
The weather is changing- Part 3

Back in the castle, Madeline stood in front of the tall window that was made of glass. It had started to rain an hour ago. The surface of the window was getting blurry and hazy because of the temperature that had begun to drop. Due to this, she was not able to see anything, but that didn't stop Madeline from trying to continue to watch the rain that was pouring outside and the lightning that was taking place up in the sky. 

Bringing her hand forward, her fingertips touched the surface of the window to clear the glass that had fogged itself. Once she cleared the surface, she could again see the clouds and the grounds of the castle but not as clear as she did in the beginning. The surrounding right now was quiet under the sound of the rains that nulled everything else to bring in different kind of silence. 

Madeline had been standing in the high tower after Lady Lucy left the castle. She was spending her time alone by herself with no one around her.