

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Hidden works in the outskirts II

"You….you are a vampire"the man named Klaus stated with a widened eye as he took more steps away from these two ruthless creatures that stood before him right now but he watched as the other one now walked to where he stood his cold like eyes staring deeply into his own as he could feel a shiver run down his spine.

"For a man who inflicts fear and death upon a person ain't you trembling too much?"Nick asked in a nonchalant tone but his voice alone seemed ready to send someone to their grave. "How many of you are they?"Nick went ahead to question and it was then the man realized why these two were here.

Klaus gulped down the fear dripping down his pants as he found it hard to talk.what was he to say when he knew they had probably come to put a stop to him and all his kinds."I…..I….I…I don't know what you are talking about"Klaus stuttered gathering his words wanting to put on a brave face but heaven knew he was far from being brave right now.

Nick who was already impatient now grabbed his neck squeezing it."it won't take me anything to snap off your neck right now so you better start talking""I swear I know nothing of what you are speak....."the man was still saying but Nick was quick to snap his head off to have the other man who had been in the room all along scream.

"You…you just killed that man"the man's voice trembled as he kept rolling back away from the two. his entire body shaking from fear but the two men had other business to attend to than to care about him.

"How come no one knew about the existence of these creatures until now?"Ronald was the one to ask his eyes moving away from the dead body on the floor to look at Nick.

"From the perspective of things I think they only started coming out in the open recently"Nick reasoned and just as he made the statement he had a laugh behind him to have him turn only to see the man he had just killed a while ago now standing on his feet with a daring smile now playing on his lips.

"Is that all you've got? hmmm?"the man mockingly asked a proud smirk appearing on his lips.

Ronald clicked his tongue now walking towards the resurrected Klaus who didn't fidget anymore and once they were just an ince away from each other, Ronald placed one of his arms on the man's shoulder massaging it as daunting smile appearing on his beautiful lips.

"Forgive my brother,he is often too rude to his hosts sometimes.let me show you how a nice boy does it"saying this, Ronald had not even allowed a gush of wind to pass them by when he had deeped his hand into the man's chest and ripped out his heart the smile on his face dropping as he let the man fall on the floor his body changing to it's true form.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!"the man who was still trying to run from the two screamed at the sight he just saw in front of him."you two are monsters"the man's widened eye now shifted to look at the man who's heart had been ripped out so mercilessly.there was no guarantee he himself would leave there alive.

"Please don't kill me"the man continued wailing his head now bent to the look at the floor instead.

"As expected they can't be easily killed which would make it hard for any normal person to take them down"Ronald said ignoring the wailing man.

"One could even wonder where they came from"Nick paused to look at Ronald "or what created them"

"Sorry but I will like to know if I am going to die,if I will please just get through with it"the same wailing man asked now coming to stand in the middle of the two.

Nick moved closer to the man and he could feels his knees stiffen with sweats dripping down his neck.

Staring directly into the man's eyes,"you will forget everything that happened to you this night"Nick used the ability of compulsion to compell the man to forget anything that ever took place in this damn room and just like that,the man turned and left.

"What do you think will happen to his body?"Nick asked once the man had left.

"Probably burn"Ronald said and immediately he said it Klaus body lit up in flames burning to ashes.

"We won't be able to easily see the others.can you get your wich you do a tracking spell?" Nick asked as it was the only way right now to know how many wraiths they were out there.it was important to get rid of all them if they could.

Wraiths weren't good people when it came to coming in contact with humans.they would make them suffer and plea for mercy but in the end they will end up killing their prey's.

"Hmmm she should"Ronald hummed in response his eyes going back and forth between the ashes on the floor to have Nick notice the way Ronald's red eyes danced around.

"Are you still hungry?"Nick asked Ronald his eyes curiously looking at him.it was just some minutes ago before they had barged in into the man's room that Ronald had biten out of six people and yet he still needed more blood?

"Ignore me"came the non chalant reply from Ronald as he now went out of the room.