your case first." Jaime arose from his kneeling position and did a look over at everyone present before looking again at Alexios.

"Alexios Dragen, I have been a gold cloak for many years now and I was made commander of the army you faced. I see no reason why you would let me live other then you trying to employ me into your services. Saying this, I have to say, I am willing to offer my loyalty to you in exchange for their safety." Alexios looked deeply at Jaime in thought before chuckling, then standing from the Iron throne. "How do I know you will serve me loyally and what's to stop them from not raising their banners again against me if I let them go?"

"Tyrion will lead house Lannister so Cersei and Joffrey will have to either live off of his good graces or be submitted to the harsh reality of how peasants live. As long as they are safe and you will do nothing to harm them directly or indirectly. As for my loyalty, I can only say, my sword is yours to own and use as you see fit… my king."

Alexios started to applaud Jaime, taking a step with every clap till he was towering over him. "Are you willing to take a blood oath on that, Jamie Lannister? Are you willing to be among the ranks of very few but ever strong?" A cold sweat started to affect Jamie as he gulped his saliva. " I am my king if that is what you wish of me." "Tonight all of you will see his oath take place and his life reborn as my Blood Guard."

Joffrey could say nothing seeing his life spared due to his uncle's action and even Cersei was silent knowing she would probably never be able to see him again. Alexios looked at his statues for any new updates through the war.


Name: Alexios Dragen (The Giant, Cold Negotiator, The Bloody Monstrosity, The Northern King)

Age: 17 years

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 13

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 15

Charisma: 15


-Psychological mastery

-Enhanced evolved body

-Memory palace


-Breakable limits

-Innate magical talent

-Innate maximum learning talent

-Fire mastery(9)

-Water mastery(5)

-Wind mastery(6)

-Earth mastery(8)

-Light mastery(8)

-Shadow mastery(8)

-Lightning Mastery(4)

-Metal Mastery(5)

-Ice Mastery(5)

-Nature Mastery(5)

-Weapon mastery(Max)

-Hand combat(Max)


-Greatsword Arts(8)

-Dagger Arts(6)




Perks: Legitimized Bastard, Blessed Genius Intellect, Fertile, Blessed Attractiveness, Tall, Blessed Strength, Well Endowed, Robust, Young Alpha Wolf, Draconic Blood, Erudite, Master Fighter, Brave, Diligent, Family Person, Aggressive Leader, Organizer, Cavalry Leader, Inspiring Leader, Flat Terrain Expert, Socializer, Hunter, Duelist, Strategist, Administrator, Scholar, Honest, Ambitious, Honorable, Lustful, Dragon's Blood, Proud, Defender, Rough Terrain Expert, Mountain Terrain Expert, Unyielding, Battlefield Terrain Master, Winter Soldier, Dragon Dreams, Mystic, Administrator, Avatar of War

Titles: God of war, Blessed by the goddess of luck(improves luck in everything), blessed by the goddess of life(healing magic is increased, fertility is increased, longer lifespan, increased body constitution, blessed by the god of magic(all magic is easier to learn and more effectively used, affinity with all magic and able to make new spells with your magic, increased intelligence and wisdom), Heir to Snake Mount, Blood Fang Mercenary Leader, Watched by R'hllor, Diligent Apprentice, Combat Expert, Chosen by R'hllor, Higher Lord, Lord of Prosperity, Golden hands, Favored by the God of Death and Undeath, King of North


Seeing his new additions, he was satisfied but wished he could see more, ever wanting more. The sun descended and night was upon the Iron throne, Jaime held the goblet filled with crimson blood as Alexios stood in front of him. Some horrified seeing what was happening and others intrigued though the ones who have been through it only waited patiently. As the blood went down his throat, his eyes went wide as he dropped the goblet and everyone was able to see Jaime roar outward in pain with a raw forceful burst of power. After the display of power, Alexios grabbed the falling man before handling him to someone to take to a room.

Dismissing everyone there, he had 1000 soldiers escort Tyrion, Cersei, and Joffrey back to Lannisport. Though only after discussing if Tyrion would like to become a Blood guard only for the small man to let him think on it. Alexios wasn't upset about it, he just saw an undisciplined intelligence and cunning behind Tyrion's eyes and was intrigued by him, was all. He had to say using his stratagem in that last battle was a tactic he never saw coming and that was rare nowadays. After a long week of paperwork and straightening out the mess of King's Landing, He started to make his reforms for this part of Westeros.

While doing that, He was also planning on the Stormlands fall. He wasn't worried greatly as he was getting reports on how the Dornish and Reach's soldiers were pushing the Stormlands back greatly. It was only a matter of time, now with Toros's army heading there, it would fall within the next following weeks to come. His workers started to travel down south building and improving the open land's he had taken for himself. For one, King's Landing was going to change in a big way.

This rotting pile of filth and swine were in for a rude awakening when his workers arrived. He was planning expansion, sewers, baths, and even a few more projects he had lined up to get the poor back onto their feet and working again. It would take at least a year for the changes to finally start hitting them and for any revenue from the projects to come in but he wasn't worried about that. He was worried about stabilizing his new empire.

Hey everyone, back at it again with another chapter for your hungry minds to feast on. I hope you enjoy the chapter, as now Alexios is starting to feel the weight of not just being a military leader but a leader for the people living under his rule. FInd out soon on how he handles it and if his rise will be as smooth as his conquering. Love ya all and stay safe out there in this crazy world of ours.

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